I was referring to the optional 'challenge' route in Ivory King.
The DLC is great; the challenge route is horse rape.
well, reindeer rape.
Love the design of that place, pretty much my favourite one of the three DLC. Really makes you properly feel like an adventurer delving into an ancient place filled with treasure and danger.
It's just the Velstadt helm, but yeah. It's a nice little treat.
BTW, make sure to play the full game in NG+ -- DS 2, more so than DS 1 or Demons Souls has a lot of nice touches and changes throughout the game for NG+1. The only downside is if you start off with upgraded gear it makes a lot of stuff very easy. Not a bad idea to test out weapons you haven't yet -- I'd especially suggest power stancing some of the DLC weapons, they tend to have unique powerstance moves (majestic GS, nil curved sword, sorcerer's twinblade, etc.)
Dark lurker has punked many people as an end game boss, you do have to keep in mind that if you go in well prepared it's gonna be easy no matter what. I often have more difficulty on mid game bosses than I do on end game bosses if only because I tend to move quickly and so often I am under levelled and under geared for the mid game bosses. That's not to say they're any real challenge, but that I do less damage and have less health, etc.
Tho at this point every char I make is a twink, and so I'm working with gimped stats that I overload into ADP (need that agi).
Yeah I had to look that up to see that I had missed it. Also, I got a soul from one of the knights. It hints that the spirit may lay it to rest but she doesn't "take" it. Anyway, I guess after the blizzard area, it's final final boss time.
What is the Key to the Embedded for again? You use it on that dude who chained himself to the door, free the Milfanito... and then what? I don't remember if she gave you anything or unlocked something for you.
You should check out King's Field IV, if you haven't already. It's basically Sunken City: The Game, with a very similar aesthetic and Looking Glass quality level design.
I was referring to the optional 'challenge' route in Ivory King.
The DLC is great; the challenge route is horse rape.
well, reindeer rape.
that's a fair description of all 3 DLCs: the regular stuff is amazing, probably the best Souls "game" to date, while the optional challenge routes are easily the worst thing in a Souls game ever (yup, i still think gank boss is beyond stupid. don't see what's so cool about it other than the meta-mockery of gank squads, because it just devolves into "run circles around the environment until you manage to separate one from the other 2. parry/backstab. repeat until dead". it's beyond stupid and excruciatingly boring. it's actually not only easier, but also better (probably the only souls "boss" that is better in multi) with some players 'cause it doesn't devolve into mindless circle running ad nauseam)
I never played NG+ and instead opted to make new characters. Is it worth it here? I don't like the idea of the same enemy placements with stat buffs.
I heard you like pursuers so I put pursuers in your pursuers so you could get pursued while you pursue.
I think the poor quality of my build is starting to catch up to me. Having real troubles with the DLC areas. Is magic damage shit, split damage shit, or are the enemies just pretty tanky in general?
It's not like 54 int is very good either way, but I wanted to try those high int spells(spoiler alert, they suck)
I haven't even been using sorcery that much, mostly the blue flame +5 (and before that magic ricard's rapier). Blue flame is actually a really strong weapon, and good poise damage too.Spell casting only works when you can 1-2 shot enemies. I went into the Sunken DLC area with my Mage and it takes me like 4-5 hits to kill a single enemy with 50 Sorcery and a Magic Staff of Wisdom +4. The problem is that the enemies usually come in packs, have lots of health and do a shitload of damage. It's a real nightmare to deal with as a squishy caster. I'm not sure if I want to subject myself to the torment of trying to beat the DLC with this particular character lol.
And, yes, Sorcery damage is indeed shitty and hardly worth the time in this game.
I see. What a shame.So in NG+ all enemies get a bonus to their resistances, and the DLC enemies are already more resistant, which really curbs the efficacy of magic and infused weapons. In late game (level 200+, ng+ cycles) you'll want to focus on physical damage near exclusively. This is especially true with split weapons as it is with pure elemental spells.
Meh, I don't really pvp that much. Dunno why. I should, because I remember having a lot of fun ratting people. I just wish it was easier to combine pvp play with progressing in pve. It is such a shame they fucked up the blue sentinel/apostle/invader eco system.The curved dragon sword is p good for PVE, for PVP you're nearly always better off with fast weapons unless you're an MLG master.
I wouldn't say that elemental/magic is COMPLETELY useless .