As opposed to DS1 or in general?There's something a bit off about how this game controls
In the former ase, it's becaue DS2 runs surprisingly well on the PC.
As opposed to DS1 or in general?There's something a bit off about how this game controls
I like being able to fast travel from every bonfire at the beginning of the game.
Well, this has been an elaborate troll. A good one I must admit.My god, I don't like this game not at all. There are a lot of changes to how the game plays compared to DS1 and it has reached a point at which it feels weird and some of the changes just feel like they were put just because. The world has yet to show the connectedness that it had in DS1.
nothing wrong with fast travel, it breaks the tedium of having to run around the same area multiple times.I like being able to fast travel from every bonfire at the beginning of the game.
nothing wrong with fast travel, it breaks the tedium of having to run around the same area multiple times.
I consider thisIf you're serious, then I recommend you consider DS2 a self-sufficient title on its own, it's not an addon to DS1. The mechanics are different, the controls are different, there will be a learning curve again and you must accept it, since this is what Dark Souls experience is about. DS3 will be different again and people will have to re-learn again. It's a natural part of the process.
but you sound like either Miyazaki fanboy trolling or simple retard.I'm not trolling
I don't like how locking-on to an enemy means that they have a very high chance of attacking you.
but you sound like either Miyazaki fanboy trolling or simple retard.
How are classes more specialized? They are carbon copy of DS1 classes and only Pyromancer is missing. The world is not at first as interconnected as was lets say Undead Burg-Parish-Blightown but there are what 5 or 6 connections from Majula?
Areas and Bosses in DS2 gets better with time while they got worse in later parts of DS1(dlc excluding).
Jumping is the same shit only this time you can customize your controls.
Parrying is not worse but different and more difficult.
You dont like losing health on every death? Dont even try playing DeS![]()
I consider DS1 as a best game "to experience Souls games for the first time" but DS2 has much bigger replayability and better multiplayer
i disagree about replayability. i think the enormous size, coupled with the generous Soul Vessels and the ability to push any area/respawn bosses with ascetics, actually kill the replayability of the game. thanks to the much improved multiplayer and PvP in general i think i have just as much, if not more, hours in DaS2 as in DaS1, but i've only completed it maybe 5-6 times over 2 platforms. while DaS1 i have gone from beginning to end at least 14 times
Areas and Bosses in DS2 gets better with time while they got worse in later parts of DS1(dlc excluding).
bullshit. past Drangleic, only the Crypt isn't utter garbage. i'd take New Londo or the Archives over anything (DLCs excluded, of course) in DaS2 past the shrine of winter except for the Undead Crypt
i disagree about replayability. i think the enormous size, coupled with the generous Soul Vessels and the ability to push any area/respawn bosses with ascetics, actually kill the replayability of the game. thanks to the much improved multiplayer and PvP in general i think i have just as much, if not more, hours in DaS2 as in DaS1, but i've only completed it maybe 5-6 times over 2 platforms. while DaS1 i have gone from beginning to end at least 14 times
I think your notion of replayability is strange. Starting from scratch is not necessary for replaying to be in effect.
Sorry by later areas in DS2 i meant dlc areas not Drangleic Castle,Shrine of Amana, Dragon Aerie or Undead Crypt. Altough they are corridor-like i actually really like aesthetics of those areas.
I think I encountered him once, at the top of an area.Have you encountered the Pursuer yet? And where?
You know what I mean when I say the world is interconnected. There is a series of shortcuts within the same area that lead back to the same place and open up new areas back to the same place. Within the first area in DS2, there is only one shortcut that does that. The undead-burg-blightown-valley of drakes and all that crap is also a good example of something that DS1 had so far that I have yet to see in DS2.but you sound like either Miyazaki fanboy trolling or simple retard.I'm not trolling
How are classes more specialized? They are carbon copy of DS1 classes and only Pyromancer is missing. The world is not at first as interconnected as was lets say Undead Burg-Parish-Blightown but there are what 5 or 6 connections from Majula?
-Forest of Fallen Giants
-Shaded Woods
-Huntsman Copse
-Heides Tower
I'm not trolling
Areas and Bosses in DS2 gets better with time while they got worse in later parts of DS1(dlc excluding).
I'm not trolling
DS2 is slower paced than DS1/DeS but ffs it has 8-directional rolling and sprinting while locked on when the previous games had only 4 directions. The hit detection is aside from couple shitty grab animations not worse. Just raise Adaptability or learn not to dodge to early.
And regarding your pursuers gif
I'm not trolling
Jumping is the same shit only this time you can customize your controls. Parrying is not worse but different and more difficult. No more parrying Black knights to death, try that shit on Heides Knights. You dont like losing health on every death? Dont even try playing DeS
The game somehow made that tracking shit even worse, why? The enemy tracking that I complained about is worse here.I'm not trolling
What low lvl enemies are faster than you and stunlocking you to death? Hollow Soldiers or Foot Soldiers? You cant be seriousTutorial boss is easy and just spams butt drop attacks or leg stomps? Well welcome to Souls games faggot
I dont even know what is that supposed to mean? That you suck at dodging when playing locked on?
Most of your complains come from inability to change your game-style. "Its not as it was before therefore it sucks!"Believe me i played DS1-DS2-DeS and although i liked lore and setting of DeS the most i just cant stand DeS mechanics-wise
I consider DS1 as a best game "to experience Souls games for the first time" but DS2 has much bigger replayability and better multiplayer
Am I the only one who actually liked Shrine of Amana? Particularly with SotFS, which spices it up a bit.