That dragon in Schoolar, yeah... I spent an entire day trying to beat him, I almost gave up and went into the hole instead. I was playing in the champions covenant though and I was full hollow with no humanities left.
Hmm, as I play this game and get used to it's controls and mechanics, I can't help but feel like the level design is just flat out worse than DS1 so far. I reached that forest area and just like DS1, the forest area here is just a long corridor with nothing to it except enemies with tracking arrows and tracking attacks.
So far, I have at least gotten a 100% blocking shield and some decent weapons. I like halberds here just like DS1 but this time they don't seem to have the problem of long recovery time like DS1 but I'm not going for a dexterity character so eh. I got the ring that limits the health loss from dying.
Also, do you need to be online to summon NPC's? I was sure that I should have been able to summon an NPC for the last giant fight and no sign showed up even after I used a human effigy. Also,
Now, this retarded dragon is giving me hellkite drake vibes with how they positioned him. bullshit.
oh my god I just uncovered some deep shit.
I've been part of the company of champions for a while now and i finally read all that the faction gives. It makes the game much more difficult and also disables summoning of NPC's. My god, no wonder I've been getting 2 shotted by hollows and I couldn't summon that pete guy for the last giant.
Going by what we know that might very well be Ornstein himself going all Artorias.I beat the ornstein 2.0 easily with a summon.
I must've spent ~10 hours grinding 25 I think, with all possible helpers like coins etc. Can't recommend... You can get one of the items just from that queen btw. It pained me to do it, since she's quite nice.Well all that's left is grinding 42 more loyce souls then beating the game. Ugh.
I know. It's only for completionist sake. Speaking of which, I still need to fight the ancient dragon at some point.I must've spent ~10 hours grinding 25 I think, with all possible helpers like coins etc. Can't recommend... You can get one of the items just from that queen btw. It pained me to do it, since she's quite nice.Well all that's left is grinding 42 more loyce souls then beating the game. Ugh.
The two pets are down. God I love those NPCs. Their souls seem to make really crappy weapons though. Well all that's left is grinding 42 more loyce souls then beating the game. Ugh. What a damn disappointment after the past 2 DLCs.