How did DS1 lose its touch after Anor Londo?
As for game design. Deamon's Souls is the best one. Simply put each and every place is amazing up until finish where DS1 losts its touch after anor londo and DS2 aside from few areas is just shit pile of corridors.
Fun Fact: Demons Souls was the only game that encouraged me to do a magic playthrough.
Also, I agree it's a shame that FROM included that boring gauntlet before Alonne. Probably the only blight, aside from the road to Blue Smelter, in that DLC gem.
I want to play Demon again.
After you get the lordvessel and get to warp around it loses some of its tension of beign stuck in the bottom of blighttown, but mostly there are some areas most notably lost izlith and demon ruins which were rushed out for completion and then there is that fucking bed of chaos...How did DS1 lose its touch after Anor Londo?
How did DS1 lose its touch after Anor Londo?
How did DS1 lose its touch after Anor Londo?
Case in point: delusional apologist who speaks for entire community.Half people love DS2 more, another half loves DS1 more. DS1 fans are toxic and have a loud mouth on them, they "reject" DS2 as non-canon and try to speak for the entire community all the time (see example two posts above), while DS2 fans appreciate both games, just love the second one more. That's all there is to know.But I'm curious to know what everyone thinks.
I'd say do them in order. Sunken King was pretty fun, but the first inside bit was a bit of a pain. Iron King was the best with some sweet level design. Ivory King has enemies that are a major pain in the ass, but the environment is a nice change of pace.Which dlc should I start first?
DS2 has more variety in how you want to create your character
True but it is hard to give a shit about your build when you go to the top of that windmill, kill the boss, you take elevator up and voila at the top of that winmill apperently there is castle sunken in lava...DS2 has more variety in how you want to create your character
True but it is hard to give a shit about your build when you go to the top of that windmill, kill the boss, you take elevator up and voila at the top of that winmill apperently there is castle sunken in lava...DS2 has more variety in how you want to create your character
I don't see why that would make it hard to give a shit about your build. Don't see how it's in any way related to build at all.
Can I go pure caster and beat the game without crying myself to sleep?
Should I skill heavily into faith and put only a little bit of points into other skills?
and so on, just some starter tips. someone got some?