I wanted the heide set too!
The first 2 knights dont spawn anymore and they only gave me the gloves only but the whoke set looks so cool...I got almost a full set of ancient armor so might go into full farming mode for the rest
If you go via the Forest and the Pursuer you can get far enough in the bastille to eventually open up a backtracking route to get to the areas you'd have gotten to via the viking area, but you don't need to so you can skip Heide's Tower of Fire and Flames.I'm still working through myself, but I don't think there's necessarily an order other than needing to do certain things to unblock certain paths.
Both Heide's and the Forest eventually go to the same place (you can go in the bird's nest after fighting The Pursuer to go there) but you need to clear Heide's to be able to go the other way through the mechanism on the path there from Majula.
Good point. I don't know that for sure.I'm thinking you have to talk to or kill Licia after the Dragonrider so that you can move the mechanism that leads to Huntsman's Copse and beyond. Don't have to clear the boss in the Cathedral though. Not an expert though, I'm on my first play through, so maybe there's a skip?
Heide sword has the damn mace swings on the 1HR1 <puke>
I don't give a shit about about lore, story or transitions making sense. This may seem strange to you but some of the things you like, others don't. It's crazy but that's just how the world is.
I can understand that, but they should be taken into account when comparing these two games.
After I have everything there I will try to respawn the heide knights and farm the sword again.
But you didn't ask for a comparison between the games. You asked why we like DS2. Those are different questions. To me DS2 isn't really a sequel and I get why people are pissed at that. You should be. But that's From's dirty business dealings not ours. Please stop trying to use DS2/B-Team as a scapegoat because you don't want to criticise From.
I don't give a shit about about lore, story or transitions making sense. This may seem strange to you but some of the things you like, others don't. It's crazy but that's just how the world is.
I can understand that, but they should be taken into account when comparing these two games.
But you didn't ask for a comparison between the games. You asked why we like DS2. Those are different questions. To me DS2 isn't really a sequel and I get why people are pissed at that. You should be. But that's From's dirty business dealings not ours. Please stop trying to use DS2/B-Team as a scapegoat because you don't want to criticise From.
PS: I was wrong about Heides's knights.. you were correct, they do have instant attack. I rarely fight them so, my bad.
After I have everything there I will try to respawn the heide knights and farm the sword again.
You should be able to do that by joining the Champions covenant. Just in case you don't want to use an ascetic, not that they are that bad.
Also you might want to wait until you get more gear that raises item discovery. Farming can get very frustrating in this game..
Forest first. Then it doesn't matter much, you can go either way. But the forest is clearly the first area to explore with the weakest enemies.Is there a recommended order in which to do the areas or is it linear anyways? I just did the Forrest and now I am on my way to heides tower with level 27
For discovery I already have the merchants hat and the dragon watch parma (I think I got it after beating the dragon in head?). After that I will work my way towards different stats and leave faith at 36 to use some very big swords which I will infuse with lightning while I throw lightnings.
I did wonder why some prefer DS2 over DS1, although I didn't specifically ask for comparisons between them as a whole package. My first post here was way too aggressive, and I have actually started to appreciate DS2 more lately. Still, it's odd to read how some love DS2 more than DS1. But as you said, that's how the world is, and all I can do is argue about it on the internet, which can help me understand others.
I'm curious, why don't you consider DS2 to be a sequel? And what do you mean by From's dirty business dealings?
What is this shit.
Wait, hold on.
The Heide Knights drop their armor as well?
What is this shit.
It's Dark souls
Your best bet for them is to walk in range to bait an attack then walk out and wait for them to finish. Preferably in one smooth action. With a mace you can crush them in one flurry. Start with a running attack then fuck their day up.
Yeah farming can be a bitch. Honestly tho, you'll probably end up using a weapon in the next area anyway so you may as well just move on. You'll more item discovery gear later as well. Can always come back.
And yeah, I'm just using storyfag as an umbrella term for.. pretty much anything other than combat.
Must be SotFS stuff, because with all my playthroughs I never got even one piece of armor.Wait, hold on.
The Heide Knights drop their armor as well?
yes everything I have it in abundance.