So you can even cheese the dragon rider. I'm restarting the game.
You mean goading it into falling off of the platform and to its death?So you can even cheese the dragon rider. I'm restarting the game.
Ok I just found the entrance to the Ivory King challenge area and went in to take a look. This is a fucking joke right? An empty field that blinds you every 15 seconds? Were they out of brain cells?
YesYou mean goading it into falling off of the platform and to its death?So you can even cheese the dragon rider. I'm restarting the game.
Am I the only one who actually liked Shrine of Amana? Particularly with SotFS, which spices it up a bit.
I've heard that before and thanks for the advice but I didn't even bother going any farther after I saw the area. I probably will for completion's sake at some point but man what a disappointment after the other 2 challenge areas.dragon rider
you can pseudo cheese the fight with two of them in the throne room too, just stand near the platform where the archer is ant he halberdier will break it and drop the archer early -- allowing you to kill him in 2-3 hits if you have a 'striking' weapon like the craftsman's hammer or any great hammer
80Maxwell08 WELCOME TO HORSE RAPE ALLEY HAHAHAHAHAHAH (using the great club or similar weapon with the 'pancake 2h r2 smash' lets you flatten them in a single hit if you don't have any summons, or if you do have 1 you can throw on the stone ring for extra smashy power).
My god, I don't like this game not at all. There are a lot of changes to how the game plays compared to DS1 and it has reached a point at which it feels weird and some of the changes just feel like they were put just because. The world has yet to show the connectedness that it had in DS1. Also, starting classes are far more specialized than they were in DS1.
I don't like how they made the hit detection worse, I don't like how enemies can stun lock the hell out of you now, I don't like leveling with only one character, I don't like how the jumping is worse now, I don't like this half-health hollow shit. It seems parrying has gotten worse too.
Somehow, FROM was able to make movement feel much smoother with how easy it is to move around and the removal of the weightiness but at the same time you attack sluggishly. So far, it seems like almost all the hollow enemies I have fought attack as fast or even much faster than my character. Couple that with the fact that they can lock you into a combo that you can't move away from or block afterwards, it comes off as stupid.
Fuck, this retarded giant boss was just terrible and lazy. There is nothing to the boss and it suffers from the same problem that the oversized bosses in DS1 suffered from. All you do is stand under the Giants legs and just keep spamming attacks. His hits are easy to dodge with strafing. Lazy shitty boss.
I liked how lock-on has a longer range. I like the new implementation of dual wielding. I like the greatly improved UI, I like human effigy instead of using a bonfire to become human again. I like being able to fast travel from every bonfire at the beginning of the game. I like the new Backstab, it means circle strafing isn't king but at the same time, I don't like how locking-on to an enemy means that they have a very high chance of attacking you.
I might just restart this game to see but so far I'm not liking it.
I'm sure they're compatible, but I'd do a little googling first, because unlike DS1, DS2 has an anti-cheat system that flags you for the next ban wave if you fiddle with your save files to give yourself some items, etc. So if you load a save that steam might consider as "not yours", it might be considered as cheating by the system? It's worth checking out first.I just hope that my pirated save files are compatible with the ones from the legal game.
All weapons/shields are different when used for parrying. There is a parrying dagger and some small bucklers that make parrying very easy and can be pressed late and still work. Others have less parrying frames, and need to be pressed much earlier. Experiment with different takes much longer than DS1 and you have to do it very early before the enemy attacks.
You mean the one at Heide's Tower? They added that one just for SotFS. There used to be one of those big knights there guarding the castle.Now, this retarded dragon is giving me hellkite drake vibes with how they positioned him. bullshit.