Rolk's Drifter
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- Jul 27, 2009
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But Aava? Man, this boss is designed to completely shred the buttholes of shielded up, low AGL turtles. Could NOT beat him to save my life, his attacks have insane hitboxes and you can't roll through them without a good agility. So I respecced to an exact opposite build - lightweight, high-AGL, two-handed Rapier +10 wielding ninja and pushed her shit in on the first try with half my Estus left. Great design. Too bad there are only like 6 or 7 soul vessels in the base game so you can't really respec every time you face a hard boss.
EDIT: Btw I was shocked how little difference in damage received is between a fully upgraded Vengarl's armor set and a basic bitch unupgraded Wanderer set I used on my respecced build. I was shitting myself Aava will one shot me in such a light armor but I could barely notice any difference. Does physical defense on armor really matter so little in this game? (I know that physical and magical DEF on shields matter a lot but armor seems a bit pointless).
Yeah I had a similar epiphany. You're on your way to DS2 enlightenment! Dual rapiers is a deadly set up. Rapier + curved sword/katana are other really fun and powerful set ups. The warped sword even gives you a special spin-to-win L2 attack when it's dual wielded.
Soul vessels.. I always run out of them. It does suck it's limited but if you farm the Giant Lord then one of the memories will respawn a soul vessel. So not too bad but kinda annoying. You also get an ascetic so it's infinite at least.
Armour imo is mostly for poise and magic defense. Magic defense is real but rarely needed. Only really useful against Darklurker. The best option for physical defense is Ring Of Steel Protection.
The armour thing is weird but the way I see the Souls series is rather than trying to have one single generic arpg system, it splits the action/rpg elements into two parts. Action/Twitch skills == defensive ability, while the rpg aspects (min/maxing etc) == offensive ability. So from that perspective it actually makes sense but it's not very intuitive.
This split is also why I'm wary of Souls games getting more action/skill based because it effectively means they will become more about staying alive than killing things. You can sort of see this with Pontiff/Dancer where at times you may as well be watching a cutscene while they go through their combos. It's also why I love parrying because it's practically the only offensive twitchy skill in the game.
Yeah I prefer to go light armor in DSII to get faster stamina regen and longer roll distance. Keep my weight under 40% or even 30% most of the time. Any time I tried to equip a fully upgraded heavy armor set just for special occasions I found myself dying more, not less. My favorite armor is Llewellyn. Has a great balance between defenses and weight and looks cool as shit to boot. It's without helmet, which I like.
Another thing about this game is it's great for shieldless run. I made a shieldless char on my second run and haven't picked up a shield ever since. Two handed longsword is fucking amazing for early to mid game. And I could never play through DS without shield, just to point out what a casul I am.
My experience is almost identical to yours. I really disliked DS2 on my first playthrough because I did the Drangleic thing.