Can someone explain why so many DS fans seem to hate this game? I'm playing it right now and It's literally more of the same except at least now monsters run at you when you shoot them with a bow and don't fall of cliffs and bosses take more than a couple of sword combos to kill.
In terms of base mechanics DS2 is certainly superior to DS1, however where it falters is the world design (highly inconsistant and tends to feel like a bunch of concepts mashed together than a coherent area that makes since), weaker lore (again, fairly inconsistent and doesn't really connect to the previous souls series. Any connection comes across more as an after thought than something they put thought into), and of course, the sheer amount of tedious bullshit that passes for difficulty (let's see, you have the exploding mummies who one shot you that of course is next to a merchant, the chests you can't get to without dying in Iron Keep, the fuck your equipment tunnel in Shrine of Amana, the long ass bridge in the throne of want that of course you have to wait for that fucking door to open to get to)
Really, the only areas that came across as bullshit in DS1 was New Londo and Lost Izalith, and one of those was due to them running out of time and ideas. In DS2, who come across stuff like that earlier and more often, which means they started running of ideas earlier in development.
Don't get me wrong, its not a bad game and I do like some of the changes, but I totally understand why people are disappointed with it.