Cis-Het Oppressor
....or something you can make your way through on preserverence alone if you figure out his attacks.
I swear to you I'm not trying to be sarcastic when I say that that's every good boss fight ever—persevering until you figure out the boss's patterns, openings, etc. That isn't some trick to get by the boss.
I've beaten him before. I had thought (before I started this playthrough; last was in 2017) that I gave up on DS2 before I completed all the DLCs, but now that I've been playing for a bit, I clearly remember fighting Fume Knight. That's not something you're gonna forget. Also, I still have my previous save file, though I haven't loaded it yet.
Make sure you use your sticks on the ashen hoes first otherwise the fight will be Not Fun.
I have been. Took a bit to re-remember what to do with them.