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The Dragon Age: Inquisition Thread


Feb 23, 2011
Gaider's attempt at writing lyrics:

The Dawn Will Come
Shadows fall

And hope has fled

Steel your heart

The dawn will come



The night is long

And the path is dark

Look to the sky

For one day soon

The dawn will come


The shepherd’s lost

And his home is far

Keep to the stars

The dawn will come




Bare your blade

And raise it high

Stand your ground

The dawn will come

This probably means he won't be quitting his day job.


Jul 13, 2007
Gaider's attempt at writing lyrics:

The Dawn Will Come
Shadows fall

And hope has fled

Steel your heart

The dawn will come



The night is long

And the path is dark

Look to the sky

For one day soon

The dawn will come


The shepherd’s lost

And his home is far

Keep to the stars

The dawn will come




Bare your blade

And raise it high

Stand your ground

The dawn will come

This probably means he won't be quitting his day job.

Key word for BioWare audiences highlighted.
Jan 7, 2012
Aren't you gays getting tired of being outraged at armies of paid shills singing praises to make biodrones hurry up and gib 70 potatoes to EA before Denuvo gets cracked?
I'm more fascinated than angry tbh. First Citizen Kane, now Notre Dame, what will the next bad game be compared to?

The Pyramids of Egypt? Great Wall (against the misogynistic barbarians) of China?


Oct 12, 2008
That, or generic "inspirational" lyrics being ultra generic. Stars! Flags! Dawn! Hope! Bare your blade!


Jun 18, 2010
Oh wow.

The Escapist's 10/10 Review said:
I've heard people in the industry compare video games to medieval cathedrals. Those massive structures required coordination from so many different disciplines: architects, masons, painters, mosaicists, glass blowers, sculptors. Video games must also fuse the talents of many different craftsmen and artists: composers, sound designers, level designers, systems designers, visual artists, animators, programmers, voice actors, writers and storytellers. Just like the Notre Dame, you can tell when all of those disciplines are meshing together to form a video game that will be remembered for a long time. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a masterwork.

Bottom Line: BioWare has created a role-playing game which feels like a massive monument to our culture. Inquisition is an absolute blast to experience for one hour or 150.

If this is a monument to our culture on the scale of Notre Dame Cathedral, I can only hope robots kill us all sooner rather than later.

As far as construction projects go, this is more like the Vasa :smug:
Aug 10, 2012
The animation in this game is just laughably bad - I mean if you're going to blow your budget on things like graphics, at least do it properly. Although, I have to say scenery looks nice enough so far.

I'm halfway through Hinterlands (the first big area) and it's basically a single-player MMO with fetch, kill quests, and loads of shit lit up on the map for that OCD itch. Combat is pretty shitty, with boring, predictable skill trees, and the interface is atrocious. Dialogues are laughable and all the forced "lore" stuff is pretty pathetic. There hasn't been any choice so far to side with either the mages or the templars, every quest has been a kill everything in that spot type of ordeal.

I expected shit, so I can't say that I'm disappointed. The reviews are as hilarious as ever.


Is that the same guy that gave Dragon Age II five stars out of five?

EDIT: It is: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/art.../editorials/reviews/8701-Dragon-Age-II-Review

It always works.


Jul 24, 2006
It's pretty damn tacky to have every lootable object in the game labeled "loot."

What annoys me that they shove it into your face. This is a gay character. See? You see it? He will be turned to hetero by blood magic, the poor soul. You see it now? We have gays in our game and they are opressed.

They had their test run in ME3 with the gay male war widower. Nobody complained about it being hackneyed and exploitative, so I guess they went whole hog.


Sep 5, 2013
And everyone knows that blood magic won't turn anyone straight, because magic isn't real.
Jan 7, 2012
I'm trying to imagine the outcry if the situations were reversed and a bunch of gay mages were using blood magic to turn men gay.

Also, realistically speaking being gay in the dragon age setting is actually quantifiably a bad thing. Medieval societies require a birth rate substantially above the death rate to survive and children are essential for support once the parents are no longer strong enough to work the fields. Something tells me there isn't a fantasy Africa/Asia with immigrants to keep up birth numbers, nor is there a thriving orphan adoption program for gay couples. It could actually be interesting if Dragon Age tried to address that, say with a situation of a gay man forced to marry a woman for practical economic reasons. But I've probably put more thought into this in just a few sentences than Bioware did already. Go Gays! Fight those evil Hetero Oppressors!


Apr 10, 2013
Oh wow.

The Escapist's 10/10 Review said:
I've heard people in the industry compare video games to medieval cathedrals. Those massive structures required coordination from so many different disciplines: architects, masons, painters, mosaicists, glass blowers, sculptors. Video games must also fuse the talents of many different craftsmen and artists: composers, sound designers, level designers, systems designers, visual artists, animators, programmers, voice actors, writers and storytellers. Just like the Notre Dame, you can tell when all of those disciplines are meshing together to form a video game that will be remembered for a long time. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a masterwork.

Bottom Line: BioWare has created a role-playing game which feels like a massive monument to our culture. Inquisition is an absolute blast to experience for one hour or 150.

If this is a monument to our culture on the scale of Notre Dame Cathedral, I can only hope robots kill us all sooner rather than later.


Aug 18, 2014
GD shit
If homosexuals were really opressed in the society, then a mainstream videogame published by a huge corporation would be the last place where you'd find a gay character. Corporations are hyper-aware of what they can put in their products without causing a shitstorm. The sole fact that DO:I has gay characters all over the place, while only drawing smirks from a bunch of edgy forumers is proof enough, that discrimination is a non-issue in mainstream society.

Sorry for another SJW post.

They are not oppressed in the west, at least not anymore for the most part. The hostility you see here though is less about their oppression but their existence in a game at all. Some people (i.e. losers) are actually irritated about their presence, as if a pristine gaming world where gays don't exist ala Ahmadinejad is the ideal.


Bunch of anti gay bigots, like those conservative nut jobs claiming ending dadt in the military was a "social experiment" and would harm unit cohesion. No, they just did not like gays, thought they were icky and immoral, and if they found out one was near their precious little holy religious selves, the GAY person needed to be removed from their presence because of THEIR issues. Some of the posters here are THOSE kinds of losers, like Musaab, and to them I say, fuck you. Deal with it, or don't, suffer more. That works too.


Nov 8, 2012
I don't give a fuck about that topic. It's banal and it's boring. And I certainly don't wanna read this shit on a site about RPGs... I understand codex is more like a community, so its members discus everything from politics to science (I have other sites for that personally), but those topics have their own threads.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind criticism and hate, there was plenty in PoE/W2 thread. But at least it was related to the game. Not here though (No, Gaider/BW is not forcing their agenda upon you, you fucking lunatics)...

And the only guy who's actually doing some kind of LP here is a fucking troll, slapping some shitty music in his videos and shitting all over the game, without even trying...
And what there is to talk about the gameplay? Watched a few streams and the combat is spammy and MMOish as fuck and on hard, only the thoughest of the optional fights requires more than smash buttons mode. Did you play Dragons Dogma? The gameplay here is a shitty and mediocre version of it. On Dragon's Dogma, you could actually manually aim on the enemies, the spells felt like they had impact with you casting epic comets comming from the sky and gigantic tornados, the spells in this game just look more like whimpy, colourful and flashy version of arrows with no impact. You had a nice actiony/tactical gameplay ... they tried doing the same thing but it was a terrible design decision.

You have to stop the fight and fiddle with a terrible camera on tactical mode to try to fine tune your characters and on action mode, the only option available is auto attack with the occasional cooldown ability that most of the time it's just an AoE or a higher damaging skill, again, very MMOish.

If you play with a ranger, you will be bored out of your mind by the sheer repetitiveness and lack of impact from arrows, there is just not enough options to make the combat interesting as most abilities are just arrows with bigger damage and different damage types. Playing with a mage doesn't look different and the only slightly more fun is the warrior class and not because it's skills are fun to use but because there is some animation and sound effort put on them and you won't be firing wimpy projectiles over and over. This game looks like Derp Roads the game, if trash mobs were a serious trouble on DA:O, here... everywhere you go is Derp Roads, obviously, the average MMO/popamole lover will love this game but there is literally none to talk about it if you enjoy good gameplay. It is better than DA 2 (not hard to do) but still way worse than DA:O that wasn't exactly the best Bioware game ever made in the first place but was playable.


Jan 14, 2014
Oh wow.

The Escapist's 10/10 Review said:
I've heard people in the industry compare video games to medieval cathedrals. Those massive structures required coordination from so many different disciplines: architects, masons, painters, mosaicists, glass blowers, sculptors. Video games must also fuse the talents of many different craftsmen and artists: composers, sound designers, level designers, systems designers, visual artists, animators, programmers, voice actors, writers and storytellers. Just like the Notre Dame, you can tell when all of those disciplines are meshing together to form a video game that will be remembered for a long time. Dragon Age: Inquisition is a masterwork.

Bottom Line: BioWare has created a role-playing game which feels like a massive monument to our culture. Inquisition is an absolute blast to experience for one hour or 150.

If this is a monument to our culture on the scale of Notre Dame Cathedral, I can only hope robots kill us all sooner rather than later.


Jan 16, 2014
They are not oppressed in the west, at least not anymore for the most part. The hostility you see here though is less about their oppression but their existence in a game at all. Some people (i.e. losers) are actually irritated about their presence, as if a pristine gaming world where gays don't exist ala Ahmadinejad is the ideal.

I couldn't care less about gay characters being present in the game but I sure don't like my medieval fantasy to be full of hamfisted and anachronistic depictions of modern social issues. By all means, include whatever characters you'd like, but depict them in a satisfying way. It's part of a larger issue of shit tier writing in general. The video with the female inquisitor and iron bull was incredibly depressing to watch.


Oct 3, 2012
I mean, did anyone have any hopes for good writing after "If we find someone not so bad, maybe they'll end up not so dead"?

hell bovine

Sep 9, 2013
Secret Level
I'm trying to imagine the outcry if the situations were reversed and a bunch of gay mages were using blood magic to turn men gay.

Also, realistically speaking being gay in the dragon age setting is actually quantifiably a bad thing. Medieval societies require a birth rate substantially above the death rate to survive and children are essential for support once the parents are no longer strong enough to work the fields. Something tells me there isn't a fantasy Africa/Asia with immigrants to keep up birth numbers, nor is there a thriving orphan adoption program for gay couples. It could actually be interesting if Dragon Age tried to address that, say with a situation of a gay man forced to marry a woman for practical economic reasons. But I've probably put more thought into this in just a few sentences than Bioware did already. Go Gays! Fight those evil Hetero Oppressors!
It is an interesting idea in general, but Bioware failed with blood magic. A magic system, where you can control the minds opens up many possibilities, but no one reacts in Origins, if you are a blood mage.

As for medieval times, it's not as much a problem with getting enough kids, because when you have no preconceptives, people will be breeding like bunnies, but rather rebuilding a population after it was decimated, e.g. during the war, or due to an epidemic. Which must have been problematic in christian Europe, because of the cult of celibacy. After all, all those monks and nuns were people who could - but would not - have children. Forcing a gay man to marry & have children, if you have religious celibacy, doesn't make sense to me. On the other hand, if you come from a rich or aristocratic family and he is your only son, then yeah, because you'd want to continue your bloodline.


Jul 24, 2006
It's a serious mistake to assume that a fantasy setting with magick and anomolous bullshit happening all the time must be exactly like our own mundane Medieval histories. It's impossible for a medieval culture to mass produce gaudy armor with mutli-winged helms and big fuckoff shields with wings and swords and bows with big fuckoff metal wings. The setting works how the designer wants it to work and it doesn't have to fit into a preconceived notion of historical authenticity.

That said, the writing is still shit.

Forcing a gay man to marry & have children, if you have religious celibacy, doesn't make sense to me. On the other hand, if you come from a rich or aristocratic family and he is your only son, then yeah, because you'd want to continue your bloodline.

It makes sense because they weren't a part of the clergy. Peasants were just as interested in producing more gets to work the fields as aristocrats were interested in continuing the bloodline. Cultures where male homosexuality was the norm resorted to making procreation a civic duty. It's only in modern conditions of overabundance and overpopulation that it becomes tolerable for gays and some straights to go through life without ever producing children.


Dec 8, 2011
Reading around, some people are praising the "exploration".


Are these people even remotely balanced?

The sub-quest are really bad, btw. I don't remember much of DA2, but I think even it added some some moral choice in them once in a while? Here a literally the most linear stuff EVER.

Example: A widow asks you to retrieve her husband wedding ring who has been killed by the templars (the templars mistook his shovel for a mage staff...), in a normal RPG you would at least get 3 options: "Yes i'll help you", "No", "Yes, if you pay me", here you can only chose to either help her or not. Well ok, maybe you'll get some dialogues choice with the templars! Explain the situation to them, try to reason with them, etc. but nope! You kill the templars like you kill any of the many trash mobs in this game and retrieve the ring. You go back to the widow... maybe you'll get some choice now? Like, give the ring to her, or sell it instead, or blackmail her? Again, nope! You can only give it to her and complete the quest or say "Goodbye" which basically doesn't do anything!

They literally filled the so-called "open world" zone with this. Enemies outpost or important places in quests were you just enter and kill everything with zero dialogues.
Isn't this how it was since the first game on sidequests?

I guess? I don't really remember much about DA2 as I said. But I do recall DAO having several choices for some sub-quests.

(the templars mistook his shovel for a mage staff...)


Is this for real?

Yes. The wife specifically stated he was digging around the garden and whatnot and got attacked because "Templars can't tell a shovel from a mage staff".


Sep 5, 2013
They are not oppressed in the west, at least not anymore for the most part. The hostility you see here though is less about their oppression but their existence in a game at all. Some people (i.e. losers) are actually irritated about their presence, as if a pristine gaming world where gays don't exist ala Ahmadinejad is the ideal.


Bunch of anti gay bigots, like those conservative nut jobs claiming ending dadt in the military was a "social experiment" and would harm unit cohesion. No, they just did not like gays, thought they were icky and immoral, and if they found out one was near their precious little holy religious selves, the GAY person needed to be removed from their presence because of THEIR issues. Some of the posters here are THOSE kinds of losers, like Musaab, and to them I say, fuck you. Deal with it, or don't, suffer more. That works too.

Like Nihiliste already said, most players (even people on this forum) couldn't care less if the game had gay characters. They could even make the player character gay, for all I care. Except the game doesn't say: "Yeah, there are gay people in society, so we include them", it says: "There are gay people in society LOOK HOW OPPRESED THEY ARE!". Big difference.

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