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The Elder Scrolls Online

Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
They 100% hit the wall where you understand that level scaling everything in MMO is the stupidest thing devs could have done. Not getting gear progress for 100 hours and repeating same quest formula for every zone can become veeeeeery boring very fast.
The problem IMO isn't level scaling but that the content is scaled to be too easy and quickly becomes trivial.
I also don't think it's correct to refer to what ESO does as "level scaling" as no scaling is actually going on. They replaced the exponential power curve of leveling with one much more linear. The majority of power increase while leveling comes from unlocking new abilities & skills rather than simply making your character "better", I don't think this is a bad design at all.


Jan 14, 2011
Divinity: Original Sin
So the planners had a bright idea and re-released vanilla for Millennials. Now these sheeple will level all new toons from 1-60 and then try current flavor of WOW thereby perpetuating an endless supply of Warcraft Fodder. PLUS old school wow players will fire up a few vanilla toons for old times sake. Genius really. Hook, Line, and Sinker.

But.. Old school WoW players were primarily millenials. :mlady:


Nov 6, 2013
Shadorwun: Hong Kong
So the planners had a bright idea and re-released vanilla for Millennials. Now these sheeple will level all new toons from 1-60 and then try current flavor of WOW thereby perpetuating an endless supply of Warcraft Fodder. PLUS old school wow players will fire up a few vanilla toons for old times sake. Genius really. Hook, Line, and Sinker.

But.. Old school WoW players were primarily millenials. :mlady:

Yeah I guess so without looking up player base data. I guess I meant Old School like people who came up through the whole computer age of gaming. I'm doing that thing again where I see the world through my own experiences. So I'm a little myopic in those regards.
I meant old school as in someone who started multiplayer games when MUDs were the latest thing, then stuff like Runescape, everquest, warcraft et al.

But you are right in that early millenials would have been the college kids or younger people who got in to WOW at it's inception.
Man time flies...

Getting old sucks bros, save your gayming for your golden years...


because old gaymers sure as hell aren't going to be getting any pussy


I have many names
Nov 1, 2008
Drug addicted, mentally ill gays HQ
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
WoW to this day have that "magic" and vast lore plus milions of players and constant Dev support . It is a game that never dies and you can play it many, many ways from hardcore rpg , there are people talking on chat in elven language , to hack n slash exprience , or just adventure , pvp , etc. Compared to this ESO is just flat table without bigger scope on gameplay .
There are so many fantastic people in the community to play with, especially roleplay that you can forget about real world pretty easily. Just visit Argent Dawn Eu server and have fun.
Not to mention fantastic and legendary status of Warcraft history with it's first titles still playable thanks to GOG.
Do you own an X-Box or something? WoW is a lazy and whorish money-grabbing scheme. And the retards that fork over 15 $/month to play a 15 year old game are the same kind of sick losers that cross-dress as some sort of medival slut and besing ye golden days of chivalry or something.

I still demand that people that are spotted playing WoW or talking about in a positive way are permanently banned for circulating enemy propaganda.
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Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
This game is very P2W now. They're doing everything they can to milk it.
Kinda sad, I really liked it. Still worth playing for the quests if you get it for $5 on sale, but otherwise I wouldn't touch it.

Deleted Member 16721

ESO is good, I enjoy it. If you like TES lore it's a no-brainer. It's not pay to win, I play it all the time and enjoy it just fine. I have a subscription because I like the infinite carry crafting bag. Only nerds think it's pay to win.
Jan 14, 2018
Codex Year of the Donut
Can you give an example of how it is p2w?
Yeah, I dunno.

I think he meant B2P which was already the model, but the DLC is ridiculously priced.
…Because you can indirectly buy ingame currency with real-life money?
You can sell crowns for ~100g/per meaning you can buy 1.5m gold for $100. That's like two days working a mcdonalds job or a couple hours at a real adult job.


Jan 29, 2007
Starbase Delta
…Because you can indirectly buy ingame currency with real-life money?
You can sell crowns for ~100g/per meaning you can buy 1.5m gold for $100. That's like two days working a mcdonalds job or a couple hours at a real adult job.
You may not like this but I don't think it can be construed as p2w, as gold is something anyone can obtain (fairly easily) through standard gameplay. This does not give an otherwise unobtainable advantage to people who pay, which is what I understand p2w to be.
Nov 28, 2011
Digger Nick
ESO is good, I enjoy it. If you like TES lore it's a no-brainer. It's not pay to win, I play it all the time and enjoy it just fine. I have a subscription because I like the infinite carry crafting bag. Only nerds think it's pay to win.

I love TES lore, first and foremost due to Morrowind/Kirkbride, but I played it for 2 days (got it for 10 bucks, starting in Vvardenfell) and it bored me to tears.


Oct 23, 2017
I'm probably the biggest advocate for this game here and I'm taking a break until a series of optimization patches releases(first one is tomorrow with the release of the Elsweyr zone DLC). It's fucking ridiculous how poorly this game runs and how many issues haven't been addressed since launch five years ago. I might even push my revisit off until they figure out how they're gonna revamp the Champion Point system. It's pretty much impossible to die outside of veteran DLC dungeons and trials at my level and most of my deaths are honestly a result of memory leaks and shit in trials.


Dec 20, 2005
Just treat it as a pure PvP game. The Battlegrounds are quite fun, and small-scale open-world with lootable points is also good (Imperial City). It is not as actiony and straightforward as FPS games, and not as one-dimensional or long as MOBAs. You can come up with all sorts of experiments by combining an impressive array of sets and skills, such that classes are not very limiting and are more like three skill lines among many other available skill lines. Members of the same class may be completely unlike one another. Since it may be slightly daunting to get some gear, it guards against people not planning ahead and trying everything, so strategic thinking is rewarded. I used to think it was a problem that people ran around as a blob, but once I got better, they do not present such a challenge except if you are very single-target oriented (e.g., stealthy and ganky).

There is some mild degree of pay to win, but mainly to skip a tedious slow start (i.e., getting crafted sets for PvP). Furthermore, if you join a guild, they are generally willing to give you some free crafted items for a smooth start. There are two humps because PvP starts from level 10: first, you need to get from level 3 to level 10; second, you need to get from "CP 10" to "CP 160", between which you will be badly beaten in PvP. The former is short; the latter you need to do only once, and it is perversely amusing because you get a huge handicap and you will be verbally abused.

The PvE is worthless and tedious, and questing is entirely pointless. However, both can be avoided - PvE partly, and questing entirely. The quests are just pure fedex with largely non-interactive dialogue; it's there to accommodate people who like seriously easy and simple games. Don't treat it is an RPG.

I noticed that the EU server is significantly buggier than NA.
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Sep 18, 2012
Just treat it as a pure PvP game. The Battlegrounds are quite fun, and small-scale open-world with lootable points is also good (Imperial City). It is not as actiony and straightforward as FPS games, and not as one-dimensional or long as MOBAs. You can come up with all sorts of experiments by combining an impressive array of sets and skills, such that classes are not very limiting and are more like three skill lines among many other available skill lines. Members of the same class may be completely unlike one another. Since it may be slightly daunting to get some gear, it guards against people not planning ahead and trying everything, so strategic thinking is rewarded. I used to think it was a problem that people ran around as a blob, but once I got better, they do not present such a challenge except if you are very single-target oriented (e.g., stealthy and ganky).

There is some mild degree of pay to win, but mainly to skip a tedious slow start (i.e., getting crafted sets for PvP). Furthermore, if you join a guild, they are generally willing to give you some free crafted items for a smooth start. There are two humps because PvP starts from level 10: first, you need to get from level 3 to level 10; second, you need to get from "CP 10" to "CP 160", between which you will be badly beaten in PvP. The former is short; the latter you need to do only once, and it is perversely amusing because you get a huge handicap and you will be verbally abused.

The PvE is worthless and tedious, and questing is entirely pointless. However, both can be avoided - PvE partly, and questing entirely. The quests are just pure fedex with largely non-interactive dialogue; it's there to accommodate people who like seriously easy and simple games. Don't treat it is an RPG.

I noticed that the EU server is significantly buggier than NA.

Big true but you still need to do quest and dungeons for skill points.


Jul 7, 2006
Some Lame-ass International Organization
Quick question about ESO: Why are the numbers so high for damage and hit points? This doesn't make sense to me and it's off-putting. My 3rd level spell does 1542hp of damage. It's like the old Italian lire, can't we just divide down everything by 100 and start over?


Jan 17, 2015
Quick question about ESO: Why are the numbers so high for damage and hit points? This doesn't make sense to me and it's off-putting. My 3rd level spell does 1542hp of damage. It's like the old Italian lire, can't we just divide down everything by 100 and start over?

Are there level caps? Do skills improve forever? How many hours must one train before a hit will do 100% damage 100% of the time?


May 5, 2012
Quick question about ESO: Why are the numbers so high for damage and hit points? This doesn't make sense to me and it's off-putting. My 3rd level spell does 1542hp of damage. It's like the old Italian lire, can't we just divide down everything by 100 and start over?
Would 15.42 damage really work that much better for you?

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