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  • I was partly thinking about you with that meme since I recall you being familiar with Shekhovtsov's take on the subject. :M

    And on a different musically-related note,

    (Odno link without the age verification nonsense if you'd prefer: https://ok.ru/video/4210776347115)
    A less gaudy alternative to Icepeak is this. I appreciate bands like Icepeak and Monetochka for their anti-Putinism and mainstream appeal but I wouldn't listen to it.
    Also I think by now Mikhalok is more associated with nationalist than liberal opposition. A fairly useful bridge.
    Heroic Liberator
    Heroic Liberator
    You're a gentleman and a scholar. :love:
    Your GRE results by race pdf vanished. Got an alternative?
    Whoops, didn't notice the notification. Cheers! Replaced it with an alternative and added PISA results, showing that US whites are performing like the top Europeans such as Finns, whilst US blacks perform like Arabs.
    I hope you are using VPN if you are still in Russia, friend.
    Here, use this instead. *connects dick*
    Cheers! I'm out, it has been clear for a while where the wind was blowing.
    What's the name of that game? I am interested. Just don't tell Codex about it. I need people to believe that I only play shit games like Dragon Age 2. Thanks!
    Don't roll your eyes at me after making what reads like the most controversial White people list possible
    Don't see what's controversial there. Controversial would be Ashkenazim, Sicilians, Greeks, Karelians, Saami, Tatars, Udmurts, and Adyghe (for instance). Poles in particular are probably the most quintessential whites apart from Balts and Scandinavians.
    Fedora Master
    Fedora Master
    Lighten up, faggit
    I'm not Brazilian to lighten up. I'm pretty light as I am.
    What's your opinion about Black People, as a general consensus?
    Considering how Tanzania handled the coronavirus crisis back in March, they may be more worthy of respect than we thought. American niggers are beyond redemption.
    Do they taste better or worse than white people?
    Short answer: mostly negative with some positives and a fair deal of interest. Full answer (won't fit within the limit): https://justpaste.it/7orlb
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