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The Elder Scrolls Online

Mar 3, 2010
best middle ground was when guild wars introduced pings and drawing on the minimap. in all honesty, for as much as i loved the experience at the time, i would *never* go back to anarchy online and taking 15-20 minutes to put together a team and 5-10 more just to "go there".


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
yeah, this game is good to chill after work without autismo clan garbage or collecting team for an hour. I am glad I can just play alone casually.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I have just completed Necronom.

The storyline is meh, I'm pretty sure you're used to that from all Bethesda and Zenimax games. In comparison to other Elder Scrolls Online DLCs it's alright. Better than most, but still not particularily interesting. It also has some bugs, I had to restart one quest twice to finish it. Nonetheles, Necronom has two advantages: Decent environments that were pleasant to look at, and a new and quite fun class which feels like a proper "warlock" (and mixed with a warrior class, here called an arcanist) I haven't encountered for a long time. Overall, I think it's definitely worth getting the expansion as a B2P player, and as an ESO+ one it's worth trying out the new class. Overall, I am not disappointed and had an alright time playing this expansion, so if you're a TESO fan I think you should get it, but if you're new to TESO then you certainly should just try the basic version (the 5€ one) and then decide whether you want to spend more money on the game. Eventually I ended up buying expansions as I keep coming back despite not being a fan of MMOs, which this game is not really as it allows you to play the game single-player.


May 25, 2016
I would have consider it if not for ESO+ subscription and a shit ton of small DLCs in their shop. I've played F2P games that cost less.


Nov 3, 2007
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I would have consider it if not for ESO+ subscription and a shit ton of small DLCs in their shop. I've played F2P games that cost less.
I played for 100h just the basic edition, only afterwards I started buying DLCs (though best campaigns are locked behind DLC, admittedly, but if you're cheap the basic version is enough to have some fun).


Sep 30, 2012
Codex 2013
ESO+ is pretty much mandatory to properly enjoy the game. You miss out on a lot of story content without it (unless you buy them with crowns, in which case you might as well sub to ESO+) and the crafting bag alone is mandatory. Inventory management is a nightmare without it.

I still look at ESO as a subscription MMO because of this. I pretend F2P doesn't exist.


Nov 5, 2007
I forgot to post this, if you log in 3 days this month you get a free "house" of the largest capacity (there's no house in it, more like a plot of land with a cave), though in a rather shitty location.

Late Bloomer

Apr 7, 2022
I forgot to post this, if you log in 3 days this month you get a free "house" of the largest capacity (there's no house in it, more like a plot of land with a cave), though in a rather shitty location.

I believe the house is the only natural zone in/out between those two zones. The underground area is pretty cool.

Edit - Alik'r Desert and Bangkorai
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Jan 23, 2016
Terra Australis
I started playing ESO casually on Playstation this past week with my brother because he's a Skyrim fan but he's PC illiterate, so we needed something we could play casually together but options for multiplayer RPG's on console is limited. And it was on sale for like $10.

It's not as bad as I was expecting it to be. I got to run around Vvardenfell again and see Seyda Neen, Vivec and Balmora. I'm not sure what else is there. But I've just enjoyed roaming around aimlessly collecting any crafting ingredients I can find. Which is basically the same thing I used to do back when I played Morrowind for the first time. The graphics are pleasing as well. The interiors of the cantons at Vivec are spectacular.

The combat is janky, though. But it wasn't great in Morrowind, either. So by keeping that mindset it becomes somewhat tolerable..

I don't like the UI. They developed it to resemble the Skyrim UI which is the single worst UI in any Elder Scrolls game. Do they think Skyrim players are so stupid they wouldn't be able to comprehend a different UI? What a stupid decision from a design standpoint..

I can't see myself spending more money and time on this game unless my brother wants to keep going with it. I can tolerate some of it's shortcomings but so far he's been disappointed with the exploration and the dungeons. It's unlike Skyrim where you clear a dungeon of enemies and get a sweet treasure chest at the end. In ESO when you enter a dungeon in the open world you get swarmed by trash mobs which respawn at a faster rate than how fast you can kill them all. And the loot sucks.

There is a free ESO+ trial and he got to explore Skyrim a bit but it seems like most of the map is missing.. so $15 a month for a cut-down version of Skyrim with worse exploration? Yikes.. even If I wanted to keep playing this game I don't think I could sell it to him.
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