But how will you curb piracy, yet have people playing for free?Everything is shit. Shut down all MMOs and go back to making good SP games. The end.![]()
But how will you curb piracy, yet have people playing for free?Everything is shit. Shut down all MMOs and go back to making good SP games. The end.![]()
Wow, they are really doing that. They will swap TES into some another random generic mmorpg. What the fuck are they thinking?
Yep, It's him. He appears in two of the videos and his avatar in the one featuring Lawrence.Is it actually Kirkbride?
So... They make a Daedra aligned faction and decide not to make it playable?
Bethesda is obviously unable to make a fun game.without the aid of modders.![]()
Actually, has anyone thought that hardcore fans of TES have been augmenting their experiences with mods so much, that they may not actually be able to stand a TES experience that's permanently stuck in vanilla mode?
they're all a bunch of spear biters anyway.So... They make a Daedra aligned faction and decide not to make it playable?
Gotta love Pelinal. The guy was basically the Terminator. A ruby coming from the future that could reshape itself becoming a man cladded in some kind of futuristic plate armor (the only ones that used plate at the time were dwemer) killing every elf he laid his eyes upon.oh, architects can't build towers from poetry? we are talking fantasy, you can shout people into iceblocks, a place where you can make a god golem by using the heart of the world as a drum set, elves ride bugs to hunt lizard slaves to work in giant mushroom towers, priests shrouded in thousands of moths suddenly being deleted because they realize that 1 and 0 are the same. this is a fucking disaster, with unimaginative squares like that on the team how can it not be.
they're all a bunch of spear biters anyway.So... They make a Daedra aligned faction and decide not to make it playable?
[And then] Perrif spoke to the Handmaiden again, eyes to the Heavens which had not known kindness since the beginning of elven rule, and she spoke as a mortal, whose kindle is beloved by the Gods for its strength-in-weakness, a humility that can burn with metaphor and yet break [easily and] always, always doomed to end in death (and this is why those who let their souls burn anyway are beloved of the Dragon and His Kin), and she said: "And this thing I have thought of, I have named it, and I call it freedom. Which I think is just another word for Shezarr Who Goes Missing... [You] made the first rain at his sundering [and that] is what I ask now for our alien masters... [that] we might sunder them fully and repay their cruelty [by] dispersing them to drown in the Topal. Morihaus, your son, mighty and snorting, gore-horned, winged, when next he flies down, let him bring us anger." ... [And then] Kyne granted Perrif another symbol, a diamond soaked red with the blood of elves, [whose] facets could [un-sector and form] into a man whose every angle could cut her jailers and a name: PELIN-EL [which is] "The Star-Made Knight" [and he] was arrayed in armor [from the future time]. And he walked into the jungles of Cyrod already killing, Morihaus stamping at his side froth-bloody and bellowing from excitement because the Pelinal was come... [and Pelinal] came to Perrif's camp of rebels holding a sword and mace, both encrusted with the smashed viscera of elven faces, feathers and magic beads, which were the markings of the Ayleidoon, stuck to the redness that hung from his weapons, and he lifted them, saying: "These were their eastern chieftains, no longer full of their talking."
And it is said that he emerged into the world like a Padomaic, that is, borne by Sithis and all the forces of change therein. Still others, like Fifd of New Teed, say that beneath the Pelinal's star-armor was a chest that gaped open to show no heart, only a red rage shaped diamond-fashion, singing like a mindless dragon, and that this was proof that he was a myth-echo, and that where he trod were shapes of the first urging. Pelinal cared for none of this and killed any who would speak god-logic, except for fair Perrif, who he said, "enacts, rather than talks, as language without exertion is dead witness." When those soldiers who heard him say this stared blankly, he laughed and swung his sword, running into the rain of Kyne to slaughter their Ayleid captives, screaming, "O Aka, for our shared madness I do this! I watch you watching me watching back! Umaril dares call us out, for that is how we made him!" [And it was during] these fits of anger and nonsense that Pelinal would fall into the Madness, where whole swaths of lands were devoured in divine rampage to become Void, and Alessia would have to pray to the Gods for their succor, and they would reach down as one mind and soothe the Whitestrake until he no longer had the will to kill the earth in whole. And Garid of the men-of-ge once saw such a Madness from afar and maneuvered, after it had abated, to drink together with Pelinal, and he asked what such an affliction felt like, to which Pelinal could only answer, "Like when the dream no longer needs its dreamer."
wait, who is this Tharn guy? and Orcs allied with Bretons and Redguards, in the second Era? but, they where not even recognized as people until Third Era after Daggerfall?
i'm already a fanPelinal... killing every elf he laid his eyes upon.