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The EVE online thread


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.

I've created many a trial account in years past because the open ended nature of the game was always so promising. But I never really got hooked, and didn't want to pay that monthly fee. Then I saw an offer on steam to purchase the game with a month's game time for 5 euros. Why not? After all, science fiction is better than fantasy.

After a month of skill training, and a plex purchased for me by my brother I am now capable of generating over a billion isk per month. So I haven't, and won't have to, pay for a single month's subscription.

I'm running incursions, in a Rokh, and while I'm capable at that, I really don't have any experience in or knowledge of almost all other activities in the game. So I'd love to hear what any other players here are doing or used to do. Incursions are very nice, paying me 31,5 million ISK per a single run, which can be completed in about 10 minutes or less if done right. But the only prospect I have for the future in-game right now is to do more incursions to make more isk to get more plex to run more incursions ad infinitum. I'll probably look into doing some PvP.

Anyway, my character's name is Akratus too, so add me as a contact in game if you're playing.

In before EVE is like a second job or spreadsheets! or whatever?
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Jul 19, 2009
I see that you have fallen in the usual trap of being able to pay for plex as the first objective. Unless you're unemployed or work for 2 dollars per hour just buy the subsciption and spend your ISK on new shiny ships to lose. Buy plex with ISK when you can earn it in an hour or two.

I'd advise you to join Brave Newbies or some such large corporation, you'll soon get into all kinds of PvP in 0.0 space. Big corps have reimbursement programs if you join their fleet operations so you won't be burning isk. At least that's when the game got fun for me.

I played solo a lot when I started (doing missions and stuff D:) But I was young and dumb, purely doing PvE in EVE is a waste of time.

Last time I played I lived with a corp in wormhole space which is nice balance between pvp and pve. Nice profit, feels good to have part of space of your own and there are always intruders to shoot at. Of course wormholes require a few months of skill training under your belt.


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I haven't exactly started playing under the best conditions. My brother gave me a lot of ISK and some expensive implants, and I didn't even play at all the first month, merely waiting for skills to complete training for running incursions in a Rokh. To a newbie ISK seems like the only major goal, so getting a good source for it left me asking myself "Now what?" But right now I'm having enough fun in doing incursions, and it provides a great cashflow.

I'd love to get an invite to a corp if anyone on here could use me. (Or bear having me.) I think it would give me a purpose, and give me some uses for this ISK I'm accumulating.

But you're absolutely right, grinding PvE missions is dreadful.
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Jul 29, 2008
I played a year or so ago and it wasn't very fun at the start, but when I joined a corp the game became the best MMO experience I've ever had. As a total noob I joined the Brave Newbies and I must say it's pretty fun. No one is taking the game too seriously and the guys in that corp help out each other. And since the corp is fucking huge there is no time when something is not happening. One of the best things about the corp is that the your main objective there is to have fun even when you die (which is 99% of time). So those guys just don't give a shit - they will just go to a fight even if it they are bound to loose. And they tell that to the newbies too - just go out with us and die. You'll have a fantastic time and you'll learn a lot. I liked those guys since they are in null sec and it is fucking hilarious to just go out there when you are a total noob and don't know what you are doing and just die in good company and have a nice time. They accept everyone. I think the requirements for the corp are that you need to have a PC capable of running EvE and you need to have a pulse.


A life wasted
Sep 2, 2009
Having experience with incursions pretty much guarantees you're set for ISK, so you're good on that regard, now you should get to the fun part, you should try to join a corporation ASAP and start flying with them, I too can vouch for the HERO coalition.

You'll die a lot when doing PvP, but many alliances have free ships and shit for new (and old) players, that should help you keep your hard earned money while you train for more expensive things. Try to get on some small gang fleets at first, you'll learn a lot more that way, while big battles can also be fun and have the wow factor, you won't have the chance to get many doubts solved and there's little to no room for individual input. Also, there's a lot of downtime when looking for fights if you're not on a big operation, but it's part of the game, and most of the fun is just chilling of comms with your bros.


Jun 3, 2005
I haven't exactly started playing under the best conditions. My brother gave me a lot of ISK and some expensive implants, and I didn't even play at all the first month, merely waiting for skills to complete training for running incursions in a Rokh. To a newbie ISK seems like the only major goal, so getting a good source for it left me asking myself "Now what?"
If you're actually playing this, let me tell you that you can never have too much ISKs. I know a good friend who will offer you an excellent selection of presidential portraits for them. Now, you might not consider this to be your actual goal, but from my last experience with the MMO-world, let me tell you that sometimes, you might not have a choice. Squirrel judiciously, squirrel widely, and never forget you have a friend who has your back when you need an exit strategy.

Either way, you never think "what do I do with the money". This is flawed thinking both in games and in real life. You don't have to *DO* anything with money, the point of money is to HAVE MONEY. If you DID something with it, something that wasn't relating to "getting more money", then you wouldn't have money anymore, so what the hell was the point of having it in the first place?


Jan 10, 2011
Babang Ilalim
Interesting fact: Vile_Rat was a popular EVE Online player. He was also an IT guy with the Kwan ambassador to Libya and was playing in EVE when the 'terrorists' came in and killed him as well as the ambassador. His last words in EVE were 'Fuck gunfire' or something similar.

Anyhow, EVE is the only space simulator RPG around. I say play it until that Freespace sequel/kickstarter thing is released.


Jul 19, 2009
The skill points come from players, not from thin air, so it's similar to plex'es - the resource is traded between the players. And there are diminishing returns depending on your total skillpoints.


Mar 15, 2012
Project: Eternity
Big war going on in EVE right now, the Goon empire is crumbling. Good time to (re)join the game for bittervets and newbies alike.



Aug 1, 2013
And so the goons come crashing down.

Speaking of, if the majority of a corporation is fighting in one ass-end of space, why not raid the vulnerable bits of their territory for lulz and profit?


Mar 15, 2012
Project: Eternity
And so the goons come crashing down.

Speaking of, if the majority of a corporation is fighting in one ass-end of space, why not raid the vulnerable bits of their territory for lulz and profit?

Everybody is too busy dogpiling on the Goons
Apr 18, 2009
Whatever. Nothing is going to bring back the good old days where tactics and skill actually mattered. This conflict is just a mindless zerg just like the rest of eve has been reduced to. Now stop posting in this thread.


Severian Silk

I like how capital ships line up in rows and columns in Homeworld better than the ship balls in EVE. It just looks better.


Jun 3, 2005
Ship balls make more sense, though. Unless you're trying to avoid some kind of AOE, the best possible formation is to concentrate as much force in as high a density as you possibly can to maximize the amount of firepower.


Mar 15, 2012
Project: Eternity


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