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The EVE online thread

Severian Silk

Do planets play a role in EVE economy? Or are they useless eye candy?

Are there planetary landings in this game?

Also, while I appreciate that EVE does not have blinky lights and colorful effects everywhere like Star Trek, I kind of think they went overboard with minimalism in their ship/station designs. I mean, there's a point where minimalism is no longer minimalist, but just another overcooked style. I.e. like excessive grimdark in movies/TV/games.


One Bit Studio
Dec 28, 2010
Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
Do planets play a role in EVE economy? Or are they useless eye candy?
I think you can make factories on them (or something like that). So yes, they play a role. It wasn't always the case, at first they were just eyecandy, but there was an update a few years ago which implemented this planetary gameplay.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
These comments.




Sep 24, 2014
Apparently there's a big fight starting in a few hours.

Some background:
The next big EVE Online war is about to break out, and it could cost one million dollars… wait, what?!

PC strategy title Eve Online is a sprawling, sophisticated MMO with a dynamic economy, living communities, and a political backdrop that could fill up a library’s worth of history books, but in the next 24 hours it stands to become the backdrop to a one million dollar battle, involving thousands of players and an even larger audience.

The basic gist of EVE Online is this; players control ships, weapons, and resources (both material and human) in an ever evolving tug of war for control of a persistent galaxy first created by CCP Games 15 years ago. This has established a fertile ground for feuds, stalemates, and large scale wars, one of which made the news in 2013 for costing a total of $300,000 in terms of player expenditure.

But how does that amount of money make it into a game like Eve Online? Well, players are able to purchase subscription time with cash, and sell that resource in-game for EVE Online’s own virtual currency, thus establishing a conversion rate that allows players to quantify the real world value of ships, items, and other resources found in the game.

So, when players make investments in Eve Online, either with in-game currency or by spending money on microtransactions, the expenditure can be valued in real terms, and today’s potential conflict involves ships, fleets, armies, and resources worth a total of 1 million in US dollars.

Which leads us to now. Over the next few hours, it’s possible that a war will break out in Eve Online which could cost up to $1,000,000 in real world cash. If you want to know all the painstaking details behind it all, Redditor CSMprogodlegend has a great, lengthy write up on the background to the war, but the core information that you ought to know is as follows.

Remember that aforementioned $300,000 battle from 2013? The winners of that fight were a group called the CFC (it stands for something, but I’m not repeating it here), led by a player known as The Mittani. Over the course of the next few years, the CFC quickly became the hegemonic force of Eve Online, controlling vast amounts of territory and a huge army that no other faction could viably challenge.

They were kind of like the game’s own Roman Empire, but as The Mittani made a series of increasingly dubious business decisions on behalf of the CFC (now renamed The Imperium), those outside of its remit were becoming ever more persuaded by the prospects of resistance.

Enter the Money Badger Coaltion (MBC), an opposing force financed by a guy called Lenny, who made his money by running a casino website that allowed users to spend Eve Online currency to gamble. Over a series of battles and fights, Lenny’s bottomless pockets of money allowed the MBC to quickly overcome the CFC and put them on the backfoot, taking most of their territory in the process.

Lenny has since been banned from the game, but 2017 has seen both the MBC and CFC in a heated arms race, both trying to consolidate as much power as possible in preparation for the inevitable next engagement with each other. This cold war has been getting increasingly hotter, though, as skirmishes between the two sides has proliferated in recent months, setting the stage for a full blown war that could kick off later today.

To be clear, no one wants to see $1,000,000 go down the drain in a single battle, so it remains unlikely that the fight will actually take place today. But tension run hot between the two sides, and The Mittani swore vengeance on the MBC ever since they overthrew his reign on the galaxy. While a continued stalemate remains just as plausible, then, the fog of war is an unpredictable bedfellow, and any small action from either party could be the catalyst which kicks off the spiral into Eve Online’s largest conflict yet.

You can watch here:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Two blobs collide, or the orangey-blue filter used in every single modern Hollywood film? YOU DECIDE!

Over the course of the next few years, the CFC quickly became the hegemonic force of Eve Online, controlling vast amounts of territory and a huge army that no other faction could viably challenge.

That's a weird way to spell "during the prior several years." The Goons were already an all-encompassing horde long before I retired from the game in 2012.
Mar 3, 2010
the goons have been ruining eve shortly after just the beginning. problem is that the band of developers did even worse than them.


Oct 2, 2018
How do you think? What will change in EVE after the latest information about take-up by Pearl Abyss?


Oct 2, 2018
And what about RMT ISK market? Another banhammers or they will do nothing with it like now?


Aug 20, 2017

Project Nova is the upcoming dark and thrilling first-person co-op shooter set in the dystopian sci-fi universe of EVE Online. Project Nova features tactical co-op PvE and explosive PvP modes

God dammit CCP. I wanted Dust 514 again, a true MMOFPS game with combined arms combat, vehicles, connection with EVE, all that cool shit. What do I get? Warface, now in space. Warface was just like this fucking game, PvE and all and it bombed hard, why do they think this would be any different? All people fucking wanted was another combined arms focused PvP shooter. It would be PERFECT to fill the gap that Battlefield 5 left since that game bombed so hard.
Did any of you here ever play Dust 514 anyway? I did, I loved the shit out of that game. If my PS3 didn't die I would have kept playing that game until the servers shut down.


Apr 14, 2009
I'm not playing.

I looks like CCP unleashed a faction of NPCs called the Drifters upon ... everyone! :)

The Drifters are now using a better AI and have started invasions of Null Sec.

They are pointing / killing player ships and going after structures to include the hull timer.

Best part is CCP is staying completely quiet on the exact mechanics and timelines.

Looking like one of the best shake ups in New Eden in a long time.


Ships destroyed: 91.985 Ships Lost: 0

Last edited:


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
You're gonna get gate camped.

Gate camping is mainly a lowsec thing, and frankly it's for less experienced lowsec dwellers these days, because it hasn't been too profitable for many years now. Your time in lowsec is better spent scanning down juicy mission-runners, running the odd complex, and looking for gudfites. Also, mission-runner hate mail tends to be the most entertaining.

In nullsec, he's just gonna get bubbled and primaried as NBSI. While technically these pickets are set up around gates, the bubble does most of the work for them.

On the other hand, sometimes you can just waltz through into someone's sovereign space unopposed in any old ship.


Jul 11, 2019
As someone who was really deep into EVE a few years ago, and who was part of a, short lived, attempt to create a player driven machine invasion thing, the new Drifter shit is like magic. We were gonna do something like a Butlerian Jihad, I know the new Dune books were mediocre but machine invasion has always been awesome, against nullsec. Now CCP does it instead. Save me all the time and money. Glorious. Now my 1000 EVE characters will never have to log in again.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
Christ, it's been a long-ass time since I retired from EVE.

So, uh.

Who are the biggest arseholes in space, and why?

The other guys―because they're in your way.

This may sound snide or sarcastic, but in fact it's the best objective answer.

hello friend

Feb 26, 2012
I'm on an actual spaceship. No joke.
Christ, it's been a long-ass time since I retired from EVE.

So, uh.

Who are the biggest arseholes in space, and why?

The other guys―because they're in your way.

This may sound snide or sarcastic, but in fact it's the best objective answer.
Turns out, I was the arsehole all along.

Not gonna say what I did, but suffice to say, there were some shenanigans. I've lost interest in the game - my autism isn't strong enough. But I certainly had my fun.


Cis-Het Oppressor
Oct 6, 2012
Roanoke, VA
Grab the Codex by the pussy
The truth is, the game was assholed from the start.

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