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Game News The Fallout Game Informer article

Joe Krow

Feb 16, 2007
Den of stinking evil.
Claw said:
Joe Krow said:
The rest of it seems pretty true to the source, no?
Well, since you ask... no.

Seriously, I'd even expect the average dumbfuck to be smarter than that. There is virtually no similarity. If there weren't "Super Mutant" written in red under that creature, I wouldn't have guessed it's supposed to be Fallout. Scratch that. Even with the label, if I didn't know better, I'd assume it were a mere coincidence that there's an FPS with an enemy called "Super Mutant" in it.
There are a few token references, some Vault-tec ads and such, but otherwise it looks no more like Fallout than STALKER does.

STALKER looks a lot like a first person Fallout so that's not suprising and Fallout 3 will be as true as they can make it i'm sure (given the perspective change). I know.. "Those mutant zombies are different!" "His suit isn't tight enough!" Are you serious? There will be consequences to your choices. There will be multiple endings. I'd say it's close to a best case scenario. The only thing that concerns me about the article is whether it's true.


Oct 21, 2005
Unrelated, but why does the mutant from Necropolis have a strap holding up his upper lip?


Aug 21, 2004
The Old Dominion
From the Fallout Bible:
MCA said:
I keep wondering, what are those straps under the Super Mutants' upper lips good for? Y'see, when you look at Harry and the Lieutenant, they seem to have straps of some sort that appear to be holding their upper lips up and baring their teeth. Moreover, Marcus in Fallout 2 doesn't have that. Can you dig up any documentation regarding these, or can you at least make up an answer? :) -D.J. Slamák

Can't find a record for this - as far as I can tell it's just decoration, or it was an aesthetic decision to make them look stupider (not stupid-looking, just dumb-looking - you know what I mean), or my best guess is that it was to enable them to talk coherently without their huge lips getting in the way. I mean, LOOK at the upper lips those guys have. They're like tents to go over their jaws. Bleh. I think Scott Rodenheizer (our sculpture modeler) was just having fun with the models - kind of like he did by punching bolts through Set, putting vises on Marcus' shoulder, and having a tree growing out of Harold's head. By the time he made Marcus, he may not have been in that frame of mind anymore... and Marcus is a pretty old mutant, so it's possible his skin was shrinking back (and forming pustules and boils). Also, despite the general physical characteristics of a super mutant, variation does occur after dipping or FEV exposure, so it's quite possible that Marcus mutated differently than the other super mutants... he certainly was a great deal smarter and more level-headed than the others of his kind. BTW, in case you weren't aware of this, Scott Rodenheizer did a number of the talking heads for Fallout 1 and 2, and he eventually left for San Francisco to work at some other computer game company whose name eludes me at the moment. I think Leonard Boyarsky or Jason Anderson did the Master, though.


Jul 18, 2004
Karlstad, Sweden
I think I know what the super mutants are doing on the east coast. According to the Fallout Bible, FO1 ended in 2162, at which point the mutant army was dispersed and fled eastwards. By 2277 they've thus had 115 years to spread to the rest of the continent. And they would've run out of ammo too, therefore resorting to using heavy pieces of machinery as bludgeoning weapons. And they probably look so brutal because only the most vicious mutants managed to survive for 115 years. All the stupid looking ones were probably so stupid that they died from their stupidity. Or perhaps it's an age thing? As super mutants become older, their flabby skin tightens around their skulls while their übermuscles just keep growing? And the boils just pop? Maybe the old ones just hadn't had the time to mature?

And due to the apocalypse averted in FO2 in 2242, is it that hard to imagine that the BoS would get their asses out of their bunker and start to explore the wastelands for more dangerous remnants of the old world? Apparently the world of Fallout is/was full of science with doomsday capabilities, so if the BoS just sit around and guard their precious technology, they'll risk being wiped out by someone more proactive, such as the Master or the Enclave, who were both using advanced technology in their attempts to change the world. And besides, didn't the BoS have a 'good ending' in FO1 where they began to work together with the other communities? Haven't played the game in a year or so.

As far as handheld nuclear catapults go, that's about as silly as handheld miniguns. V.A.T.S. seems promising though. Not that I ever played a game with bullet time, but it always seemed like a cool idea to me. The main drawback I see was already posted in the NeoGAF forum, which was the prediction that combat will become "V.A.T.S., retreat, V.A.T.S., retreat, etc.". I guess that the only way to stifle that would be to slow down AP-regeneration not only for attacking, but also for moving. And perhaps the opposition will also get their own V.A.T.S-equivalence whenever the player uses it? Otherwise I agree that it could end up being mainly a freebie combat round before real time combat. Unless real time combat is too difficult, in which case it'll probably be more effective to put a priority on AP-regeneration. I remember that when I began playing the FP/RT Mech Warrior my gunnery was a lot worse than when I played the topdown sort-of-TB MechForce.

And I guess that the whole "nuke Megaton" narrative could've been the path and the choices that were made during that particular session, and not the only ones availible. Certainly reads better that way, even if it fails to tell us about the kind of quest/dialogue gameplay we want. So maybe the game will be worth playing. Maybe.


Jul 24, 2006
As far as handheld nuclear catapults go, that's about as silly as handheld miniguns.

A handheld minigun should break your bones, sure, but they don't kill bone marrow.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Joe Krow said:
Oh. I see. 1. "Complete lack"... it's not isometric and things look a little different in first person. Meh. The rest of it seems pretty true to the source, no? .

Argh! Listen dumbfuck, Im not interested in arguing with morons who have no clue whatsoever. Look at the way weapons look in FO1, the comic style the mutants are held in, the vault dwellers 50's sci-fi buck rogers jumpsuit, look at some artwork in the game (the FO 1 loading screens), look at wikipedia and check what EC comics are, realize they have been a major influence for fallouts naive 50is sci-fi visual design, look at the screenshots from the GI article and compare, especially the mutants, realize that you failed completly and acceptthat youre a dumbfuck, shut the fuck up.

After that, maybe we can continue to discuss.

There will be consequences to your choices. There will be multiple endings.

So you try to invalidate my point about the lack of FO style in the visuals with brining up a feature with has nothing to do with it?

Me: The visual style sucks
Dumbfuck: no it doesnt, its true to the original
claw: youre a moron and have no clue about the FO setting
dumbfuck: but its got choices and consequences!


Feb 17, 2006
You're a real extremist aren't you, Tales? A real angry, glittering ball of angsty nerdness. Rosh must be so proud of you.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
sheek said:
You're a real extremist aren't you, Tales? A real angry, glittering ball of angsty nerdness. Rosh must be so proud of you.

Im not angry in the slightest. You should keep in mind that posts on the internet come off as more aggresive compared to the state of mind the writer is in when writing.

But yeah, Im a real extresmist and angsty nerd in pointing out the stupidity of saying that Fallout looks like Stalker.
Even you, who has managed to write nothing but bullcrap in this discussion, should see the stupidity in that.
Turn of the dumbfuck mode sheek, it gets annoying.

I'd hate to remind you of the pathetic, whiney and ridiciolous show you delivered here when you were dumbfucked. .

I imagined you sitting in front of your computer whining with eyes full of tears of anger back then when reading your pathetic and emberassing posts.
Someone having a childish and idiotic "buhuh, dumbfucked by DU for being smarter then him. I'll show you all!" in his sig is not in the position of accusing others of angsty nerdiness


Aug 20, 2005
STALKER looks a lot like a first person Fallout
If you are retarded enough to not see the obvious difference between the genres AND the content of both games (did you even play one?) why the fuck are you even trying?


Aug 8, 2006
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
Joe Krow said:
Oh. I see. 1. "Complete lack"... it's not isometric and things look a little different in first person. Meh. The rest of it seems pretty true to the source, no? .

Argh! Listen dumbfuck, Im not interested in arguing with morons who have no clue whatsoever. Look at the way weapons look in FO1, the comic style the mutants are held in, the vault dwellers 50's sci-fi buck rogers jumpsuit, look at some artwork in the game (the FO 1 loading screens), look at wikipedia and check what EC comics are, realize they have been a major influence for fallouts naive 50is sci-fi visual design, look at the screenshots from the GI article and compare, especially the mutants, realize that you failed completly and acceptthat youre a dumbfuck, shut the fuck up.

After that, maybe we can continue to discuss.

There will be consequences to your choices. There will be multiple endings.

So you try to invalidate my point about the lack of FO style in the visuals with brining up a feature with has nothing to do with it?

Me: The visual style sucks
Dumbfuck: no it doesnt, its true to the original
claw: youre a moron and have no clue about the FO setting
dumbfuck: but its got choices and consequences!
Calling all arms, calling all arms:

Someone needs to URGENLT write an article that explains that specific point for the uneducated masses, with some illustration that compare some Fallout screen shots to a comic stripe, preferably stuff like dialog, thought bobble/"sound effects" (through floating text) and combat animations.

Right now there are a lot of people that say that they like the fallout atmosphere without even knowing what exactly *is* fallout atmosphere, so they just assume it is a post apocalyptic setting with dark humor (just like Bethesda!!!).

I would have done it myself, but this needs to be done by someone how is a capable writer (in english) and can actually draw. I tried to but the attempt to support it with graphical aids was utterly lame and I haven't managed to go beyond the introduction. :(

What is Fallout atmosphere?

I always hear it being mentioned in the context of what made that computer game so great and beloved by many, including many that disliked it for its "slow-paced combat" or its "archaic top down perspective", but yet the atmosphere is loved by all, even though all the thing disliked are an intergraded part of the atmosphere.

I look at Fallout 1 & 2 and yes, I am seeing this post apocalyptic world, where the survivors, 100 years after a nuclear war, scattered in small to medium size communities surrounded by vast wastelands, struggles to pick up the pieces and rebuild the now destroyed civilization. But all of this is just on the surface.

However the presentation of the game through the gameplay for me screamed "interactive comic". Dark humor but cleverly disguised under the innocence and naivety of a 50's theme, gory death animation indeed but in the over the top cartoonish style.

This is what, for me personally, represent the fallout spirit, fallout hart and soul. And this is way I am fearful for it, as it lays in Bethesda hand now that I seen the thriller and read Game Informer article.


After an article like that it would be easier to explain just how bad fallout3 is to the fallout franchise and why making it a FPS is so unrelated to it.


Feb 17, 2006
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
I'd hate to remind you of the pathetic, whiney and ridiciolous show you delivered here when you were dumbfucked. .

I imagined you sitting in front of your computer whining with eyes full of tears of anger back then when reading your pathetic and emberassing posts.
Someone having a childish and idiotic "buhuh, dumbfucked by DU for being smarter then him. I'll show you all!" in his sig is not in the position of accusing others of angsty nerdiness

Actually I was half-drunk through that whole episode and having a lot of fun. LOL! That's your problem, you take the RPGCodex dead seriously so you expect others to. Guess what, most of us don't and play 'a role' of one kind or another...


Feb 26, 2006
sheek said:
's your problem, you take the RPGCodex dead seriously so you expect others to. Guess what, most of us don't and play 'a role' of one kind or another...

So,RPG codex is like LARPing???




Iron Tower Studio
Oct 27, 2006
San Isidro, Argentina
RGE said:
I think I know what the super mutants are doing on the east coast. According to the Fallout Bible, FO1 ended in 2162, at which point the mutant army was dispersed and fled eastwards. By 2277 they've thus had 115 years to spread to the rest of the continent. And they would've run out of ammo too, therefore resorting to using heavy pieces of machinery as bludgeoning weapons. And they probably look so brutal because only the most vicious mutants managed to survive for 115 years. All the stupid looking ones were probably so stupid that they died from their stupidity. Or perhaps it's an age thing? As super mutants become older, their flabby skin tightens around their skulls while their übermuscles just keep growing? And the boils just pop? Maybe the old ones just hadn't had the time to mature?

And due to the apocalypse averted in FO2 in 2242, is it that hard to imagine that the BoS would get their asses out of their bunker and start to explore the wastelands for more dangerous remnants of the old world? Apparently the world of Fallout is/was full of science with doomsday capabilities, so if the BoS just sit around and guard their precious technology, they'll risk being wiped out by someone more proactive, such as the Master or the Enclave, who were both using advanced technology in their attempts to change the world. And besides, didn't the BoS have a 'good ending' in FO1 where they began to work together with the other communities? Haven't played the game in a year or so.

That´s fairly possible explanation, but I wonder if Beth gave it that much thought.

Joe Krow

Feb 16, 2007
Den of stinking evil.
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
Joe Krow said:
Oh. I see. 1. "Complete lack"... it's not isometric and things look a little different in first person. Meh. The rest of it seems pretty true to the source, no? .

Argh! Listen dumbfuck, Im not interested in arguing with morons who have no clue whatsoever. Look at the way weapons look in FO1, the comic style the mutants are held in, the vault dwellers 50's sci-fi buck rogers jumpsuit, look at some artwork in the game (the FO 1 loading screens), look at wikipedia and check what EC comics are, realize they have been a major influence for fallouts naive 50is sci-fi visual design, look at the screenshots from the GI article and compare, especially the mutants, realize that you failed completly and acceptthat youre a dumbfuck, shut the fuck up.

After that, maybe we can continue to discuss.

There will be consequences to your choices. There will be multiple endings.

So you try to invalidate my point about the lack of FO style in the visuals with brining up a feature with has nothing to do with it?

Me: The visual style sucks
Dumbfuck: no it doesnt, its true to the original
claw: youre a moron and have no clue about the FO setting
dumbfuck: but its got choices and consequences!

1) I'm not saying they haven't made changes. Obviously they have. I'm ok with that and here's why: Artistic Licence. They have it. Period. The wasteland is grittier and scarrier this time around. Thier vision may actually improve the series. Regardless, it's thier perogative. 2) The game is now done in first person w/ close to photo-realistic graphics. Accept it. Cartoon mutants no longer fit. They ditched the nuthuggers because the nuthuggers were gay. The weapons look like beat up weapons. What? Who's crying? Small potatoes.

Your right, my comments about choice and consequence don't address these graphic "aborations." I mention the positives because you are too much of a chicken little to do it yourself. You beat up on Bethesda in the past for focusing on the graphics. Now that's all you want to do. The gameplay is 100% improved so you choose to ignore it. They have addressed every point that was raised about Oblivion but all you want to do is bitch.

I'm optimistic. Sue me. The sky is not falling.

Diogo Ribeiro

Jun 23, 2003
Lisboa, Portugal
sheek said:
Actually I was half-drunk through that whole episode and having a lot of fun. LOL!

You're lying. Only Shagnak can type when drunk. He is the One! You're just a poser trying to join the excuse bandwagon like bryce's "I'm too old and senile for this shit lawl".
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
sheek said:
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
I'd hate to remind you of the pathetic, whiney and ridiciolous show you delivered here when you were dumbfucked. .

I imagined you sitting in front of your computer whining with eyes full of tears of anger back then when reading your pathetic and emberassing posts.
Someone having a childish and idiotic "buhuh, dumbfucked by DU for being smarter then him. I'll show you all!" in his sig is not in the position of accusing others of angsty nerdiness

Actually I was half-drunk through that whole episode and having a lot of fun. LOL! That's your problem, you take the RPGCodex dead seriously so you expect others to. Guess what, most of us don't and play 'a role' of one kind or another...

LOL! Yeah, I think those who read your pathetic whining in that thread had even more fun than you.
Besides the fact that you're lying, whats the point? I have a great deal of fun here aswell, 90 % of my post or spam and those where I seem angry are written in great fun.

Your problem is that you take the codex dead seriously, and thus project it on others aswell.


Feb 17, 2006
Joe Krow said:
Your right, my comments about choice and consequence don't address these graphic "aborations." I mention the positives because you are too much of a chicken little to do it yourself. You beat up on Bethesda in the past for focusing on the graphics. Now that's all you want to do. The gameplay is 100% improved so you choose to ignore it. They have addressed every point that was raised about Oblivion but all you want to do is bitch.

I wouldn't say the gameplay is 100% improved because we know next to nothing about what the gameplay is actually like. We just know vaguely what some reporters passed on from a powerpoint type presentation. That's why hysterical reactions from both sides is stupid... all we have to go on is the graphics.

But I agree with you that the graphics can't be a negative. Personally I think if they implement real open-ended quest and a smart world design (not proved either way) that will negate most of the 'canon-violations', the RT combat and other stuff that could be seen as bad.

LOL! Yeah, I think those who read your pathetic whining in that thread had even more fun than you.

Everyone has fun, that's what's so great. :cool:
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
Joe Krow said:
1) I'm not saying they haven't made changes. Obviously they have. I'm ok with that and here's why: Artistic Licence. They have it. Period. The wasteland is grittier and scarrier this time around. Thier vision may actually improve the series. Regardless, it's thier perogative.
So I have to like it now, because Bethesda has the right to do it? I don't see any improvement in replacing a original (original in the meaning of innovative, unconventional) setting with generic resident evil stuff. Everyone and their dog claims these days that their shit is grittier then the rest. It gets fucking boring.

2) The game is now done in first person w/ close to photo-realistic graphics. Accept it. Cartoon mutants no longer fit. They ditched the nuthuggers because the nuthuggers were gay. The weapons look like beat up weapons. What? Who's crying? Small potatoes.
Your flawed logic is really funny.
1) Cartoon graphics don't fit first/person third person perspective? I'm wondering then how games like Psychonauts work then, since they are a lot more "cartoony" then FO.
2) Again, Bethesda has the right to do it and thats why I have to accept/like it? Don't worry, I don't care about FO 3 since the moment Beth has aquired the license, I won't go on the streets to protest against them, Im not gonna plant a bomb in their headquarters, Im not planning legal action against them, I just think that it sucks. I don't see your point, although Im trying hard.

Beth has the right to turn the game into a complete crapfest, does that make it any better?

Your right, my comments about choice and consequence don't address these graphic "aborations." I mention the positives because you are too much of a chicken little to do it yourself. You beat up on Bethesda in the past for focusing on the graphics. Now that's all you want to do. The gameplay is 100% improved so you choose to ignore it. They have addressed every point that was raised about Oblivion but all you want to do is bitch

You wanted to know about negative points from the article, I mentioned 2, of which one (vats) was gameplay related. I never claimed that it was a complete list of all the positives and negatives.

Thing is, the talking about choices and consequence, multiple endings is just talking. It may be realized or (likely considering that it is Beth and the same promises have been made for earlier games which sucked) or not.
The screenshots I can see, they are fact, and I can see that they suck. (Imho lolololololol)

I'm optimistic. Sue me. The sky is not falling.

Im pessimistic. Sue me.
Feb 19, 2005
Strap Yourselves In Codex+ Now Streaming!
sheek said:
Everyone has fun, that's what's so great. :cool:

You are right :cool:

's your problem, you take the RPGCodex dead seriously so you expect others to. Guess what, most of us don't and play 'a role' of one kind or another...

Apart from the fact that saying you spend a great deal of your time on the net playing a role sounds pretty wierd, I could play a role aswell. Your logic is fucked up beyond reason sheek.

Joe Krow

Feb 16, 2007
Den of stinking evil.
TalesfromtheCrypt said:
Joe Krow said:
1) I'm not saying they haven't made changes. Obviously they have. I'm ok with that and here's why: Artistic Licence. They have it. Period. The wasteland is grittier and scarrier this time around. Thier vision may actually improve the series. Regardless, it's thier perogative.
So I have to like it now, because Bethesda has the right to do it? I don't see any improvement in replacing a original (original in the meaning of innovative, unconventional) setting with generic resident evil stuff. Everyone and their dog claims these days that their shit is grittier then the rest. It gets fucking boring.

2) The game is now done in first person w/ close to photo-realistic graphics. Accept it. Cartoon mutants no longer fit. They ditched the nuthuggers because the nuthuggers were gay. The weapons look like beat up weapons. What? Who's crying? Small potatoes.
Your flawed logic is really funny.
1) Cartoon graphics don't fit first/person third person perspective? I'm wondering then how games like Psychonauts work then, since they are a lot more "cartoony" then FO.
2) Again, Bethesda has the right to do it and thats why I have to accept/like it? Don't worry, I don't care about FO 3 since the moment Beth has aquired the license, I won't go on the streets to protest against them, Im not gonna plant a bomb in their headquarters, Im not planning legal action against them, I just think that it sucks. I don't see your point, although Im trying hard.

Beth has the right to turn the game into a complete crapfest, does that make it any better?

Your right, my comments about choice and consequence don't address these graphic "aborations." I mention the positives because you are too much of a chicken little to do it yourself. You beat up on Bethesda in the past for focusing on the graphics. Now that's all you want to do. The gameplay is 100% improved so you choose to ignore it. They have addressed every point that was raised about Oblivion but all you want to do is bitch

You wanted to know about negative points from the article, I mentioned 2, of which one (vats) was gameplay related. I never claimed that it was a complete list of all the positives and negatives.

Thing is, the talking about choices and consequence, multiple endings is just talking. It may be realized or (likely considering that it is Beth and the same promises have been made for earlier games which sucked) or not.
The screenshots I can see, they are fact, and I can see that they suck. (Imho lolololololol)

I'm optimistic. Sue me. The sky is not falling.

Im pessimistic. Sue me.

No points here. Victory me. Thanks for playing.

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