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The Guild Wars 2 Thread

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
It completely kills any sort of need for preparation?

Unless this "anywhere" is actually limited to outposts or whatever and the only "new feature" is the lack of payments for respecing (what a hilariously dumb idea to begin with), but that's not what springs to my mind when I read "anywhere".


Jul 13, 2007
Ah, in that way, yes. However, most people right now just run in pure berserker setups, so at least this gives SOME chance that one of them will go "Uh guys, gimme a moment, going to use this slick build for the next fight, it's totally awesome" instead of trying to overpower everything with the mighty power of "zerg or die". You still need a good enough knowledge of knowing what you're going to retrait in, in order to take advantage of that - so there's theoretical preparation, rather than practical kind, perhaps.

I dunno, I personally like that change. There's been plenty of times where I was like "Damn, having a slight reshuffle in my skills on this boss would've been amazing, but fuck if I'm gonna do it because it drops my efficiency for the rest of the run, and fuck if I'm going to make my group wait to do this reshuffling and fuck I'll have to reshuffle back after that AGAIN" and it's rather nice that I'll actually be able to try out my ideas in practice (and probably see them miserably fail). Yeah, on the greater scale, it's a general design flaw (why design ONE boss that'll completely fall out of the pattern to make a specific build shine just on THAT particular boss, for example?), but at least this way they can kind of alleviate it a bit.


Jan 9, 2014
This forum
No matter how many quality of life stuff they add it wont make me return to the game.

That said, it is nice that some changes are being made, though I fear that the execution will result in a game being for the worse because of it. This is Neo Arenanet, every two weeks they do something incredibly stupid, that makes my faith in them reach levels lower than I previously thought imaginable.
Jan 7, 2012
You mean one terrible sequel implements a good idea from the most excellent original game in a half-assed way 2 years later than it should have.


Jan 9, 2014
This forum
You mean one terrible sequel implements a good idea from the most excellent original game in a half-assed way 2 years later than it should have.
The concept of a megaserver is in general a great idea for a themepark. This is coming from someone who is almost always forced to choose between friends because everyone always picks different servers. However, the way they seem to implement it seems like you said, half assed. And seemed to use The Elder Scrolls Online's method instead of the far superior method that the original used.

GW1 was far from perfect, however it had the best team based PvP to date and it fundamentally felt like the people who worked on the core systems knew what kind of game they were making.

GW2 is just WoW quickly thrown together.
The original team that made Guild Wars 1 is more or less gone, and it really shows in the product. Seems like the new team just throws whatever shit they can find on the wall and see what sticks and when it doesn't they blame the players*. I wouldn't say GW2 is WoW though, at least WoW did a somewhat decent job (for mmo standards) to respect and reward the player's time, WoW also understood how human nature works and decided to appeal to it.

*Lets not forget the bans they like throw around where any semicompetent dev would just have thrown around rollbacks.
Jan 7, 2012
You mean one terrible sequel implements a good idea from the most excellent original game in a half-assed way 2 years later than it should have.
The concept of a megaserver is in general a great idea for a themepark. This is coming from someone who is almost always forced to choose between friends because everyone always picks different servers. However, the way they seem to implement it seems like you said, half assed. And seemed to use The Elder Scrolls Online's method instead of the far superior method that the original used.

Ahh, OK. I couldn't quite figure out what you were referencing by "another terrible game", since GW1 wasn't it.


Jan 9, 2014
This forum
You mean one terrible sequel implements a good idea from the most excellent original game in a half-assed way 2 years later than it should have.
The concept of a megaserver is in general a great idea for a themepark. This is coming from someone who is almost always forced to choose between friends because everyone always picks different servers. However, the way they seem to implement it seems like you said, half assed. And seemed to use The Elder Scrolls Online's method instead of the far superior method that the original used.

Ahh, OK. I couldn't quite figure out what you were referencing by "another terrible game", since GW1 wasn't it.
Indeed it wasnt. Guild Wars 1 is one of the finest online multiplayer games I have experienced. As flawed and unbalanced the game was (particulary after the release of an expansion pack), it was always fun gonig back and creating and trying out new builds. Especially builds that are designed for the specific purpose of melting faces of PvX FoTM users. In Guild Wars 2, I had a friend pick a FoTM build, and read up on the most basic rotation, and he was dominating in sPvP despite never PvPing otherwise or barely even playing the game.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Especially builds that are designed for the specific purpose of melting faces of PvX FoTM users.


Best activity by far.

Ineptitude on mesmer/shield bash on everything during the dawn of the shadow prison asses in AB/RA was some of the most hilarious shit ever.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
they were

but rendering them even more useless was hilariez

Another funny thing I always did with a bro was going into JQ as double rangers and setting up nature's renewal. Suddenly bomber negros can no longer do anything :martini:

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
Little necroing here, but does anyone play this game still? I got it when it came out, leveled one character to 40 and quit.

I recently logged back in, and am completely lost. I mean physically lost. I was just curious if anyone was still playing it.


In My Safe Space
Sep 14, 2013
9th Hell
The only content that requires a bit (I said a bit, not a lot) of grey matter are dungeons and fractals, and there hasn't been any serious new content since the release of fractals. This game is dead.

Everything else could be played while drunk and half asleep.
They said the game doesn't start at max lvl/end game, but it really does, because open world event and other things underlevelled characters do are all zergy, autoattack spam friendly with barely a dodge or two to keep you awake. It's boring until you can do dungeons without getting kicked (most groups don't want sub80s), and it will get boring once you know the dungeons/fractals by heart since they have no intention of releasing any serious content beside their living dull story.

I still log on from time to time but more as a chatbox to keep contact with a few players than anything else.

Anyhow, all that open world content is one of the most cancer inducing thing I've witnessed in an online game. You just sit along the other hundred players on your server shard (they are now using "megaservers" in PVE, which are shared instances of map so the server you picked for your character doesn't do anything now apart from world vs world) letting autoattack tag something while pressing V occasionally. God.
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Apr 29, 2012
While Nikaido is right that doesn't actually answer Anthony's question which was if people still play the game. It has certainly lost players but the addition of megaserver makes it hard to asses how many since "servers" are dinamically merged on a per map basis so all maps are populated: i.e Lions Arch which is very populated in all servers has plenty of different instances while an out of the way map might have just one instance in the whole europe servers. So to sum it up there are less players than ever but you find more people than before.

The beginign of "Living" Story Seasson 2 should bring many players back to check how it is, I don't think it will be significantly different than seasson 1 so they will promptly leave and LSS2 will be the last.


In My Safe Space
Sep 14, 2013
9th Hell
I did answer it in my first sentence. I don't have raw numbers but the lack of serious content killed the game and I said it is dead. I have a huge friendlist from doing way too many pug dungeon runs and the vast majority of the players I've known since I've started playing (a bit before the release of FOTM) have left the game and only log on once in a bluemoon like I do. When I log on and see my friend/follower list, all I see are grey logged out names. Apart from a few overly hardcore players, like, they're nice people, but they're also clearly a bit on the crazy side in terms of how much they invest themselves into this game. These hardcore farmers who do daily dungeon "tours" of all rewarding paths are all that's left in my list that still logs on.


P. banal
Aug 14, 2009
Third World
I quit in november or something. Everything except dressing up my mesmer felt like a waste of time, it's like carrot on a stick without the carrot

Anthony Davis

Blizzard Entertainment
Sep 7, 2007
Yeah, everytime I go back to the game, I appreciate how pretty it is, but the gameplay does not engage me - at least not when I am playing by myself.

edit: oops.

I guess there isn't a Kodex guild still running around then...


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
come play SWTOR lah.
1-7 July double XP week u know :D


Notorious Internet Vandal
Jun 1, 2008
Cell S-004
MCA Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
There WAS a Codex guild, but I think we all quit. Me, I just couldn't stomach playing the game even to the endgame, it just got extremely stale around halfway point, seeing how half the levels were there just to piss you off and the gameplay was getting gradually less and less rewarding.


Jul 19, 2009
I used to drop in for some of the living story events but other than that I haven't been playing for months. While original Guild Wars was superior (and my second long-term mmo) I still wouldn't mind playing GW2 but the lack of new pernament content killed it for me.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I'm just not invested enough in the game.
The story was horrible and not once did I feel invested at all with this whole 'conflict and multi-world struggle'
Heck, even the skin hunting and crafting is shit.
I remember those Ectoplasm bullshit. I sold all my crap from farmed exploit gold and ectoplasm for like $200 to my guild leader and said bye.

Dire Roach

Feb 28, 2007
Machete-Knight Academy
It's really just the same as every other MMO after it's been out for a few months: there's always a steady player base but the numbers spike every time a big new update is released. Unless you like the PvP/WvW a lot, there's not much of a reason to play it in between updates.
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