Yeah, it is harder and harder to justify buying them, especially if those hacks aren't going to give me steam keys unless I pay an arbitrary amount. Make that the goddamn minimum if you want to go that route.
IndieGala @IndieGala
RT IndiegalaIV provisional lineup: 9 games ( 7 on Steam ) and music of your dreams. Follow us / subscribe our newsletter to know when !
- Dungeon Defenders for: steam (pc and mac), windows, desura
- Containment: The Zombie Puzzler for: steam (pc), windows, desura
- Data Jammers: FastForward for: steam (pc), windows, desura
- Brainpipe - A Plunge to Unhumanity for: steam (pc and mac), windows, mac, desura
- Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space for: windows, desura