so it ends.
the ending of 4 was p silly
but art in titles was great. it was that kind of art they should put in rewards from rex, instead of 3d screenshots
it was far from best or better game in the series, and
it would be great time to let all these characters go and make something new and less septerions. but judging by previews of next games they're not letting old cast go yet for 1 more game until it's some new story in Calvard.
so a pessimist in me thinks next games might continue spiral of decline because quests/dungeons/gameplay never in particular got any better than old sprite games
I see that IV adds a new top tier waifu
im sorry but , as my friend says, "a loli is always appropriate"
Rose definitely steals a lot of show tho. also Altina voice actress stolen whole romance part of the game. and Duvie was p hilarious.