Why can't we have one with a polearm or a gun?Swordsman mc. Original and toatally unexpected.
3d movie instead of 2d animation
black haired shit with sword. but at least he looks edgy instead of depressed rean. not that it helps
some darK robot suit.
blonde canon love interest, but everyone would try to romance elf girl from computer instead.
it's an edgier steel.
bring back isometry and sprites.
I shall not, and so we will be unhappy together.
3d movie instead of 2d animation
black haired shit with sword. but at least he looks edgy instead of depressed rean. not that it helps
some darK robot suit.
blonde canon love interest, but everyone would try to romance elf girl from computer instead.
it's an edgier steel.
bring back isometry and sprites.
Wait, when was that a problem for Japanese.she is only 16 and he is 22
You confused me here. Who of them is his sister??It is more likely that Eclaire (Silver haired longsword lady - Order Alignment) or Shizuna (8L1B samurai ninja on Chaos Alignment) are the love choices (maybe the hellcat lady
Atelier games are not turn based, have no timers and no specifically feminine characters anymore.
I did FC Nightmare quite fine (although relied a lot on that confuse spell), but jesus fucking christ on a pogo stick, what the fuck in the fuck is Nightmare in NG SC? Getting buttblasted by the first boss in Prologue. I think I can probably manage by ensuring good positioning, maxed crafts before battle, but damn...
In general, how does SC NG Nightmare compare with FC?
good news my prediction about the action mode is correct. it's more of a low level trash mob fast mode as you can't really cast arts or crafts. there is a charge meter if you fill it, you can unleash semi big attacks. it's also very simplistic, and mostly works like watered down Ys combat. action mode also sometimes can stun enemies to give advantage in command mode (similar to hitting enemies from behind in real time in the older games). you don't get the EXP/sepith x battle score multipliers from action mode too. so this is mostly just to make traversal in low level areas faster without dodging enemies while still get some low bonus EXP/Sepith.
the main meat is still the command mode/turn based mode, so I am glad trails is still mainly a turn based games.
good news my prediction about the action mode is correct. it's more of a low level trash mob fast mode as you can't really cast arts or crafts. there is a charge meter if you fill it, you can unleash semi big attacks. it's also very simplistic, and mostly works like watered down Ys combat. action mode also sometimes can stun enemies to give advantage in command mode (similar to hitting enemies from behind in real time in the older games). you don't get the EXP/sepith x battle score multipliers from action mode too. so this is mostly just to make traversal in low level areas faster without dodging enemies while still get some low bonus EXP/Sepith.
the main meat is still the command mode/turn based mode, so I am glad trails is still mainly a turn based games.