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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Aug 1, 2013
No it's the future. It's the way they'll beat piracy, by putting everything on their servers like Diablo 3. Maybe server costs will have to go down a bit, but eventually every game will have online servers to play from.
After the Sim City fiasco, I think it will be many years until EA tries something similar again. :smug:
Nah, they'll be all over it again with The Sims 4.
No: http://www.destructoid.com/simcity-feedback-led-to-an-offline-the-sims-4-258669.phtml
"Single-player offline experience" means that you'll need interwebbings to launch the game, just that you don't need it all the time to play.

And they'll crank the macrotransactions up to 11.


Jun 1, 2011
All that has to happen is all the major publishers have to agree to it. Kind of like making people pay a pass for used games on consoles. Because Sony wouldn't do it, Microsoft had to cancel it. Once both agree to it. They'll basically put the used games market out of business.


May 25, 2006
"Single-player offline experience" means that you'll need interwebbings to launch the game, just that you don't need it all the time to play.

And they'll crank the macrotransactions up to 11.
Still entirely not the same as always online. Are you retarded or just not paying attention at all?

Edit: Origin has an offline mode BTW, which works more reliably than Steam's. Can't see why they'd not let Sims 4 use that, seeing how they need to regain goodwill after Sim City.


Aug 1, 2013
"Single-player offline experience" means that you'll need interwebbings to launch the game, just that you don't need it all the time to play.

And they'll crank the macrotransactions up to 11.
Still entirely not the same as always online. Are you retarded or just not paying attention at all?
I know what it says. I am just being cynical given EA's past actions.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
It's not going to be traditional singleplayer always online for funsies. They know that won't wash. They are going to introduce more and more online aspects to solo play until everything is always online and "multiplayer" even if you play by yourself at all times.


Oct 5, 2010
New Vegas
It's not going to be traditional singleplayer always online for funsies. They know that won't wash. They are going to introduce more and more online aspects to solo play until everything is always online and "multiplayer" even if you play with yourself at all times.
Had to.

The less video games I play in the future the more I will play with myself, for sure.


Aug 28, 2013
It's not going to be traditional singleplayer always online for funsies. They know that won't wash. They are going to introduce more and more online aspects to solo play until everything is always online and "multiplayer" even if you play with yourself at all times.
Had to.

The less video games I play in the future the more I will play with myself, for sure.
completly dependant on the game.


May 14, 2008
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)


Dec 29, 2011
Codex 2012
Posting for the first time in a long time lol.

Transgender romance?

Glad Bioware has progressed enough to openly support gay and lesbian romances. Still, I feel the transgender community has been left out big time. In fact, I'm a little insulted that they poke fun at transgender community by only having transgender characters in the brothels and only giving them comic relief bit-piece roles. I for one feel it's hightime we got a transgender party member as well as a transgender romance. Were Bioware to include this, it'd be a big step for transgender relations and we'd be well on our way to a more tolerant society.

If you have time, read through the whole thread. It is glorious.


May 14, 2008
Posting for the first time in a long time lol.

Transgender romance?

Glad Bioware has progressed enough to openly support gay and lesbian romances. Still, I feel the transgender community has been left out big time. In fact, I'm a little insulted that they poke fun at transgender community by only having transgender characters in the brothels and only giving them comic relief bit-piece roles. I for one feel it's hightime we got a transgender party member as well as a transgender romance. Were Bioware to include this, it'd be a big step for transgender relations and we'd be well on our way to a more tolerant society.

If you have time, read through the whole thread. It is glorious.
They should just post in the thread saying that character X and Y are transgender, but they are not judged for it. :lol:


Jan 15, 2009
35 pages big thread, in 5 hours? I am speechless

Every time there's any thread on BSN with even the slightest bit of controversy, it gets filled with a thousand people all posting their opinions and mostly ignoring everyone else, or at least that's what it has seemed like when I've been linked there from BTE/this thread. I remember dropping by when that controversy about forum bans affecting the ability to play games sprung up (the whole "Have you sold your soul to the EA devil?" thing) and the thread about it was still getting probably 10 pages an hour. By lucky timing I managed to arrive when the most recent post was a long, insightful rant about the legality/morality of the ban and issues of consumer rights that ended with a satisfying smackdown of one of the most prominent EA apologists in the thread. Naturally, it went completely overlooked over the course of the next several pages, in which everyone posting was either (a) a casual poster responding to a post from the first 2-3 pages, because nobody who isn't invested in the BSN would be willing to scour the entire thing for the miniscule chance that there might be a diamond in the rough, or (b) one of 5-6 regulars perpetuating quote pyramids that had been going on for tens of pages.

Really respected the guy for being one of the few to actually make an effort and put together a decent argument (with citations, even!) rather than shit out the first banal platitude that came to mind, but I couldn't see why anyone would even bother in such an environment; when you have such a volume of posts, anything halfway decent gets drowned out.


Apr 10, 2013
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)
You can lessen the cover-shooter aspects of ME3, though I didn't bother and made myself a complete glass cannon because I assumed it was unchanged from ME2. I like ME1 the best because at any time you can just say "fuck the plot" and go exploring untamed alien worlds with huge (albeit empty) landscapes and seriously gorgeous skies. In ME2 and 3 you can also say "fuck the plot" but your alternatives are shooting monsters in a small combat arena on a desert planet, or on an ice planet.


Dumbfuck Douchebag! Village Idiot Repressed Homosexual Possibly Retarded Edgy Shitposter
Sep 14, 2013
Posting for the first time in a long time lol.

Transgender romance?

If you have time, read through the whole thread. It is glorious.

Lol, I kind of tackled this in a satire thread I made on IGN before they banned me:
Anyone that has played a BioWare game on the XBOX 360 knows that they are the flagship games for homosexuals in that they feature a lot of options for homosexual relationships but I find that they are sadly lacking in transsexual and Otherkin characters. Don't get me wrong, I find it thoroughly fantastic that you can not only have a same sex relationship but you can also an interracial same sex relationship with a Mexican man, this is breaking down two social barriers. When Cortez randomly stated how he missed his husband I nearly broke down into tears of joy at how far we have come as a nation since the days where physical violence against homosexual men was rampant in our nations and it was unsafe for anyone to come out of the closet without fearing a boot in the face from their neighbor and a burning cross in their lawn from the local pastors. I know anti-Homosexual bigots made a big fuss over all of the homosexual people but they should realize that it's the 23rd century in the Mass Effect Universe and with the social constructs of the patriarchy thoroughly abolished same sex, transsexual, hermaphroditic and Otherkin relationships could constitute at least 90% of all relationships with ease.

This brings me to the point of my thread, namely that despite these great strides for gay couples I thought they really missed a major opportunity to help to really get the message out about identity politics. They could have done so easily by either having a transsexual love interest or with having the option of having a transsexual Shepard. I also thought that in addition to missing the boat on the transsexual question did they also wasted the chance to bring to light the struggles of the Otherkin. If not in characters themselves dialogue options could have gone a great way in exposing children to the fact that some people are born into the wrong species . Take me for instance, I am proud to share that I am really a goblin like those found in the Harry Potter series of novels born in a human being's body. I often like to pose in front of my mirror with my fedora and trench coat fantasizing that I am a sprightly 3'6'' of solid muscle, sinew and magical energies performing the role of a bouncer protecting my more industrious banking kinsmen. Alas, I know it is a world I can never enter for I was born into a muggle family as a human being, and I know for others that to all appearances that is exactly what I am. I hope and trust that no one will find that curious as most Internet users are highly savvy when it comes to obscure subcultures and unusual medical and sexual identity conditions such as mine. My life as a goblin trapped in a human body has been extremely difficult to say the least. During job interviews it often comes down to me having to reveal my actual identity, most management types are not understanding of my condition and this has led me to miss out on a lot of professional opportunities.

In too many video games it seems they only halfheartedly deal with the Otherkin issue. Like for instance the werewolves in Skyrim which I played on the XBOX 360. In those games it's possible to be a lycanthrope but it isn't possible to be a wolf trapped in in a man's body or a whale or a dinosaur etc trapped in a human's body. Don't get me wrong, lycanthropes are valid identities but so are other animals trapped in a human being's body. It's things like this that really makes me have to doubt whether these game publishers actually understand identity politics at all. Identity politics simply does not have enough exposure with XBOX 360 gamers and I blame the game designers and totally irresponsible publishers. I hope that within my lifetime that the average American will have an understanding of identity politics and will in turn be more tolerant of boys and girls with abnormal (but perfectly natural and yes, HEALTHY) identities.

Thank you.
Apr 4, 2007
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)

ME3 Vanguard, bro.

Charging-->Nova-->Charge-->SHEPARD PAWNCH!

Pretty "broken" that you had an offensive ability with a short cooldown and high damage/hitstun/knockback that just so happened to restore your shields. But it did let you approach fights in a way that wasn't stop 'n popamole. If only they had added in a taunt button...gotta tell some reapers to show me their moves.


May 14, 2008
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)

ME3 Vanguard, bro.

Charging-->Nova-->Charge-->SHEPARD PAWNCH!

Pretty "broken" that you had an offensive ability with a short cooldown and high damage/hitstun/knockback that just so happened to restore your shields. But it did let you approach fights in a way that wasn't stop 'n popamole. If only they had added in a taunt button...gotta tell some reapers to show me their moves.
I'm aware of that combination. I used it in ME2. But playing it is more like playing a QTE than a shooter.
Jan 7, 2012
It's more like playing god mode with a 25% chance the spell will fizzle and leave you dead 0.5s later every time you use it.
Apr 4, 2007
I'm aware of that combination. I used it in ME2. But playing it is more like playing a QTE than a shooter.

I don't know if I'd call it a QTE; Vanguard gameplay isn't really just a sequence of linear button prompts that penalize the player with instant failure for deviating from developer intent. It's more like leveraging a broken ability so as to completely subvert normal gameplay.

That said, I'd definitely agree that ME1 was open to alternative playstyles in a more "organic" way. Going Vanguard with Barriers, Lift, and Pistols made for a lot less popping of moles. Whereas in the other games you either broke them (Vanguard chargespam, Infiltrator cloak) or popped the moles.

Space Satan

May 13, 2013
Space Hell
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)
You can do it in ME3, which, in my opinion, have the best combat mechanics. Should they reduce cover dependance it'll be even truly great. With high shields and health you can kill 90% of common enemies in 1-2 shots from that Spectre pistol. I tried once moving without cover as vanguard - that was easy as piss- just move forward and shoot your hand cannon pistol and when your shields are down biotic charge and start anew. had to change tactics only when big enemies showed up. but as people said it's mostly vanguard "feature". The difference in ME3 is that enemies used grenades and had shields. At least now you have to move and change positions, while in ME1 and 2 everyone simply shoot each other ad infinitum.


Aug 1, 2013
I hate having to repeat this, but ME1 is the most fun Mass Effect game to play because you are not required to play it as a cover shooter. If you build your character correctly, you can play it run-and-gun.

(Infiltrator + pistols + tech skills + high shield armor)
Sentinel + Tech shield skill + Barrier + shield armor.

Congratulations, you are tougher than pretty much everyone else on the team.

Too bad Sentinel sucks balls in ME2 and 3.

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