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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
Stanley Woo out.
Fat Fuck Priestly out.
Hamburger Hepler out.
Casey Hudson out.

You're next David Gayder.
The fucking docs themselves jumped ship a long time ago.

What's left at Bioware are SJWs and imitators.


Dec 21, 2010

Very sad for news to break that @caseydhuson is leaving Bioware. End of an era.

What fucking era? Who the fuck was Casey Hudson before the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle? You are just a games journalist. Stop pretending that this is Freddie Mercury dying ffs.

Casey Hudson was a designer on MDKII, KOTOR and directed the Mass Effect Franchise since the first game.

I mean for a Bioware guy he has been there a while. Are you confusing him with someone else?


Sep 1, 2013

Very sad for news to break that @caseydhuson is leaving Bioware. End of an era.

What fucking era? Who the fuck was Casey Hudson before the Mass Effect 3 ending debacle? You are just a games journalist. Stop pretending that this is Freddie Mercury dying ffs.
Like it or not, he was one of the key people in the studio. If Avellone/Sawyer left Obsidian, it would basically be the same thing. I'm not really sure how to feel about this, he was one of the "veterans"...


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth
They did remember to use him in the ME4 and new IP teaser, heh.

Mass Effect and KOTOR project director Casey Hudson leaves BioWare
"BioWare is as magical a place today as it was when I started."

BioWare executive producer Casey Hudson has left the renowned studio after 16 years.


Casey Hudson.

Hudson began his tenure at BioWare back in 1998 where he served as a technical artist on such games as MDK2 and Neverwinter Nights. He then moved up in the world and became the project director for the smash hit Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Following that, he fulfilled the same role in each entry of BioWare's other sci-fi trilogy, Mass Effect.

"I'll take a much needed break, get perspective on what I really want to do with the next phase of my life, and eventually, take on a new set of challenges," said Hudson in his resignation letter.

The former project director was clear that he's very satisfied with where the studio's biggest projects are going and that BioWare will be fine without him. "Though there's never an easy time to make a change like this, I believe this is the best time for it," he stated.

"The foundation of our new IP in Edmonton is complete, and the team is ready to move forward into pre-production on a title that I think will redefine interactive entertainment. Development for the next Mass Effect game is well underway, with stunning assets and playable builds that prove the team is ready to deliver the best Mass Effect experience to date. And the Dragon Age: Inquisition team is putting the final touches on a truly ambitious title with some of the most beautiful visuals I've seen in a game."

Hudson also noted that he was very proud of the company and its culture. "BioWare is as magical a place today as it was when I started. The projects we are working on are some of the most exciting and prestigious in the world. The talent in our teams is second to none. And the people here are some of my closest friends."

BioWare studio general manager, Aaryn Flynn added, "Casey's focus on production quality, digital acting technology, and emotionally engaging narrative has made a substantial impact on BioWare and the video game industry as a whole."

"We will be forever grateful for Casey's hard work, passion, and everything he has taught us over the years - a methodical dedication to quality, a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie, and putting fans above everything else. But most of all, Casey has challenged every one of us in the studio to be better tomorrow than we were today. It is in that spirit that as we finish Dragon Age: Inquisition, we will continue working on the next Mass Effect game and our new IP project, confident in our goals and progress."

Not to worry, Mac Walters and Mike Laidlaw will keep the fire burning. :troll:


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"If Avellone/Sawyer left Obsidian, it would basically be the same thing. I'm not really sure how to feel about this, he was one of the "veterans"..."
Nah. Maybe Sawyer = hudson in that way. But, Avellone is an Obsidian OWNER so that be a completely different story than one measily (albeit) important employee.

\Anyways, Hudson left because he is going to join the docs' new game studio that they will start using all the money EA gave them. :)


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Define 'smash hit' because if you ar eone of the knobfuckers who believe the goal is to sell 10mil copies ala Madden or Diablo you are fukkin' on crack.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Casey Hudson was a designer on MDKII, KOTOR and directed the Mass Effect Franchise since the first game.

I mean for a Bioware guy he has been there a while. Are you confusing him with someone else?

I don't know. Someone like Casey Hudson leaving the company just doesn't strike me as that big of a deal. The docs leaving was more of an end of an era than that and they hadn't had much participation in development for years. As director he was probably very important but that makes his function much more collaborative than anything. As an individual, he is best remembered for not only writing ME3's ending, but also serving as the negative face of BioWare during the debacle.

I just sometimes feel that ever since EA tried to turn its developers into rock stars people have been grasping at straws to find ideal creative masterminds they can latch onto in spite of the actual size of video games development. We don't have directors to idolize and if film taught (more specifically, if George Lucas taught anything to his fans) is that sometimes, when we and media builds up this individual genius we are feeding ourselves this very destructive lie. You can say that Hudson is very much like an Avellone or Sawyer, but I can't see that. With the size of BioWare's, I'd say he's more like a Laidlaw.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
Avellone sin't the same. The guy is one of the bosses. Comapring him to swayer though makes sense since they are the same stratosphere as far as standing (arguments about skill level/talent notiwthstanding). Serniordesigners entrusted with being in charge of various games for their companies who've been there for a long while (in game company terms).


Old time handsome face wrecker
Dec 1, 2010
San Diego
Codex 2014
ME3 made over 200 million fucking dollars. It was a critical and commercial success. That is a completely separate issue from whether or not Codex posters or Metacritic users liked it. The ending problems were a flash in the pan, and nobody of worth will remember them. Hell, most of the people who reviewed the game didn't even give a shit. BioWare will make another ME game and it will sell like fucking hotcakes, because they know their audience: sad losers who want waifus/habandos while shooting space guns and using space magic to fight for INCLUSION, with a difficulty level that can be lowered to kindergarten. That's it. The loss of a veteran developer means nothing.


Pretty Princess
Pretty Princess Glory to Ukraine
Mar 10, 2003
"because they know their audience: sad losers who want waifus/habandos while shooting space guns and using space magic to fight for INCLUSION, with a difficulty level that can be lowered to kindergarten. That's it. The loss of a veteran developer means nothing."

Don't you mean they know their audience is the Codex and other idiots like the Codex ebcause they'll buiy and play their games no matter what because theya re fukkin' stupid that way so they don't have to make the game to conform what Codex claims to 'want' because they'll buy that shit anyways.

In essence, idf you hate BIO, blame the Codex for its maintained success. :)

Night Goat

The Immovable Autism
No Fun Allowed
May 6, 2013
Codex 2013 Codex 2014
ME3 made over 200 million fucking dollars. It was a critical and commercial success. That is a completely separate issue from whether or not Codex posters or Metacritic users liked it. The ending problems were a flash in the pan, and nobody of worth will remember them. Hell, most of the people who reviewed the game didn't even give a shit. BioWare will make another ME game and it will sell like fucking hotcakes, because they know their audience: sad losers who want waifus/habandos while shooting space guns and using space magic to fight for INCLUSION, with a difficulty level that can be lowered to kindergarten. That's it. The loss of a veteran developer means nothing.
This. I can't leave the house without seeing an N7 t-shirt or bumper sticker.

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