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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread

Apr 4, 2007
I was going to screenshot some parody answers, but then one of the responses available for the initialquestion caught my eye.


I see Itsuno's masterwork is starting to gain more traction...


Jul 12, 2008
7. As an RPG player, please choose the top three activities that are most important to you:
- Optimizing my kit and skills in order to progress
- Comparing myself against friends
- Exploring different worlds to find resources and knowledge
- Engaging in combat
- Leveling up
- Customizing my appearance
- Exploring alternative story outcomes

Kind of surprised romanceable companions aren't one of the options. Guess it may be because Bioware already knows exactly how important it is to most of their customers and doesn't need any more feedback on the subject.
Feb 13, 2011
I was going to screenshot some parody answers, but then one of the responses available for the initialquestion caught my eye.


I see Itsuno's masterwork is starting to gain more traction...
Yes. DD was even in Dragons Keep survey. I think they even mentioned it in one of they interviews about fighting dragons in DA3.


Jun 18, 2010
Kind of surprised romanceable companions aren't one of the options. Guess it may be because Bioware already knows exactly how important it is to most of their customers and doesn't need any more feedback on the subject.



Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I also filled in the survey. Here is my comment at the end:

Videogames are a young medium, and any leaps forward can go towards defining, exploring the possibilities of this medium. Videogames are not just a game, since they have advanced they have become an experience built by people. A slice of imagined life. You could fill it with tropes and repetetive action, or you could actually fulfull the promise of the medium. You need to realize your audience isn't 20 years old or younger, some people are in their thirties and older and enjoying videogames. We're not monkeys who can't understand things unless you plot them out so that even someone who's never played games can understand it. But I suppose that wouldn't be profitable. Even though games like Dark Souls and the Witcher do well for themselves, the higher ups think that making the comparatively smaller profits they made are a failure. Everyone just wants best selling franchises it seems, and there is no such thing as a medium budget game apparantly.

I could play your games, but if I did I would become depressed. I'm not interested in romances. I don't care about virtual characters you just introdiuced. I do not BELIEVE a character is "awesome" just be cause you say it in dialogue or narration. No act perpetrated in a story is emotional just because you believe it is an emotional act, like killing off the main character. You have to work to make it that way.

Your fault is not that you aimed high and missed, but that you aimed low and hit the target exactly.


Sep 1, 2013
I also filled in the survey. Here is my comment at the end:

Videogames are a young medium, and any leaps forward can go towards defining, exploring the possibilities of this medium. Videogames are not just a game, since they have advanced they have become an experience built by people. A slice of imagined life. You could fill it with tropes and repetetive action, or you could actually fulfull the promise of the medium. You need to realize your audience isn't 20 years old or younger, some people are in their thirties and older and enjoying videogames. We're not monkeys who can't understand things unless you plot them out so that even someone who's never played games can understand it. But I suppose that wouldn't be profitable. Even though games like Dark Souls and the Witcher do well for themselves, the higher ups think that making the comparatively smaller profits they made are a failure. Everyone just wants best selling franchises it seems, and there is no such thing as a medium budget game apparantly.

I could play your games, but if I did I would become depressed. I'm not interested in romances. I don't care about virtual characters you just introdiuced. I do not BELIEVE a character is "awesome" just be cause you say it in dialogue or narration. No act perpetrated in a story is emotional just because you believe it is an emotional act, like killing off the main character. You have to work to make it that way.

Your fault is not that you aimed high and missed, but that you aimed low and hit the target exactly.
It's too vague and there are no arguments. If I was an author and this was a critique of my work, I would certainly feel the urge to be defensive... Simply because there's no actual feedback here, just accusations. I'm not trying to be mean man, I just assume your goal was to make them think about their work (not just ridicule them). If that's the case, I think you failed.

I fixed your comment, it's much shorter now: Not every game is for retards (only majority). Witcher and Dark Souls are better games and your sucks cause I'm saying it fuckers. Also, I don't like some of your completely optional content.
Last edited:


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I wasn't trying to professionally critique them, I don't expect them to do anything with it either way.


Oct 25, 2013
I am not sure what I want from new mass effect.

I liked those background choices very much even, if they didn't change game that much. In fact I prefer more backgrounds than spacer, colonist, earthling background.
Good plot would be plus, but I am also ok playing cop/mercenary/marine on road trip without any greater plot behind, but just punch of quests.


Nov 23, 2012
I will buy the next Bioware game just for the Multiplayer(funny,isnt it?).
I hope they dont manage to screw that up...


I wonder how the Bioware developers will react when they find out that you can't have sexy time phun with the trolls and goblins in Divinity: Original Sin.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
What I want from the next ME is good combat. Bio has this tendency to use it as paddling for the "real game" (chatting up people and maybe sex them), forgetting that it takes 80% of the playing time. No matter how terribru the rest of the content is, if the main activity is fun then the game is worth a try.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.

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