But is it good?
But is it good?
....didnt i have this conversation already with someone? Root, is that you??
It is a rushed game that even JVC gave up on, i cannot lie about that, but it is in a playable state even in vanilla (just save alot), but with the TELP patch alot of shit gets fixed which makes it a few notches better then vanilla, but to be able to get the full MM experience you ahve to totally remake the game from scratch in a new engine.
As i said, it depends alot on if you are invested in the whole Might and Magic franchise like some RPG blond master race, or if you are just some wild eyed bum that hop around and play RPG's at random and tend to forget what you played yesterday.
If you are, sure, you should and could play 9 so you can brag about how you played them all like a super goober, if you are not, well....i dunno, pass it and go to MM10 instead.
Or something.
Should you play X rather than IX?
While I enjoyed MMX a lot and played it to completion upon release, that statement is very questionable. I would say any number of blobbers out of Japan are superior if you can manage to get past the weeaboo aesthetic (granted, not everyone can); and, even if you can't, there's stuff like The Dark Spire. The main problem with X for me was the lack of agility in the gameplay, and the amount of gated content in the overworld, something that is uncharacteristic of MM in generalX is the best blobber that came out in the last 10 years or so.
MMX is better than the Dark Spire in my opinion. And I don't know of any other blobber out of Japan that comes close in quality to the Dark Spire.
The gated content in MMX - yeah, that was not that great. But at least it has an actual (though not very big) overworld, while even the Dark Spire is "just" a dungeon crawler.
Even out next best hope regarding blobbers (Bard's Tale 4) will be a big dungeon crawler with no overworld.
Well... You can beat the whole game without ever levelling if you cheese the fuck out of the system (and have a lot of patience), but if you play normally then the main quest is indeed pretty difficult. It's not too bad at the stage you're currently in (only 3 of the lord quests actually require you to fight anything at all, and only 2 of them are actually difficult). But you definitely want to do a bunch of side quests as you progress. MM6 is a big game, no need to rush it. And getting your ass trashed is part of MM6's fun, so don't worry too much about it.How diffcult is the mainquest in MM6. Im level 20 but getting my ass thrashed with the lords quests. I doing something wrong or should I go do quests and dungeons?
Ill just fuck around with side quests until I get bored and then I will do the mainquest. This game huge so I can take my time. One thing that I somewhat dislike are the herds of trash mobs. Please tell me that gets scaled back for other titles.Well... You can beat the whole game without ever levelling if you cheese the fuck out of the system (and have a lot of patience), but if you play normally then the main quest is indeed pretty difficult. It's not too bad at the stage you're currently in (only 3 of the lord quests actually require you to fight anything at all, and only 2 of them are actually difficult). But you definitely want to do a bunch of side quests as you progress. MM6 is a big game, no need to rush it. And getting your ass trashed is part of MM6's fun, so don't worry too much about it.How diffcult is the mainquest in MM6. Im level 20 but getting my ass thrashed with the lords quests. I doing something wrong or should I go do quests and dungeons?
Ill just fuck around with side quests until I get bored and then I will do the mainquest. This game huge so I can take my time. One thing that I somewhat dislike are the herds of trash mobs. Please tell me that gets scaled back for other titles.
Ill just fuck around with side quests until I get bored and then I will do the mainquest. This game huge so I can take my time. One thing that I somewhat dislike are the herds of trash mobs. Please tell me that gets scaled back for other titles.
It does.
But in MM6 the herds of trash mobs respawn every 6 months of in-game time, so fucking around too long may not be a good idea.
I don't remember what level I was when I finished the game (probably around 50-60) but I do remember that I had like 100-200 unused skill points on every character. The game starts difficult but it gets very easy in the late game once you pick up ancient weapons.Ill just fuck around with side quests until I get bored and then I will do the mainquest. This game huge so I can take my time. One thing that I somewhat dislike are the herds of trash mobs. Please tell me that gets scaled back for other titles.Well... You can beat the whole game without ever levelling if you cheese the fuck out of the system (and have a lot of patience), but if you play normally then the main quest is indeed pretty difficult. It's not too bad at the stage you're currently in (only 3 of the lord quests actually require you to fight anything at all, and only 2 of them are actually difficult). But you definitely want to do a bunch of side quests as you progress. MM6 is a big game, no need to rush it. And getting your ass trashed is part of MM6's fun, so don't worry too much about it.How diffcult is the mainquest in MM6. Im level 20 but getting my ass thrashed with the lords quests. I doing something wrong or should I go do quests and dungeons?
The later games do have less trash mobs... But they actually take longer to kill as your party is generally weaker than in MM6.Ill just fuck around with side quests until I get bored and then I will do the mainquest. This game huge so I can take my time. One thing that I somewhat dislike are the herds of trash mobs. Please tell me that gets scaled back for other titles.Well... You can beat the whole game without ever levelling if you cheese the fuck out of the system (and have a lot of patience), but if you play normally then the main quest is indeed pretty difficult. It's not too bad at the stage you're currently in (only 3 of the lord quests actually require you to fight anything at all, and only 2 of them are actually difficult). But you definitely want to do a bunch of side quests as you progress. MM6 is a big game, no need to rush it. And getting your ass trashed is part of MM6's fun, so don't worry too much about it.How diffcult is the mainquest in MM6. Im level 20 but getting my ass thrashed with the lords quests. I doing something wrong or should I go do quests and dungeons?
BT4 will have outside areas, but it won't be an open-world game.
Nothing like Meteor Shower + Flying and carpet bombing armies of enemies. :D
Sometimes it's just more fun to mow down legions of weak enemies than small groups of scaled enemies, and MM6 is amongst the few CRPGs that lets you indulge in such activities.
BT4 will have outside areas, but it won't be an open-world game.
Are they also doing that Grimrock shit?!
BT4 will have outside areas, but it won't be an open-world game.
Are they also doing that Grimrock shit?!
You have to be more specific than that. They won't do the RT combat, and they will fix other Grimrock shit like lack of NPC's and shops. However, despite having 30 maps, BT4 will still be basically a dungeon crawler.
With grayface mm6 patch and optimized builds & henchmen (focusing instead of spreading the points around; using a healer for melee or +7 magic skills for casters) you can easily go through the 6 in, like, 50-60 hours. For an RPG, that's rather average, I think.
The real problem with 7 is that while seemingly its systems were optimised, in practice they got rather broken. Whereas in VI all the classes were useful (even the knights - dunno why people complain about them, 2x knights with 25+ bodybuilding and shared life solve all your healing needs nicely and you can totally punch off the dragons' ugly mugs),
in VII we have three absolute suckers (ranger-rogue-druid)...
and hybrid classes (paladin & archer) being degraded into one-trick ponies. Sure, their perma-bash & bow limit break capabilities might be interesting to explore, but that's that. Most of the other grandmasters are actually rather boring, giving just plain increase to some fighting capacity.
And in terms of casting it got way too safe & stale. Whereas in VI dark & light were balanced by huge MP costs, universal resistances & sometimes wonky effects (which applied to all magical schools, though), in VII dark path makes all other schools obsolete and light, while not so cool offensively, still makes the game stupidly easy via god mode on (divine interventions anytime, anywhere, en masse).
Not to mention that stuff like Protection from Magic really takes the edge out of the game (which is a rather unpopular opinion, unfortunately).
The game lost a lot of subtleties too. Different shops opening & closing at different times, some useless henchmen that can still give you rumors or flavor, money becoming useless (in VI there was a crude yet efficient economy), etc. The world is also not brutal enough - in VI, half of the map was filled with really nasty areas. In VII, most of the map are just safe low-level encounters. Metagaming also got more boring, tbh - none of the explosive Gate Master starts.
I'm not saying that VII is bad as the overall formula is still decent, but it's not as good as the VI.