I'll be damned if that Skeleton Closet will open...
Maybe they don't want to come out of the closet...and we have gone full circle back to the OP of this thread.
I'll be damned if that Skeleton Closet will open...
Reading this guide or whatever feels strange. MM games are pretty easy,you can beat them with most parties and there is no point to min max. I just pick a standard party without repeating classes and have fun.
MM 1 and 2 are hard, at least in the beginning. MM 3-5 are easy, though.
is there such mod for World of Xeenthe constant monster respawing makes the game a really grind-fest, with shit-loads of money and gems flying at the party quite early,
Ludmeister's Might and Magic - World of Xeen Monster Spawn Modis there such mod for World of Xeen
You should play the first game if you haven't.Very good game, among the best in the series and among the best RPGs at all. Exploration and combat are both top notch.
Sure, I haven't played it yet and I will.You should play the first game if you haven't.Very good game, among the best in the series and among the best RPGs at all. Exploration and combat are both top notch.
Very good game, among the best in the series and among the best RPGs at all. Exploration and combat are both top notch.
Does it count if I use Dosbox and a grid notebook?Very good game, among the best in the series and among the best RPGs at all. Exploration and combat are both top notch.
and remember, real pros play it on native system, like C64 or Apple II, with notebooks.
You will never be a real Super Goober like me if you cant do this.
Does it count if I use Dosbox and a grid notebook?Very good game, among the best in the series and among the best RPGs at all. Exploration and combat are both top notch.
and remember, real pros play it on native system, like C64 or Apple II, with notebooks.
You will never be a real Super Goober like me if you cant do this.
I played M&M VI over and over again, at least six times, with assorted teams of adventurers. I would do it again with any useful mods, however, I've yet to hear about any such! By the time that sequel was available, the C64 was only a poor doorstop, or worse.I am curious if there is any mods/games like Might and Magic,i know about wizardry. Anything to recommend? Closer to MM6 and MM7 if posible and no dungeon games like legend of grimrock.
MM6 have "The Chaos Conspiracy" mod. Would recommend trying it out. Just copy paste your original saves in another directory,i mistakenly saved on my godly party and that killed the game for meI played M&M VI over and over again, at least six times, with assorted teams of adventurers. I would do it again with any useful mods, however, I've yet to hear about any such! By the time that sequel was available, the C64 was only a poor doorstop, or worse.I am curious if there is any mods/games like Might and Magic,i know about wizardry. Anything to recommend? Closer to MM6 and MM7 if posible and no dungeon games like legend of grimrock.
Here is thing i did for past time: merge of mm6, mm7, and mm8 on base of mm8 using MMExtension.
Download link (MMExtension and Editor are included, game is not included): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cu6tlpkh99pw ... jMWfa?dl=0
Update 21.11.2017, use it if you've downloaded main files before: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v6bsucr1m5ck ... uQOfa?dl=0
How to install:
1. Install GOG version of Might and Magic VIII.
2. Install GrayFace's patch for MM8.
3. Unpack MMExtension and MMEditor files into MM8 folder.
4. Copy files from "Game files" folder to MM8 folder, replacing existing.
5. First launch can take up to 15 mins, keep patience.
I did test only main stories and partially promotion quests, those should work right, other stuff can be buggy and requries feedback for fixing.
Known unfixed bugs/issues:
1. Win7 x64: some cutscenes can not be played in full screen mode, watch them in windowed mode. Did not notice it in Win XP x64 and Win 10 x64.
2. Some MM6 dungeons are glitchy in hardware game mode, use software mode for it (possible crashes while moving through doors).
3. One half of double-leaf doors in MM6 dungeons sometimes stays impassable, second part usually works fine.
4. Some bonuses of relics and artifacts from mm6/7 does not have any effects in fact.
Possible contributions if someone would:
1. Testing.
2. Repainting mm6/7 armors to fit mm8 dolls.
(video-example at 1:18 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/82s8qybipshy3 ... e.mp4?dl=0 (video a bit outdated, use dump(*table*) function to find new fields of structures)).
3. Inventing additional character paperdolls (going to add video-example in nearest future).
Most calsses came from mm6/7 are not elighible for some mm8 dolls, i.e. vampire paladin sounds senseless, so adding more human paperdolls would be great.
4. Rescripting mm6/7 relics/artifacts bonuses.
(video-example at 3:00 : https://www.dropbox.com/s/82s8qybipshy3 ... e.mp4?dl=0 ).
5. Inventing quests or story arcs which would lead player from new game continent to story lines of other continents.
This is english version based on GOG releases. I did external database to not get confused with all game files, i think, i can use it to automatically replace current files with other localization, send me your *.lod archives from game folder, so i can try to do it.
1. "Queen Catherine" starts shipping to Antagrich and Jadam after revealing Silvertongue's treason.
2. Ships from Ravenshore starts travelling to Antagrich/Enroth when party gets access to Regna.
3. Ship from Tularean forest starts travelling to Jadam when party finishing Dwarf king's quest.
4. Party can be filled up at start or durning gameplay by hiring random followers.
5. Game have weather effects (snow and rain), if it becomes annoying, rename "weather.lua" in ..\Scripts\General folder to "weather.lua.off".
6. I have not ever tried to use any high res mod, can not predict how new interface elements will behave with it.
7. I've used Marcon Phoenix's world map for new game menu.
Hi! We launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign so you can help us bringing The Call of Liriel to life.
The Call of Liriel is an indie open world first-person party-based free movement RPG, inspired on 90's first-person RPGs, main inspiration from Might and Magic 6,7,8 and Wizardry 8. You are a party of four novice monster hunters looking for your next adventure. You heard about an island where inhabitants are terrorized by a group of giant spiders. You travel there to start your epic monster hunter career. Things will become increasingly complicated as you join the battle between light and dark forces!
Crowdfunding trailer: https://youtu.be/L8evVo_XT6Y
Link to campaign >>> https://igg.me/at/the-call-of-liriel <<<
Please help us spreading the word, sharing the crowdfunding campaign with friends, and, if you can, making a contribution.
MaestroMod 2D art being used for the portraits, dolls, items, professions. Thanks Maestro!
We decided to put our past achievements as a demo version, because sure there are people who would be interested to see this.
The demo contains one open location and one dungeon.
The method of distribution - freeware.
Download the demo version :
Version 0.8.1 . ( for Windows XP) -
https://disk.yandex.ru/public/?hash=6M1 ... er0lYqc%3D
Version 0.8.2 (Windows 7/Vista) -
https://disk.yandex.ru/public/?hash=WvH ... y/J/EHs%3D
Our forum: http://wox2.org/forum/
WASD - movement
Q - switch viewing modes (MM6-8 style OR first-person shooter style)
ctrl - stealth mode
alt - jump
space - tactical pause (you can use spells in this mode)
enter - classic turn-based combat. Enemies must be at close range.
About the project :
Start of development : 18.12.2009 .
Termination of development : somewhere in February 2013.
Minimum system requirements:
Operating system - Windows XP/Vista/7
Video Card - 512MB , OpenGL 2.1 support
Processor 1.5 GHz
300 MB free hard disk space
Description: RPG in the first person . The player's task to manage a party of four characters, explore the area, improve skills , complete quests .
The game was planned in a modified setting of Might & Magic 6-8. Events occur prior to the collision of two blades which led to the death of the planet. Action game should have happened on the island Vori . We have revised the story suggesting that the climate has changed on the island after Kilgor cleared so-called "the Sword of Frost" ( events Heroes Chronicles).
Project History :
In early 2010, resumed drafting World of Xeen 2 . Planned as a working title , which will be subsequently modified . The team was actually collected again. Was seriously modified game engine and a new game content .
During the development was done:
- Graphics engine
- The level editor , dialogues and objects. Loading the remaining data derived from tables.
- Skeletal animation
- Batch Management - moving , melee, ranged , interaction with NPC, the choice of objects in the scene (eg opening boxes ) , stealth mode
- game system - slightly modified system of Might & Magic 6th and 7th part
- Many different art : textures, models , characters, sounds and music
- A huge number of 2D images of items for game inventory
- Interface : main window , statistics , inventory, dialog windows, alchemy, map of the area , the start menu
- 7 open locations
- 5 dungeons
- A few quests
- About 20 spells (almost everything is in demo version)
- Turn-based combat system
- Combat system in real time
Taken from other sources :
- Some of the textures are taken from cgtextures.com
- Some sounds taken from freesound.org
Old stuff
Here is thing i did for past time: merge of mm6, mm7, and mm8 on base of mm8 using MMExtension.
What does he mean though, that they are fused into one big game? Wouldn't that completely break the balance of all three games?
What am I doing and who am I
I am reimplementing Might & Magic 8 from scratch using Unity. Some of you are surely saying: "Hey, look, here is another guy thinking he can reimplement a game from M&M 6-8 series, meh, he will give up eventually like all others before him".
I can assure you that this is not a wannabe attempt. I have one reimplementation project under my belt which I wrote entirely from scratch using C++ and low level libraries (SDL, Box2D, ...) and created Windows/Linux release distributables for its community -https://github.com/pjasicek/OpenClaw
This project is and will be open source and available on github, though in unity so I will not be able to use any paid third party assets (which is fine with me):
As I stated, this project is in its earliest stages, but there are a few key concepts already in place:
* Imported and properly scaled M&M map(s)
* Basic player controller - same has M&M 9 crosshair control style (rotating camera with mouse, moving with WASD)
* Basic M&M 8 UI
* Working minimap + player direction arrow
* Working compas (showing player's current world-side orientation
* Working mechanism of animating / rotating NPCs - they are actually 8-sided 2D sprites, not 3D models
* Villager AI is implemented - they wander within pre-defined location, they look at Player when near and they run from Hostile NPCs (or player)
* Original 4:3 resolution is being preserved
The ultimate goal is to reimplement all feasible in-game mechanics in the same way as in original game. Once this is achieved, the project can be enhanced by any custom things - new locations, skills, enemies, quests, etc...
Some early screenshots:
* GrayFace for his awesome work on M&M tools and file-format reverse engineering
If anyone would want to discuss or ask me anything, feel free to contact me anytime: