This was a pretty retarded thread split,
Infinitron . Maybe just post a list of things we are allowed to discuss, like in the Tier 1 forums?
It was a very good thread split. There was six pages here already, consisting of absolutely useless discussion basically about what gives some guys a boner and what doesn't, and how SJWs want to prevent boners by sneaking in ugly women everywhere. Now, boner-inducing stimuli are a perfectly good discussion material and I appreciate it's a very important topic that will occupy all of us through most of our lifetimes until we stop having boners altogether - but it's not really related to what this thread is about.
Back on track, I'm kinda happy they're not going for an open world. The OW format has lots of promise, but the way it's been executed these past few years makes me quite happy to see developers retreat to wrapping their content in tighter, more guided packaging that keeps things more meaningful.