Interview bored me but unlike Tim and Leonard I don't have to hide that behind thin, more pity then courteous, corporate smile. I found out more about Tim Cain's chocophobia then about Outer Worlds and interviewer's resting soy face taunted my fist for 11+ min. Guy really thinks he's starring in a sitcom. Painfully unfunny. Might be master's modesty but Cainyarsky duo seemed more interested in hype control then building, like they're trying to tell us that game will be ok, even good! but don't expect any daring and bold yet flawed masterpiece like their Troika games are known which Leonard's answer to Troika being both best and worst company he worked for and their games being 'cult hits' but not 'successful games' serves as best evidence for such my claim. At least Tim doesn't hate his own Fallout child that much here, unlike last time he even said that its gameplay still holds up. Mega loled at clueless journo who implied that same game in isometric format would thanks to said format take mere month to do. What's with Tim sounding so quiet, like a gnome on his deathbed, had to turn volume up every time he spoke?! Also I'll tackle and safely eliminate from your sight that evil chocolate bar for you, papa Tim!
TLDR version: Get HYPED boys and girls, Tim and Leonard are back in saddle and will scratch action RPG itch that Bethesda refuses / forgot how to. Just don't get hyped too much, don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed. Too much. Halfway between Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, that's how much RPGy will it be, if my intuition doesn't lie. It'll be good and good is not bad which is ok, right?
Never expect too much from old guard devs. They just look and feel so much emotionally and creatively drained by life and commercial failures of games that should have sold millions. You'd be better off investing your RPG hopes in smaller devs, some could even be found here at Codex like RatTower's Monomyth and DavidBval's upcoming Archaelund. And Styg. Let's not forget master Styg!
TLDR version: Get HYPED boys and girls, Tim and Leonard are back in saddle and will scratch action RPG itch that Bethesda refuses / forgot how to. Just don't get hyped too much, don't expect too much and you won't be disappointed. Too much. Halfway between Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, that's how much RPGy will it be, if my intuition doesn't lie. It'll be good and good is not bad which is ok, right?
Never expect too much from old guard devs. They just look and feel so much emotionally and creatively drained by life and commercial failures of games that should have sold millions. You'd be better off investing your RPG hopes in smaller devs, some could even be found here at Codex like RatTower's Monomyth and DavidBval's upcoming Archaelund. And Styg. Let's not forget master Styg!