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The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition - Obsidian's first-person sci-fi RPG set in a corporate space colony


Oct 1, 2018
it's been written by people who has no real grasp of anything, real life experience beside very basic shit and have been just reading/watching basic "pop culture" slop
Yes but a lot of gaymers nowadays are the same. Even some people here liked TOW and we're on the Codex. Try Reddit or ResetEra or p. much anywhere else and this game is an undisputed all time GOTY.

It's fine having retards making your games if most of your audience is equally retarded.
Even on Reddit, a lot of people eventually realized that Outer Worlds is empty calories at best, and getting date raped at worst.


Sep 22, 2016
From what I played The Outer Worlds and seen it in a few lengthy reviews, it's been written by people who has no real grasp of anything, real life experience beside very basic shit and have been just reading/watching basic "pop culture" slop.
While it is obvious the younger ones have never felt hardship in their entire lives, there's also the fact all of Obsidian's best written games are in third party settings. When they had the opportunity to create a new one (with a lot of the old guard still working at Obs), they dropped the ball so hard we are still talking about how bad it was almost 10 years later.
Yeah, I think for different reasons though, Pillars of Eternity setting was probably the victim of "We don't want it to be too different to basic fantasy setting so it doesn't drive away the general audience" but TOW setting was victim of that combined with "We've watched Firefly!" and other generic shit.

Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting? Especially if it's original IP.

Does Pokemon count?


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
From what I played The Outer Worlds and seen it in a few lengthy reviews, it's been written by people who has no real grasp of anything, real life experience beside very basic shit and have been just reading/watching basic "pop culture" slop.
While it is obvious the younger ones have never felt hardship in their entire lives, there's also the fact all of Obsidian's best written games are in third party settings. When they had the opportunity to create a new one (with a lot of the old guard still working at Obs), they dropped the ball so hard we are still talking about how bad it was almost 10 years later.
Yeah, I think for different reasons though, Pillars of Eternity setting was probably the victim of "We don't want it to be too different to basic fantasy setting so it doesn't drive away the general audience" but TOW setting was victim of that combined with "We've watched Firefly!" and other generic shit.

Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting? Especially if it's original IP.

Does Pokemon count?
Is Pokemon RPG?


Dec 20, 2015
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut
They were during "old" PC gaming, but the stream was a lot smaller (less financial potential) and a lot more homogenous (same kinds of people buying the same stuff).
I assume you mean the 90s. In the noughties RPGs just had a horrible time adapting to 3D while FPSes just ate it all up.


Sep 13, 2023
Does Disco count?
He said RPG.

Oh, come on. It has dice rolls, it's an RPG. Sanding off the less-palatable rough edges of the genre to focus almost exclusively on the role-playing part doesn't make it any less of one.

As for TOW, I'm surprised to see such bearish sentiment on the title in the Codex. I'd thought I would find many an Obsidian fan pining for the promised sequel after wading through the sludge of Starfield's less-than-stellar reception and the hurricane of controversy. I might sit back down for another playthrough to see how well the writing and overall story has held up to my standards, just to make sure I'm not gaslighting myself.
So I assume the revisionism will start soon and people will start saying "Well at least TOW isn't as bad as Starfield!!"
There it is. You've got me, pinned and wriggling.


Apr 28, 2020
Oh, come on. It has dice rolls, it's an RPG.
I'm only half-kidding whenever I agree Disco is a VN and not and RPG but come on. Are casinos RPGs now too? :incline:

I'm surprised to see such bearish sentiment on the title in the Codex. I'd thought I would find many an Obsidian fan pining for the promised sequel after wading through the sludge of Starfield's less-than-stellar reception and the hurricane of controversy. I might sit back down for another playthrough to see how well the writing and overall story has held up to my standards, just to make sure I'm not gaslighting myself.
Personally I have no interest in playing Starfield, or any Bethesda game nowadays, so I'm only judging Outer Worlds from my time with it. There are 300 pages of discussion here, but I was done with the setting by the time you leave Monarch, and I got there early. It's just too much "corporation BAD" which, okay, sure, fair enough. But can I have anything else? Some actual non-comedic scifi worldbuilding? Can I talk with Phineas and discuss what his plan is, besides releasing every colonist out of cryo and hoping that they come up with a solution? Hell, why ARE we having trouble fertilizing the ground, when we have an entire solar system colonized and interplanetary travel is relatively common? Looks like it only needs nutrients to be fertile again, judging by the Edgewater main quest. I might be remembering wrong but can't they also modify pigs to generate endless (consumable) tumors? You'd think it'd be a non-issue. Why is the main villain of the DLC mindcontrolled by a giant bug? Why would I ever side with a corporation as incompetent as the Board, even on a villainous or greedy playthrough? etc etc etc
The setting is a neat idea but they don't really try anything new with it, and it isn't elaborated on enough to catch my interest. It feels like a parody, the same way pre-war america does on Fallout. The only plot point that actually peaked my interest was the hint every now and then that the colony had lost contact with Earth. I kept waiting for the game to elaborate only to be hit with the realization that it was only sequel bait.
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Bad Sector

Mar 25, 2012
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut Codex+ Now Streaming! Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It's just too much "corporation BAD" which, okay, sure, fair enough. But can I have anything else? Some actual non-comedic scifi worldbuilding? Can I talk with Phineas and discuss what his plan is, besides releasing every colonist out of cryo and hoping that they come up with a solution? Hell, why ARE we having trouble fertilizing the ground, when we have an entire solar system colonized and interplanetary travel is relatively common? Looks like it only needs nutrients to be fertile again, judging by the Edgewater main quest. I might be remembering wrong but can't they also modify pigs to generate endless (consumable) tumors? You'd think it'd be a non-issue. Why is the main villain of the DLC mindcontrolled by a giant bug? Why would I ever side with a corporation as incompetent as the Board, even on a villainous or greedy playthrough? etc etc etc

The problem with the story AFAICT is that it doesn't take itself seriously enough to attempt answer those questions but also only wants to be treated as a comedy in its own terms. It is basically storytelling version of that old meme about someone doing something stupid and then claiming "lol i was trolling you bro". It feels like it uses comedy as a cover for not giving too much thought to worldbuilding and to what happens in the game - and because of that the comedy isn't even that good (which becomes even worse because comedy is very hard to do as different people find different things funny).


Feb 10, 2013
New York
Expecting a decent story involving politics in a "current year" product is fucking retarded. I hate to generalize, but it's probably safe to say that every writer in the modern games industry has been raised on constant propaganda and went to an indoctrination institution. Humans are currently being engineered to be unable to think critically about civilization and the institutions, infrastructure, and civics required to hold it together. The best someone can do is be aware of their own ignorance and try to build a world and narrative through research, critical thinking, and speculation on technological advances that would be relevant to early interstellar colonization, but the ESG brigade would filter anything too interesting that came out of that anyway, because it would certainly violate "the message."
Obsidian probably should've just gone with a silly story about aliens or a precursor civilization.

I've given up hope that the AAA, middleware, or even indies will do anything thought provoking again in my lifetime. Games are now a pleasant diversion from thought and should be treated as such.
Still, I thought TOW was fine and I bet it will indeed be remembered more fondly than Toddfield, because if Fallout 4 was any indication, Bethesda can't even do gameplay.


Jul 11, 2023
Downloading this again.
Maybe this time I'll be able to finish my first playthrough.
Is the Spacer's Choice edition even worth paying for? It doesn't look that much improved visually.
No, I don't know why I'm doing this to myself.


Feb 8, 2023
Mt. Olympus
Is the Spacer's Choice edition even worth paying for? It doesn't look that much improved visually.
No, I don't know why I'm doing this to myself.
You enjoy the sweetness of pain. The needle piercing your soft flesh, the stinging lick of a whip, your limbs snugly bound, your hair pulled, and perhaps even tickling. Also findom, since you're paying for it, paypig. To return for a second dose of being tied up to watch paint dry while a nerd reads to you from a book of collected Rick & Morty quotes you must be even freakier than me.

No, the remaster is even worse looking, runs worse and features new bugs, but you'd like paying for an even more inferior product, wouldn't you?


Jul 11, 2023
Two CTDs in a row when trying to enter Rizzo's Secret Lab.
What a great returning impression.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Any tips on (even artificially) maximising fun would be welcome.

Don't participate in activities you don't enjoy. You don't like a conversation, get out of it asap, you don't like being a loot vacuum, only pick up that which is relevant to your character.


Jul 11, 2023
Two CTDs in a row when trying to enter Rizzo's Secret Lab.
What a great returning impression.
I haven't had a single bug in 30 hours of play. :M
It was just a weird oddity with fullscreen. Putting the game into Windowed Fullscreen temporarily fixed it.
I'm having a decent time, it was pretty easy to jump back in.
It's pretty exhausting talking to these corporate stooges though and it makes me feel violent, I wonder if that was an accident or by design. :lol:
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Dec 4, 2019
Spacer's Choice edition
You're playing the wrong version of a boring game. The edition you're playing has many bugs. The age is already as it os but now you're making the experience worse with the added bugs.

At the absolute least, did the SC edition fix the problem of items disappearing from the ship's storage box?

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