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The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition - Obsidian's first-person sci-fi RPG set in a corporate space colony


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Two CTDs in a row when trying to enter Rizzo's Secret Lab.
What a great returning impression.
I haven't had a single bug in 30 hours of play. :M
Spoke too soon, entered this location and the map bugged out. No crashes though, so it's fine.

Be Kind Rewind

Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
But you had to play The Outer Worlds for 30 hours to discover that, that's what we call a pyrrhic victory
I have a few criticisms, but overall, I'm having fun.
So this what the type of person that would downrate Fortune's Run likes? A game that looks so shit only someone that's colorblind could stomach it with pisspoor fake RPG elements glued together to a shit shooter, fucking awful ideologically driven writing that would make a East bloc communist line the writers up against a wall and you too for playing it, a game so bad that it's hard to even hate it because you keep forgetting it exists and when someone brings it up you remember, oh yeah, it's that game where a bunch of the ugliest mutts you've ever seen have a light bulb shoved up one ear, the "women" all have short hair and Microsoft employees filed off the serial number from a Justin Roiland script to make fun of capitalism.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
So this what the type of person that would downrate Fortune's Run likes? A game that looks so shit only someone that's colorblind could stomach it

It looks okay enough with chromatic aberration turned off.

with pisspoor fake RPG elements glued together to a shit shooter,

I sense nothing fake about the RPG elements.

fucking awful ideologically driven writing that would make a East bloc communist line the writers up against a wall

It's not a communist game. It's sympathetic to some of the bosses, and so far the biggest anti-corporation people are terrible people (except Phineas but maybe that will change later)

oh yeah, it's that game where a bunch of the ugliest mutts you've ever seen have a light bulb shoved up one ear, the "women" all have short hair and Microsoft employees filed off the serial number from a Justin Roiland script to make fun of capitalism.

Many of the hair options for women are terrible, true.

It's not a Justin Roiland script. It's Brazil in Space.


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Someone ask Cain/Boyarski how they made this piece of shit yet?
My personal guess is that it was one or a combination of the below:

Letting the new blood have too much freedumb on the project/not telling them their ideas were dumb.
Social Media corrupting them.
A particularly bad outbreak of sawyeritis at Obsidian's offices (explains both the bland perks and why Roguey enjoys the game).
Years of substance abuse taking a toll on their brain cells.
Fallout and Arcanum were flukes or the particular set of development circumstances that made them what they were no longer exists nor could they be reacreated by Cain/Boyarsky.


Oct 1, 2018
All of their good games were made under threat of bankruptcy/cancellation. Nobody lit a fire under their ass with Otter Worlds.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
fucking awful ideologically driven writing that would make a East bloc communist line the writers up against a wall and you too for playing it
its a world where anarcho-capitalism enabled technological development to the point where earth colonized the galaxy.

the game's ultimate message is that monopoly is bad and festers incompetence.

the game's idealistic solution is to put a competent CEO in charge of halcyon.

it's a fantasy about how the world's problems can be summarized by the words 'crony capitalism is not real capitalism' - as if in real capitalism people don't help their 'buddies' or buyout the competition.

its only communist if you've been lobotomized into thinking that corporate structures are incapable of error. or if you think rent-seeking is a real job.

seriously did you get 'communist vibes' when one middle manager said 'hey our company literally owns everything on the planet if we raise salaries we're just increasing the local consumer base' because if then jesus fucking christ that's a middle school parable about henry ford.
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
it's a fantasy about how the world's problems can be summarized by the words 'crony capitalism is not real capitalism' - as if in real capitalism people don't help their 'buddies' or buyout the competition.

That's not what "crony capitalism" means, lelz. Crony capitalism is when the government bails out failing business (that are failing due to their own fuckups) with taxpayer money. Crony capitalism is when governments create monopolies by setting up rules and regulations so costly and burdensome that there's virtually no way for a new business to get its foot in the door and major corporations are therefore protected from competition. Et cetera. Corruption and shady business practices are as "real capitalist" as it gets, but what people usually refer to as "crony capitalism" is orders of magnitude worse.


Dec 12, 2012
Entre a serra e o mar.
Corruption and shady business practices are as "real capitalist" as it gets
Crony capitalism is when the government bails out failing business
You're just confirming what I said. 'Corruption is as 'Real Capitalist' as it gets', yet 'Crony Capitalism is when Corruption benefits specific people to the detriment of everybody else'. It just shows that the term is meaningless and describes capitalism as it is. The sequestering of public power have been there since before capitalism was a thing, man. That's just how the world works and I'm under no delusion that it can be or ever was different.

Regardless the point stands. The Outer Worlds is an anarcho capitalist fantasy where humanity conquered the stars after government was abolished and due to the leadership of 'titans of industry'. Halcyon is in crisis because everyone who leads the corporate government is a dumbass who is bad at capitalism. No good leadership can surface because everyone at the top is not even a capitalist anymore, but useless landlords who live off the colony's dividends. The game's solution is to put a competent capitalist in charge. The game is about as communist as a MAGA who wants to place Donald Trump in charge of the US not as POTUS but as CEO.

The game at most flirts with Big Corps being bad, but in a superficial and aesthetic way. You have absurdly processed food as your only nourishment and then what? That's just mcdonalds or almost everything at the supermarket.
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Possibly Retarded
Feb 11, 2016
Belgrade, Removekebabland
You're just confirming what I said. Corruption is as 'Real Capitalist' as it gets, yet Crony Capitalism is when corruption benefits specific people.

Well no, I'd say the main distinction is not who benefits, but who gets fucked over. In quote-unquote real capitalism, those who fuck up pay the price. In crony capitalism, not only do those who fuck up not suffer consequences, but they get rewarded instead with a nice big pile of cash taken from Joe Schmuk who has absolutely nothing to do with either the fuckup or the business that fucked up in general, so they can continue doing the same thing.

The game's solution is to put a competent capitalist in charge.

Based and Chad-pilled.

also, I have nary a fucking clue about the game, I just found this discussion interesting :M


Apr 22, 2007
Danzig, Potato-Hitman Commonwealth
Someone ask Cain/Boyarski how they made this piece of shit yet?

Letting the new blood have too much freedumb on the project/not telling them their ideas were dumb.
Also this could have had a role to play (Outer World discussion starting 1:52):


So basically obsidian is filled with millenials from broken families who feel threatened when people get into a vigorous argument over game design, because they get parents' divorce flashbacks? Then again this explains a lot of other things...

Not dismissing Cain's point about risk-aversion and caution. It could explain why TOW felt so bland, for example why the perks feel so weak (and don't have attribute requirements? been a while since I, unfortunately, played it). There's definitely a "design by committee" play it safe feel to it which is why the game feels so meh.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
Not dismissing Cain's point about risk-aversion and caution. It could explain why TOW felt so bland, for example why the perks feel so weak (and don't have attribute requirements? been a while since I, unfortunately, played it). There's definitely a "design by committee" play it safe feel to it which is why the game feels so meh.
TOW is a game for the masses, requiring someone to plan their character before they've even started is considered bad game design.

If one is making a game for some degree of thousands then sure, make them use a spreadsheet before they start (e.g. Underrail).


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Not dismissing Cain's point about risk-aversion and caution. It could explain why TOW felt so bland, for example why the perks feel so weak (and don't have attribute requirements? been a while since I, unfortunately, played it). There's definitely a "design by committee" play it safe feel to it which is why the game feels so meh.
TOW is a game for the masses, requiring someone to plan their character before they've even started is considered bad game design.

If one is making a game for some degree of thousands then sure, make them use a spreadsheet before they start (e.g. Underrail).



Codex Staff
Staff Member
May 29, 2010
it's the most boring version of a "capitalism bad m'kay" story you can imagine
But it's not a "capitalism bad" story.

However, co-director Boyarsky said the studio has been “very careful” not to “lecture” players with the themes featured in the game, telling VGC it’s “the last thing we want to do.”

He said: “I like money: I’m not against capitalism and in a lot of ways I’m happy with our society. But of course there are a lot of ways in which it could be improved.

Boyarsky said The Outer Worlds’ story is less a critique of modern capitalism and more about “power and how power is used against people who don’t have it.”

He said: “It can be insidious; the way which people control the stories you tell about the world. If you let other people control that narrative, then they can control you to a certain degree. That can be any form of government: if it wasn’t capitalism it could be something else.”

TOW is a game for the masses, requiring someone to plan their character before they've even started is considered bad game design.

If one is making a game for some degree of thousands then sure, make them use a spreadsheet before they start (e.g. Underrail).

I have no interest in Elden Ring, but if it's like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, it's not a "plan your build in advance or you get brickwalled" it's "if you fuck up your build you'll just have to grind for a long while to fix it" which is more palatable.


May 28, 2018
Grand Chien
The game's solution is to put a competent capitalist in charge.

Based and Chad-pilled.

also, I have nary a fucking clue about the game, I just found this discussion interesting :M

it's the most boring version of a "capitalism bad m'kay" story you can imagine
It's so badly told that it actually makes you root for capitalism instead

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