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The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition - Obsidian's first-person sci-fi RPG set in a corporate space colony


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!
it's been written by people who has no real grasp of anything, real life experience beside very basic shit and have been just reading/watching basic "pop culture" slop
Yes but a lot of gaymers nowadays are the same. Even some people here liked TOW and we're on the Codex. Try Reddit or ResetEra or p. much anywhere else and this game is an undisputed all time GOTY.

It's fine having retards making your games if most of your audience is equally retarded.


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
From what I played The Outer Worlds and seen it in a few lengthy reviews, it's been written by people who has no real grasp of anything, real life experience beside very basic shit and have been just reading/watching basic "pop culture" slop.
While it is obvious the younger ones have never felt hardship in their entire lives, there's also the fact all of Obsidian's best written games are in third party settings. When they had the opportunity to create a new one (with a lot of the old guard still working at Obs), they dropped the ball so hard we are still talking about how bad it was almost 10 years later.
Yeah, I think for different reasons though, Pillars of Eternity setting was probably the victim of "We don't want it to be too different to basic fantasy setting so it doesn't drive away the general audience" but TOW setting was victim of that combined with "We've watched Firefly!" and other generic shit.

Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting? Especially if it's original IP.


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
Pillars of Eternity setting was probably the victim of "We don't want it to be too different to basic fantasy setting so it doesn't drive away the general audience"

Pillars was the victim of poor worldbuilding period

Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting?


Morrowind, Arcanum, Kenshi, Perihelion, Aeon of Sands, Pathways to Darkness


Mar 30, 2013
Kingdom of Bohemia
Codex+ Now Streaming!

Pillars was the victim of poor worldbuilding period
It wasn't neither as terrible as Numanuma nor particularly exciting or memorable. Just grey average.

Then again compared to the godawful, cringy mess of DO:S setting at least it had a certain style and class.


Oct 30, 2009
Codex 2012 MCA
Pillars of Eternity setting was probably the victim of "We don't want it to be too different to basic fantasy setting so it doesn't drive away the general audience"

Pillars was the victim of poor worldbuilding period

Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting?


Morrowind, Arcanum, Kenshi, Perihelion, Aeon of Sands, Pathways to Darkness

I meant big success in the mainstream sales-wise, like some D&D games have been, which are very basic generic fantasy setting, or Mass Effect which is very generic space opera shit.


Oct 3, 2014
Port Customs
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire
there's also the fact all of Obsidian's best written games are in third party settings
I thought Tyranny was decent enough. Original premise for a video game setting, interesting characters, somewhat unusual pacing and just long enough not to get boring. Overall decent mini-RPG.

In OW, I honestly disliked the mechanics and the gameplay more than the setting or the story.

Be Kind Rewind

Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021
Who was the creative lead on The Outer World?
Leonard Boyarsky
If you don't like Rick and Morty: Bloodlines you can rightfully blame the jews for fucking up science fiction New Vegas, Jaesun.

I never played OW since I have better things to do with my time than to play video games I know to be badly made by incompetent people that hate my people, but I think the true significance of Outer Worlds is that it presents the first time Obsidian lead the way and Bethesda followed behind. If you squint you can barely tell the characters of these games apart, even if the color palette gives the environments away since OW looks like an artist ate all the crayons and puked it up while Bethesda stuck to the most generic scifi tones imaginable.

Of further significance is that you select your gender in OW, male or female, so you're probably Hitler 2.0 if you play the game now. Goes to show how quickly the American regime can normalize the most ridiculous ideas that smoothbrains on the Codex would have called insane schizophrenic paranoia delusions if you told them what was coming in 2019, and now call you equally nuts for not accepting without question.
So I assume the revisionism will start soon and people will start saying "Well at least TOW isn't as bad as Starfield!!"
It isn't revisionism to say that the games get worse and worse, I'm pretty sure Outer Worlds is better than Starfield, being more respectful of the player's time, not putting the genderhippo politics of the Jim Sterlings and Graukens of this world into the character creation screen, the racial slop of brown mutts with skin conditions not being quite as fat or repulsive. Doesn't make it a better game or one worth playing, it's just that every next abomination makes the previous turd parade pale in comparison.

It has always been that way. Hollywood has been cramming in the same agenda since the film industry took off in America, by the same tribe, for the same ends and using the same means. Some people are nostalgic over the garbage they were served in the 80's or 90's and while it was better crafted, less intense in how bad it is, hiding the intent better, etc, it wasn't great either. Video games were only ever truly great before they were subjected to falling under the influence of the American regime propaganda machine.

The Outer Worlds was terrible goyslop, Starfield is even worse goyslop, and whatever they release in the future will be even worse. I'm sure Obsidian's next game will make both of these titles seem skillfully put together in comparison.

Be Kind Rewind

Zionist Agent
Mar 14, 2021


Apr 28, 2020
Has there been any rpg which has been big success with out there or more crazy setting? Especially if it's original IP.
Does Disco count? Most RPGs just go for full on fantasy/sci-fi settings. You need to start digging before it becomes apparent it's not just some post-USSR european country.

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