When the game came out, I went for a blade/assault rifle build and soloed the entire campaign. It was low-dps, but kinda tanky. It went something like this:
Since a long time I'm soloing with blade/chaos - more aoe oriented and based on healing procs (no active heals), so you just dps and CC:
For starters it's good to go with tanking weapon (Hammer, Sword) and a healing weapon (Fist, AR) - you need the most effective and straightforward active skills. After you get closer to 100% you can basically go with anything you want.
Melee weapons buff themselves to 5 resources and stay like that when you're out of combat, so you can do some nasty stuff like Bubbles mentioned - start with 2 consumers (then you can pop aoe stun or evade buff and build resources while mobs can't do shit).