Servers make only a difference for persistent PVP - minigames are cross-server, just like all PVE.Oh I forgot about that, I thought there were some restrictions. PVP is not interesting to me but I always wondered what stories I miss if I dont go in the dungeons
Unless you team up with some friendly people. We do runs on Monday for people who still need normals/elites.Eh, don't plan on spending a lot of time soaking up the lore in dungeons. You're going to be running as fast as you can to keep up with your button mashing team who's done it already.
Ehhhhh, that's nice of you, but even so. Having 4 people standing around looking over your shoulder and tapping their feet isn't a comfortable situation for pouring a brandy and relaxing with a good book. They are there to help you get it done, not hang out.Unless you team up with some friendly people. We do runs on Monday for people who still need normals/elites.
I can definitely pull you through first 2 dungeons alone just to give you a taste.I never did any dungeon only solo content, maybe I should give you a call when I start again.
It's surprisingly easy to strike up in character conversations though, not just in the town. Pretty much everyone there wants to role play.tsw would have been a marvel to larp into, unfortunately other than the dresses there isn't much to larp with.
From what I know they changed something and now you can skip Issue #8 and just get #9 to be able to continue to Tokyo.ok back to the game it is for a while. Now I have to figure out again how to get into tokio. Are there any must have addons? normally I played without any but there may be new ones I am not aware of which are must have last time I played was early last year I think.
Eh, you can make glyphs yourself?There is no problem aside from "I am a poorfag and cant afford the last two sprint and proper glyphs to not suck at combat"
Starting from Issue #6, each of their main quests gives you a purple talisman - this means you should be like almost full epic now.I did do all the main quests and a whole lot sidequests, I am geared with veterans gear which is blue 10 so im fine, its just whining on a high level.
Eh, care to elaborate? I remember whole 2 quests where I got someone to help me, but you could totally do them alone with more preparation.There were a few quests in transylvania which I couldnt do solo but as far as I have seen they were never intended to be soloable.
If you're going with Blade/Chaos, you might want to check the build I'm running for all solo content since like 2 years - I am going with blade / chaos so I have a lot of heal, I already tinkered with it a lot when I played last but found I cant really make it any better, for every skill which gives me more heal (for example leeching frenzy) I have to sacrifice another which does the same job (forking paths which sadly is no frenzy effect).
Issue #12: To the Dark Tower Below is going live next week, and it offers much new content and tons of fresh features!
Those who purchase Issue #12 will get access to an all new Dungeon in Tokyo, The Manufactory, underneath the massive Orochi tower. When Issue #12 launches you will learn much more about the new Dungeon and the horrors which lurk within.
But there will also be many changes and brutal new challenges for everyone in the game. Here are the features you can enjoy when Issue #12 goes live:
There was also a stream today that showed some of that:It actually is releasing next week, nice!
Eeee they actually streamlined the difficulty in last big patch. Dunno if it affected Tokyo or not. You might check this thread for some Tokyo build tips - fuck has happened. That game feels way harder now. In tokio I sometimes even have problems with normal white circle mobs. Currently chasing a fucking demon through the sewers and dying constantly to filth. So far fights are really long while the mob can kill me rather quickly if I am not absolutely careful.