Hobo Elf
I'm tempted to get Esther for that price and see what the fuss was all about. That or play with my ferret when he wakes up.
Just search youtube for 'Dear Esther full game' and there you have it. It's about an hour long, tops, and all you do is wander around listening to the occasional commentary. There is no gameplay. This is one of those games I would consider an empty/wasted spot in a Humble Bundle.
More or less. It was an interesting and novel idea to try out for free when it was a HL2 mod, but I don't see the point in paying money for it.
The point of buying the actual game instead of playing the free mod, is that the game has beautiful visuals and a superb soundtrack.
The mod had a superb soundtrack as well, if not the exact same one as the stand alone (need confirmation on this one).