mugarod said:
Rocket launcher on the bottom of that lake behind you
Also is any bros here play magica? I am thinking of picking it up but I am worried I might be lonely.
You will get the most fun out of the game if you can talk a few friends into playingit with you and talk with them on skype/ventrilo/whatever as you go. The game's ok(ish) in single player, but really shines with 3 people causing havoc. I find 4 tends to be too much of a clusterfuck, but YMMV. You'll end up using a small staple of spells regularly, but there is room for experientation. My favourites are:
QERASR -> Enchant weapon. Also known as "I am the Wizard King, I can do anything!" Casting it through your weapon is mildly less hazardous to yourself. Creates a line of bombs, that shortly after explode for insane damage.
QRQRQRQRE -> Self Cast. Also known as Ice Armor. Gives you a very serious increase of hp at a small cost to movement speed. Also, you cannot be healed while armor s active.
QFAAAA -> Normal Cast. A spray of steam+lightning. Steam makes targets wet, and lightning deals additional damage to wet targets. Very good for close-up encounters.
QFQFSAA -> Normal Cast. Also known as OMGGIANTBEAMOFDEATH™. Beam spells are really good in corridors or against very big, very tough enemies. 2x steam, 2x lightning and 1x magic seems to give the biggest damage numbers.
DFFFF -> Normal (Charge) cast. FIREBALL! Good against enemies who are bunched up. Once you lern the grease magic, you can prepare some grease pits and use a fireball to ignite them from a safe distance for extra BURN.
DRRRR -> Normal (charge) cast. Frostball. Does neglible damage and slows. Has 2 really neat utility uses. 1: It freezes large patches of water for your safe passage (wizards can't swim). and 2) It Freezes (stuns) wet targets solid. Very handy once you learn the "rain" magic in chapter 2.
WF -> Self cast. Dries and thaws you if you get the wet/frozen state without setting fire to yourself.
DE -> AoE cast. Creates a ring of rock aroudn you that absorbs a modest amount of damage. A good panic spell.
One thing I have noticed though is that me and my friends all gravitate towards different sets of 4-5 spells as the stables we cast over and over. It's quite possible to divide things up so one guy mostly does damage while another tries disabling large groups of creatures and a third uses beams to snipe priority targets and heal teammates.
A lot of spells were rebalanced in the last patch along with the introduction in PVP. Beams were nerfed so theyr'e no longer end-all be-all, and shields decay way faster than they used to. I was initially butthurt that my old OMGWTFIMBA combos no longer worked like they used to, but overall it's made the game more interesting.