Fuck, added to wishlist.
Bought a lot of stuff already, no time to play it.
Next time for sure.
If not for GOG recent sale I would get more from that list.
Buy this one: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/6338/Dark_Futures_Bundle/gents, is primordia worth it for less than $4??
Dungeon warfare 2 is about to come out on the 29th, finally. Seems to be getting little attention so far, so I figured I'd mention it.
The first one was a really nice trap-based defense game with lots of physics influence. I think it was on some of the big flash sites first and came to public attention that way.
Not sure about the new one, might just be on steam (?)... So I'm worried it'll flop or something because it's been ages since the last game and there's all but a few forum topics in the steam forum for the new one.
Nice picks man, added a few titles to my wishlist.It's too big to be posted here, but I can link some of it.
Any idea bout these?
In regards to Seven:Any idea bout these?
*rolls up newspaper*
Alien CM is shit but still better than AvP 2010, at least former can be fixed with mods.
Alien CM is shit but still better than AvP 2010, at least former can be fixed with mods.
Never played that one. Worth getting for the Marines campaign? Only one I'm interested in.