If you've never been to a focus group and seen how it affects the end result of a product, you should try it. It'll open your eyes. Though not in a good way. You can get just a taste of it on a game's forums, such as the push to change a game to RTwP. Now, imagine a venue where every single babbling idiot on that forum thread is given the opportunity to long-form their particular spiel. While people listen. That's a focus group. (Then somebody tabulates the results, and gives summaries to the executives, who slavishly follow those results.)
A strong-willed dev with a good vision will ignore a lot of the feedback and stay true to the vision. However, even then, feedback influences. It changes things, for good or for bad. And those changes effect me, the end user. Any change made as a result of feedback effects me, since it changes the experience that I, the end user, will have. The quality level of the feedback produced also effects me, since it again effects my experience as the end user. The less professional the feedback pool is, the more likely all of the results will have to do with things like hair. Even just the absence of professional feedback will have a net negative result, since that means there's no one addressing underlying issues, only surface issues.
And that's because any change to the audience pool influences the net results. Maybe slightly, maybe hugely, depending on the change. But any change effects me, the end user, since it effects my experience.
A strong-willed dev with a good vision will ignore a lot of the feedback and stay true to the vision. However, even then, feedback influences. It changes things, for good or for bad. And those changes effect me, the end user. Any change made as a result of feedback effects me, since it changes the experience that I, the end user, will have. The quality level of the feedback produced also effects me, since it again effects my experience as the end user. The less professional the feedback pool is, the more likely all of the results will have to do with things like hair. Even just the absence of professional feedback will have a net negative result, since that means there's no one addressing underlying issues, only surface issues.
And that's because any change to the audience pool influences the net results. Maybe slightly, maybe hugely, depending on the change. But any change effects me, the end user, since it effects my experience.
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