Early Access and Kickstarter, oh my.
A good reason for that! :D With day passage system*, C&C and possibility to get more than half your allies killed before you even get to the final siege it is very important that you are properly informed about all that is at stake. Very high stakes for a lot of stuff, so it's important outcomes feel fair and logical. + we really want to avoid situations where there is some good solution we missed for the quest and you are forced to make a difficult choice when something you think is better solution is staring you in the face.
I think the EA is a really good place to innovate, expand and polish that. Especially since with the choices you make here, the outcomes unfold during the course of the game. So, they change how you proceed with the rest of the game not just the ending. All the feedback we can implement during this stage can have a very big impact on the game. More the player feels in control and empowered with the right tools, more intense challenges we can pull off with the game.
Kickstarter will be used to fund some additional features we would love to have in the game + it's a good way to reach more players about EA. But we are finishing the game regardless of KS.
Before EA we'll start with the beta testing, (hopefully very soon), I'll make the post on steam about this in detail. But our concern is it's hard to judge when is it a good time to start with Early Acces with a game like ours. We prefer to start it earlier and have the possibility of player feedback impacting more of the campaign, but it must be big enough campaign to make sense for the player to invest in it. Really hoping to find a good balance for that during beta.
All the best for the developers and their team, hopefully they can deliver.
Unfortunately the artstyle does not please me in the least. The mechanics and game ideas seem great, however.
Thank you!
Days act like turns; counting down to the final enemy assault. Kind of like "story acts". You wake up in the morning in the fort and the world map is updated with new content. The faction & character storylines move forward, your decisions have outcomes, your research and building projects advance and new stories are introduced to the world. (based on player actions, with handwritten outcomes, not random generation), Every interaction and activity will drain your character's stamina and add negative status effects. Eventually, it’ll force you to return to your fort and sleep. You will wake up on a new day, refreshed and ready to take on new challenges.