Finished the game on Dark in 37 hours, thoroughly disgusted by the experience. In fact, it took me 3 years to actually get through it, as I was almost queasy from controls at first, but then it either improved, or I just got more tolerant of lag. In all, huge decline compared to W1. I actually wonder why did they bother to get the game on PCs almost a year before consoles because it's actually plays worse than vanilla DS1 without any patches / hi-res packs.
- Controls are something in the game, it's like I'm controlling rover on Mars or the Moon, the lag is so big. Super slow mouse, keystrokes register quite slow as well.
- It looked like the game designers took great pains to make the game feel like true console product - autosaves at the most annoying / inopportune moments (if there's a 30 seconds cutscene, like in Kayran fight or the ghost story fight, the player should watch it 30 times before he finally manages to beat the QTE sequence or a stupid fight that probably no one tested on any difficulty except easy. Button choices are random and weird - why you have to press space, then enter to add a mutagen, why there could not have been a single button to do all that shit? Seriously. Also, who decided that it's good to only use mouse to select lines in dialogue? Getting that back (and an ability to jump over fences) feels like a huge UX revolution in W3.
- Apparently Geralt cannot into backpedalling which leads to funny situations in the aforementioned ghost sequence - you can't really retreat there so you either parry to victory (as in the draug and the zombies would stun-carry you to the edge of fire circle and then back off) or recieve 100500 points of damage in your back while trying to disengage.
- The world is super-small and corridor'y compared to W1 and W3 (which I just started playing), there's only a handful of quests. Idiotic choice 'DO YOU SIDE WITH FASCISTS OR ELVEN ANTIFA?' (I know it's the other way around in the books, but whatever) as compared to more subtle choices in W1 (at least there were 3 choices, not just two, including 'true' witcher path which actually made everything worse, in a sort of true Geralt way). I did not feel that I was in a coherent world, rather in a series of disjointed memories / experiences.
- Armor/ Weapon progression is really strange, also armor was basically useless as most enemies would kill you (from behind) in 1-2 strikes. Huge disparity in fights difficulty - I probably spent more time on the first Letho/Kayran/Ghost Battle fights than all other parts of the combat in the game. Potions and oils absolutely useless (for a warrior + signs witcher) from prologue to epilogue.
- Too epic and unwitcher'y plot. Forced dichotomy, strange choices, rash and unspymaster'y Broche (as compared to Dijkstra or Vattier in the books) whom, to my sincerest regret, I could not kill in the Act 2 after he just ruined everything with his stupid 'square coin' plot. Why I should help such a person, especially as a witcher?
Hopefully W3 is much better (at least it feels so in the beginning, even in-game and menu music is more like W1), because this is not far away from DA2 in terms of gameplay, scope and overall experience.
- the controls are fine you fucking autist, takes about an hour getting used to them, there's no delay in my game so that means you are fucking it up
- the autosaves and saving in general is kinda bad, yeah. Big deal, don't remember anybody whining about replaying a level 500 times in Dark Souls you fuckin tryhard, use the mouse, jesus fuck how hard is it. If you cocksuckers can play shit like Wizardry 1 or Ultima 5 then this should be the best control scheme ever.
- learn the skill to remove backstab damage you moron
- the world isn't "super" small, it's just not as big as the uselessly huge world of TW3 and annoying swamp shit in TW1, you're a retard
- Broche is a hothead moron but a bro so fuck off
Basically you're mostly complaining about meaningless shit so go play Oblivion where you hit a button and something happens.
I'm replaying this for the 3rd time now but I guess I'll side with Roche again because I can't stand that green prick. At first the inventory and controls put me off but now it plays great and still looks great for the most part. I set the QTEs to easy and they now really provide the downtime fun they were supposed to. This game did so many things right - the alchemy, the spell effects, the characters, the witchering quests are nice, the story is great and complicated, the landscape is varried.
TW3 took some sad steps back compared to this.