I do, and what's your problem?
I do, and what's your problem?
It's not that I want it, but at the time of my first playthrough I wasn't using scaling mods. I'm fine with not bothering much with combat, but when I killed an archgriffin with 5-6 fast strikes, it felt a bit wrong.I do, and what's your problem?
I have none, I just pointed out that you don't need to overlevel if you want story mode.
This is complete history of creating Witcher games - from developers , programmers , artists points of view , with lots of funny stories and with english subtitles .
from November 1997 when Metropolis Software led by Adam Chmielarz announced The Witcher computer game in poilish video magazines....
I always saw myself in the role of his horse, Roach, but no one would cast me in that role...
It's not that I want it, but at the time of my first playthrough I wasn't using scaling mods. I'm fine with not bothering much with combat, but when I killed an archgriffin with 5-6 fast strikes, it felt a bit wrong.
It's not that I want it, but at the time of my first playthrough I wasn't using scaling mods. I'm fine with not bothering much with combat, but when I killed an archgriffin with 5-6 fast strikes, it felt a bit wrong.
I haven't played a long time and I must have forgotten about this. Was it there from the beginning or was it added in some patch?It's not that I want it, but at the time of my first playthrough I wasn't using scaling mods. I'm fine with not bothering much with combat, but when I killed an archgriffin with 5-6 fast strikes, it felt a bit wrong.
Game has in-built enemy upscaling under options. You can turn that on because it does turn into a breeze when you hit your level 20s and overlevel everything.
I also really hate the leveling system. I don't see the point of limiting the number of skills you can have equipped if each of those skills are going to have to be leveled 3 to 5 times for them to be powerful. It seems like their original intent was to force you to choose which skills you wanted to use, but then they realized that leveling would either make no difference (because you could buy all skills pretty quickly) or it would happen so slowly you'd barely notice it. The problem with what is in the game currently is that while there are a limited number of skill slots, you really only have enough points to fully level up the 9 skills that can fit in the skill slots once you get to level 35. So you never actually have the opportunity to have to decide which skills to use. They should have either made skill points more abundant, in order to give you options, or just did away with the skill slots entirely and used Witcher 2's tree system. The leveling system as it is is a weird compromise between 2 different ideas that does neither terribly well.
Regarding difficulty, it's not at all a difficult game. But at the same time, it's also easy to die quickly if you aren't paying attention.
According to one of the devs they originally meant for skills to be single point investments and the skill slot equipping system to add to the "preparing for a contract monster" feel. I find that was a huge mistake, not only the slot system felt metagame-ish and made character progression feel less rewarding as most unlocked skills went to waste for lack of slots, but it was already the alchemy system's job to give you that "witcher contract preparations" feel(which was made entirely optional even on hardest difficulty).I also really hate the leveling system. I don't see the point of limiting the number of skills you can have equipped if each of those skills are going to have to be leveled 3 to 5 times for them to be powerful. It seems like their original intent was to force you to choose which skills you wanted to use, but then they realized that leveling would either make no difference (because you could buy all skills pretty quickly) or it would happen so slowly you'd barely notice it.
I hope they finally let us create our own character and move away from Geralt etc.
I liked Geralt's happy ending in Blood and Wine. Retires with his own vineyard, love interest or Ciri there with him.
Seems like Yen's use of the trial of the grasses suggests that more Witchers are going to be created.
Ciri is OP to the point of being boring.No first person, but yes female protagonist this time please, Ciri being the obvious choice.
Yeah, do something about cutscenes, but I'm not sure what you mean by meaningful exploration. You mean like being paid to scout or something?