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The Witcher 3 mods


Mar 28, 2014
Got back to W3EE, had to restart game because my saves went somewhere to piss off.
I completely forgot how bad hitboxes of monster attacks were until i again started to fight that fucking Griffin.

Like literally it can hit you from meter away just by looking at you, those leaps also are fucking joke as just touching feather hits you. In the end i did what i did last time, instead of fighting it upclose i just showered it with bolts + oil for bleeding. Common ghouls fucked up me for last 2 hours, i got rusty as hell.

I hope that someone will fix those hitboxes sometimes in future because with fixed hitboxes it would be pretty amazing combat.


sunset tequila
Mar 27, 2016
Disco Elysium
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Tbh i am getting bored too. First of all the game isnt exactly replayable, and while the mod itself is impressive, especially the first few hours, in the end the bulk of the game is still same old. There are still problems like you say. Thinking of just uninstalling tbh.


Mar 28, 2014
Well most of quest do have alternative endings and there are so many of them that even me after finishing 2 playtroughs didn't see all of them nor i explored most of map (i never saw most of Skellinge for an example).

The main problem is that making those alternative choices are hard as player is role-playing Geralt instead of yourself and what kind of character you want to be. Then there is limited combat depth. W3EE enhances that greatly but it is still mostly swinging sword around.
Dec 5, 2010
The game's replay value lies in the different content you see when you pick different dialog choices/different quest paths/outcomes on a replay.

IMO modding the game to increase the amount of time spent going through the type of content that doesn't change on repeated playthroughs (such as combat/looting/inventory management) isn't the best fit for repeat playthroughs.
Feb 11, 2007
I'm playing with it right now, and it's somewhere between EE and vanilla in terms of changes. Biggest difference is that it keeps the vanilla character system mostly intact, with levels (none of that invulnerable monsters bullshit if they overlevel you though), skills that you can freely choose but limited slots to activate them. In keeping with the vanilla It also has far more loot lying around, though unlike vanilla really expensive components can't just be found in every hovel. It's also recommended to be used with Preparations mod that fixes alchemy (not to the autistic level of EE, but just so that you need to refill you potions / oils / bombs when you used them). Careful if you plan to use both these mods, you need to read installation instructions on Ghost nexus page.

Personally, I like it much better than EE, probably because Gerald actually gets noticeably stronger as I keep playing. Like EE, it also comes with its own options to customize it.
Feb 11, 2007
Well, I'm sure they've been rebalanced, just don't ask me about details. It's been years since I played a vanilla game.

I do swap weapons every couple of levels or so for something better. Armor, not so much, but that's because I prefer a witcher set bonus.

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