By the way Mr Yarpen, can I get a turkey sandwich sent to my address? I already registered my Witcher copy.
Grassy gnoll? Did it hit the gazebo?Azael said:Also, there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll!
DU's crusade is nothing compared to the mad rampage of Merilinda:Merilinda said:I finally decided to check out the inof on Witcher that sounded kind of cool. And what do I see? The same old, the same old. Pre-defined character, and a male. Gah. End of story for me, that's for sure. How difficult is to plug a char-gen and alter a story for a female lead? But, no, no, no. Forget it. Only real manly men play computer games. Argh!!!!
I signed up for their crappy browser game. Never got any spam from them.DarkUnderlord said:Pop quiz: How many people <s>signed up for spam from the marketing department</s> registered their game? Because I didn't. I never have and have no intention of starting to register my games.
Finding out I needed to register the game in order to "reduce load times" for a game that had such long load times I thought "fuck it, I'll play it later when they patch them" is a slap in DU's face.
DU doesn't expect to have to pay for patches and then be told it's a good thing by an army of fanbois.
Everyone who's bought The Witcher can simply download the EE for free. After spending one fucking minute on registering the original copy to verify that they actually own it. It's free like every patch for a Stardock game is free. Free meaning it doesn't cost you fucking money. And it's self-financed because no publisher wanted to pay for all the new VOs. My guess is they would have if it had looked like a good business opportunity.DarkUnderlord said:If by "self-financed" you mean "they're re-couping their costs by selling the Game of the Year Edition" then I'd agree with you. If this was self-financed and really for free, then why can't everyone who's bought The Witcher simply download the EE changes as a patch? Why did you have to register before the EE was released?
No, because if you bought the Collector's Edition, you can get all the additional content for free. Granted, I'd be a little bit pissed off seeing a better version of The Witcher for less with all the content I payed additional money for - but I regard everybody who buys Collector's Editions as idiots anyway so I don't really care. Plus, I got the Collector's Edition for the regular price, 'cause that's how it's been sold here in Poland.So if you bought the Collector's Edition, you can now buy another Collector's Edition for less than what you originally paid. The more astute (and less Polish) amongst you will note that that's not "free". Feeling ripped off much?
You own it, you get it for free.That's definitely one reason why I like to spend more money on a game I've already bought.
The point is, it's not just fixes, it's also additional content, it's self-financed new VOs - and something like that has never been released as a patch for free. While I do agree that it's overhyped, it's still what it is - a patch containing changes no other game developer out there right now would give away for free, or just think of making. And if the hype helps them to sell more, I'm all for it. It'll allow them to develop further titles - and from what I gathered from the interview, they'll be more the Codex way than The Witcher - althouth still action RPGs.You mean the patches? Awesome. I'm glad the latest release comes with all the patches.
And I'm still waiting for my review copy. If I get it, you'll get your non-Polish fanboy review of both, because I'm neither Polish, nor a fanboy. Show me one post where I praised The Witcher like it's the second coming of Jesus? I like it, had a lot of fun playing it, more than playing anything else in the last couple of years - but it's certainly not the best RPG, nor is it perfect. It's a solid action RPG where much of the action is optional, with an interesting setting, great atmosphere, a solid story, some but not enough C&C and, if you got the Polish version, good dialogues. It's got a lot of potential and from what I was told, CD Projekt is about to tap that - and so far I've got no reason to disbelieve them.I'm still waiting on a non-Polish fanboy to provide a review on the actual content of those developer made mods and the construction kit's already been released.
CD Projekt pretty much said they're responsible for the sub-par parts of the game - if they didn't, they pretty much will if I get around to send them my set of questions. Anyway, it wasn't what I was pointing at. Whatever, you're right, CD Projekt, eat shit n die.What? Somebody had to put up with bullshit from evil publishers? Evil publishers who are responsible for the bad translation in the first place? That's terrible. I'm appalled that developers have to put up with people like Evil Publishers™. It's always those Evil Publishers™ that are responsible for making sub-par games that need giant patches.
I'm not. Anyway, nobody has ever given away that GotY-Edition for free to anybody that owned the original. Plus, no GotY-Edition I know has that many changes - like all the fuckin VOs re-recorded.They're re-releasing the same game with a patch and you guys are praising them for it as if no-one else has ever released a Game of the Year Edition before. What gives? Oh right, you're all Polish.
What, you can't sign up now and download the EE tomorrow when it's released world wide?Only if you signed up to their marketing department before the EE was released.
Yeah, because having to register costs you money. If not, it ain't rippin' off. It's a good business model - giving patches only to those that evidently own a copy. Same thing as with Stardock, afaik, and I haven't seen many complain there.Speaking of which, I bought The Witcher but can't get the free goodies because I didn't register. Guess where I can go to get all the Enhanced stuff for free without getting that ripped off feeling? It's okay, CD Projekt are totally awesome and they'd want me to do that.
For now. So what?By the way, location: Poland.
Then again, I don't see anybody here actually praising this new patch - just somebody bitchin' like there's no tomorrow.So is there anyone who's not from Poland around here that's actually singing the praises of this new patch and has finished the game?
DraQ said:Grassy gnoll? Did it hit the gazebo?Azael said:Also, there was a second shooter on the grassy knoll!
Wyrmlord said:Come to think of it, DU...
The only people who love Witcher so much are the Polish zealots. Ever. I have literally heard many copy-paste opinions on the internet that basically go "The Witcher is the greatest RPG ever made and I am not biased because I am Polish."
And nobody ever really specified what exactly it is that they like about the Witcher. They just say that it's a good game.
And when they DO mention anything about it, they mention the BAD stuff, and say the game is good DESPITE it.
:raises hand:DarkUnderlord said:So is there anyone who's not from Poland around here that's actually singing the praises of this new patch and has finished the game?
The latter.Admiral jimbob said:Did I have to register my game before the EE's release in order to download it, or is DU just gibbering again?
I don't really give a fuck about this shitty debate, but are you seriously complaining that you have to register to their site before you can download stuff?DarkUnderlord said:Pop quiz: How many people <s>signed up for spam from the marketing department</s> registered their game? Because I didn't. I never have and have no intention of starting to register my games.
But you don't have to pay for the witcher patches if you don't own the game.Matt7895 said:DU you fucking liar, you don't need to pay for any of the Witcher patches if you already own the game.
The best bit about the game is the choices, which aren't obviously good or evil like they are in the other RPGs. Instead you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, with the consequences of a choice only becoming apparent much later on in the game - by which time it's too late to do change them.
Ugh. That sounds horrible! I don't want my gameplay restricted by choices where the outcome isn't apparent until hours later and I'm forced to do lengthy replays to get the full experience I paid for. Bad!
Last year i bought a legel copy from the hut of the original witcher.
Around 8 months later atari said i had downloaded it and tried to blackmail me for £550.
This problem was only fixed when another member of eurogamer helped pay my solictor fees to get Atari of my back.
:shock:WhiskeyWolf said:I just took a look at the Eurogamers review... and the comments, I found this gem:
The best bit about the game is the choices, which aren't obviously good or evil like they are in the other RPGs. Instead you're stuck between a rock and a hard place, with the consequences of a choice only becoming apparent much later on in the game - by which time it's too late to do change them.
Ugh. That sounds horrible! I don't want my gameplay restricted by choices where the outcome isn't apparent until hours later and I'm forced to do lengthy replays to get the full experience I paid for. Bad!
Somehow this just seems like an unbelievably stupid attack on TW...WhiskeyWolf said:The is also something about Atari and a Lawsuit
Last year i bought a legel copy from the hut of the original witcher.
Around 8 months later atari said i had downloaded it and tried to blackmail me for £550.
This problem was only fixed when another member of eurogamer helped pay my solictor fees to get Atari of my back.
It's not only him, the few first comments say something similar, has Atari done something, AGAIN?Vaarna_Aarne said:Somehow this just seems like an unbelievably stupid attack on TW...WhiskeyWolf said:The is also something about Atari and a Lawsuit
Last year i bought a legel copy from the hut of the original witcher.
Around 8 months later atari said i had downloaded it and tried to blackmail me for £550.
This problem was only fixed when another member of eurogamer helped pay my solictor fees to get Atari of my back.