Wow sounds like the real question is how did they even manage to make one good game out of these terrible books?
By retconning them

. Geralt coming back to the Northen Kingdoms at all is a retcon, the books are clear that he’s never seen again after dying the first time. If you’re a lore autist then CDPR has been dumping on the books with every game. Ciri is special because she’s unique, but they introduced another Child of the Elder Blood in W1 with Alvin. The fact that it takes until W2 for anyone to tell Geralt about Yen and Ciri is insane if you’ve read the books, that would be the first thing Dandalion asks about. All the monsters that are so prevalent in the games is lorebreaking, by the time of the books the only thing left to kill for Witchers are Drowners and nekkers. Yet somehow a freaking Kraken shows up in W2. Monsters are all over the place and there’s plenty of Witcher work to be done - because it would be boring as hell otherwise.
And then there’s W3 which is utterly inreconcilable with the books. Ciri being Emhyr’s daughter was a secret he was prepared to kill Geralt and Yen at the end of the books to keep, he wasn’t going to make her his heir. His plan was to marry and impregnate her because her
son is supposed to be the one who will save the world from the White Frost. That’s also why the Wild Hunt elves want her, their king was supposed to impregnate her, but he couldn’t keep his cock hard because he hates humans so much and OD on asporadic (no joke this is legit what happens) to compensate. Yet in W3 everyone knows Ciri is Emhyr’s kid and no one talks about the prophecy regarding her child. There’s no way to reconcile that with the books.
Oh and letting you have the choice to break up Geralt and Yen for good in W3 so he can shag Triss is the kind of thing that would put ol’ Sap in his grave if he gave a damn about Witcher beyond using it to make vodka money.
Point being if you’re being autistic over them breaking with canon - these games have never been anything other than fan fic. Well made fan fic (occasionally), certainly better than Netflix, but no less willing to break from the books. Far as Sap is concerned the story ended with the books, Geralt, Yen, and Ciri were never seen by their friends again after they left, and that is the end.