This is the same studio that employs troons and gives menstrual leave. This development was inevitable.
I know, but have found it
absolutely bizarre, considering the studio is Polish. Eastern European people are not sheltered western cucks, Eastern Europe is absolutely brutal, I can't imagine how you become a virtue-signalling delusional cuck and survive.
Also, Eastern European women are some of the most egoistic, brazenly mercantile and unsophisticated women to walk the Earth, they destroy you the moment the sense any weakness and have no concept of loyalty. Here, the only way to surtive is to assume every woman is a self-interested worthless whore. Eastern European women are the type of women who would leave you if you lost a street fight, or even sprain your ankle, because they see you as weak and subhuman.
How can you become a woke moron, or even respect women, when living in such place? Absolutely bizarre.
Furthermore, women don't have the mentality needed for efficient conduct of fighting, battle, or war. Reflexes, pain tolerance, narrow focus on a singular target, strategic mindset, tactical mindset, reveling in the blood of your enemies, aggression - these all come with testosterone and balls.
Sadly, with declining testosterone levels, men have become increasingly incapable of any of the above. Soon, a man doing this will be just as fictional as a woman doing it.