Child of Malkav
Can he be killed? He's like the Satan of the universe.O'Dimm.
Can he be killed? He's like the Satan of the universe.O'Dimm.
When did you turn into the second lamest troll on this forum? Every single post of yours is a lame-ass trollbaitLara is selling point of Tomb Raider. Geraldo isn't the selling point of The Witcher.Tomb Raider started with a woman as the protagonist and kept a woman in the role of protagonist with every subsequent game. That courtesy doesn't often extend to franchises with an established male lead these days.
They are often retired or killed off and replaced with a woman.
You can go to various DEI pages for various companies committed to the cause and read through their policies of subversion. Sometimes it is subtle. Other times it is not - though they love and frequently seek to shove women into roles that do not suit them at the expense of men.
To the point where many games, even those not obviously compromised, now have women serving as city guards, blacksmiths, engineers, construction workers, military leaders and so on. Do exceptions exist in the real world? Certainly - but they are very few and far between and it is overwhelmingly men who shed blood, sweat and tears.
I know a decent number of men who do not care for the idea of playing as women in video games as a personal preference, myself included. Though there is a healthy balance to be struck and one that is no longer respected. In recent years there has been a sharp rise in the number of female protagonists. A game that goes the fan service route like Stellar Blade will sell much more than Concord or Dustborn by virtue of not having an ugly protagonist but it still won't prove as successful as, say, Black Myth: Wukong which has a monkey as a protagonist because...again, most gamers want to play male characters.
She didn't get paid: fail.What failure? She killed the monster that required sacrifices. No more sacrifices.You know the writing will be terrible just going with what was shown in the trailer. Before nu-Ciri kills the big bad demon he tells her she can't change anything. 3 doritos later and the girl is dead. Meaning the demon was actually right.
Instead of reflecting on her actions in the face of obvious failure she lashes out on the peasants with the "you're the real monsters!" line. You just failed the mission, go back to Witcher school and learn to wipe your own ass before trying to lecture anybody. But at no point there's any sign of regret or guilt, is all about ME and how COOL I am. Psychopathic behavior.
If they can't be consistent in a 6 minutes trailer, there's no way they will be able to write an 80 hour-long story without it falling apart.
Nu CDPR is no different then nu obsidian or nu bioware or nu blizzard or any other AAA trash. I am amazed that so many people are still expecting anything half decent from w4.![]()
Good riddance, Polaks can't have shit, it's their natural element.
Yeah, and on top of that, Ciri represents some of the least enjoyable gameplay in the previous title, to say nothing of her association with endless hours of padding in the main quest, the finest moments of which coincidentally occur in Act 1, before Geralt really fixates on the search for Ciri (and before the player is forced to participate in any of her glorified cut scenes). "We made a whole game around the worst parts of Witcher 3" doesn't strike me as an especially compelling marketing campaign--irrespective of all the justifiable concerns about the developers' ideological baggage, the studio's work culture, or the internal logic of the lore/storyline.I remember when “they should naje Ciri the new protagonist” was a fan theory I used to openly laugh at, because it sounded complete nonsense and too retarded to work both narratively and mechanically.
A character that comes with all the restrictions and limitations of the previous one in terms of being already too tied to pre-established narrative to be really flexible, PLUS she brings her own baggage of being too “lore-unfriendly” to work in the role of roaming witcher.
Congratulations CDPR, you are operating at “unhinged fanfiction” level at this point.
If anyone coudl threaten him, it'd be the Lady of Space and Time.Can he be killed? He's like the Satan of the universe.O'Dimm.
Dude, no. On the contrary, W3's world was utterly EMPTY and you could be sure that there would be fuck all on said mountain unless there was a map marker on it. Said map marker would mean that you will see some trashmobs there along with some generic loot, that's it. Open world was easily one of the weakest aspects of Witcher 3. Only in the DLCs did they put some effort into it so that the locations had some narrative behind them and usually had the world react to them getting cleared or made them part of some larger goal (such as rebuilding the statue). But main game? Engaging with the open world was an utter waste of the player's time.CDPR took Todd Howard's boast, "see that mountain, you can climb it," and added a tantalizing possibility that there might actually be something interesting on the mountain.
Like, there's little to disagree on the compromising stuff and all, but I'd say that connecting DEI and subtlety would be more of a making mountain out of a molehill than anything.Tomb Raider started with a woman as the protagonist and kept a woman in the role of protagonist with every subsequent game. That courtesy doesn't often extend to franchises with an established male lead these days.
They are often retired or killed off and replaced with a woman.
You can go to various DEI pages for various companies committed to the cause and read through their policies of subversion. Sometimes it is subtle. Other times it is not - though they love and frequently seek to shove women into roles that do not suit them at the expense of men.
To the point where many games, even those not obviously compromised, now have women serving as city guards, blacksmiths, engineers, construction workers, military leaders and so on. Do exceptions exist in the real world? Certainly - but they are very few and far between and it is overwhelmingly men who shed blood, sweat and tears.
I know a decent number of men who do not care for the idea of playing as women in video games as a personal preference, myself included. Though there is a healthy balance to be struck and one that is no longer respected. In recent years there has been a sharp rise in the number of female protagonists. A game that goes the fan service route like Stellar Blade will sell much more than Concord or Dustborn by virtue of not having an ugly protagonist but it still won't prove as successful as, say, Black Myth: Wukong which has a monkey as a protagonist because...again, most gamers want to play male characters.
There's a significant difference between that kind of "progressive" and the modern concept of progressive, or what people call "woke". Ignoring the vegetarianism, those are just healthy practices. "Woke" people sure as hell don't promote being healthy. Maybe they'll make a big show out of it, but nothing they promote is actually healthy. One of their core tenets is the promotion of the mentally unhealthy. And since environmentalism was mentioned earlier, it's far in the background compared to identity politics for modern progressives. They'll mention it, but they have zero interest in practicing it. It's all about electric cars or lab-grown meat. Countries like China? Politicians or celebrities with their own private jets? Mega corporations? Not a fucking peep. Most of these supposed leftists are in bed with the megacorps or rich scumbags because they put up a rainbow flag on twatter.Maybe woke is not the right word.Protecting endangered species is woke now?Even in short stories published in the 80's there were mages caring about preservation of endangered species against the will of unwashed masses.
See - Sapkowski was woke before it was cool.
Adolf Hitler, who introduced the first environmental protection laws would be very dissapointed by people confusing his work with those of queer dangerhairs.
Uncle Adi was a vegetarian, didn't smoke, avoided alcohol, approved tons of health regulations based on scientific research. 'Lebensborn' does not exactly fit the 'traditional family model'. He was definitely progressive.
But Western words such as 'woke' or 'progressive' are only inaccurate approximations when confronted with true Slav mentality:
I think it's a matter of perspective. Witcher 3's map certainly features generic filler encounters. It's also true that Witcher 3's absolutely garbage-tier itemization hurt exploration. But the game also has just enough highly polished side quests lurking around to give the player a sense of what-will-happen-around-this-bend that simply doesn't exist in e.g. Skyrim. The monster quests alone shit all over most things you can find in Todd Howard's Viking-themed playground.Dude, no. On the contrary, W3's world was utterly EMPTY and you could be sure that there would be fuck all on said mountain unless there was a map marker on it. Said map marker would mean that you will see some trashmobs there along with some generic loot, that's it. Open world was easily one of the weakest aspects of Witcher 3. Only in the DLCs did they put some effort into it so that the locations had some narrative behind them and usually had the world react to them getting cleared or made them part of some larger goal (such as rebuilding the statue). But main game? Engaging with the open world was an utter waste of the player's time.CDPR took Todd Howard's boast, "see that mountain, you can climb it," and added a tantalizing possibility that there might actually be something interesting on the mountain.
To me, open world is open world, side content is side content – completely separate baskets to compare. After all, you can have side quests even without an open world (but you can't have POIs without it). But fair enough, I do agree that W3's quests were it's strong point. In fact, I'd say the game was built mostly on their backs, since everything else was shit. It's a hallmark of CDPR at this point – the game systems are poor, but the presentation is very strong and you're surrounded by eye candy. Style over substance for certain, but even style has its value. Unfortunately, it seems the style is about to nosedive as well with W4, if the trailer is anything to go by.I think it's a matter of perspective. Witcher 3's map certainly features generic filler encounters. It's also true that Witcher 3's absolutely garbage-tier itemization hurt exploration. But the game also has just enough highly polished side quests lurking around to give the player a sense of what-will-happen-around-this-bend that simply doesn't exist in e.g. Skyrim. The monster quests alone shit all over most things you can find in Todd Howard's Viking-themed playground.Dude, no. On the contrary, W3's world was utterly EMPTY and you could be sure that there would be fuck all on said mountain unless there was a map marker on it. Said map marker would mean that you will see some trashmobs there along with some generic loot, that's it. Open world was easily one of the weakest aspects of Witcher 3. Only in the DLCs did they put some effort into it so that the locations had some narrative behind them and usually had the world react to them getting cleared or made them part of some larger goal (such as rebuilding the statue). But main game? Engaging with the open world was an utter waste of the player's time.CDPR took Todd Howard's boast, "see that mountain, you can climb it," and added a tantalizing possibility that there might actually be something interesting on the mountain.
You're absolutely right that POI chasing in Witcher 3 isn't rewarding. And I'm on record saying that Witcher 3 is overrated generally--cursed with bad gameplay, boring RPG progression mechanics, poor character-build variety, and an extremely over-padded main storyline, the length of which compounds all of the aforementioned problems. Overall, I'm not even convinced that W3 is a better game than Skyrim. But if your argument is that Skyrim had more or better polished side content, then I just can't agree. Side content is W3's overwhelming strength. The game's problem is that it doesn't have much else going for it.
And yeah, the DLC were a big incline too, but again, they were just an improvement on the same formula--narrative heavy, highly polished, "cinematic" presentation interspersed with braindead Witcher-vision puzzles and dodge-roll-spam combat--but more focused (and with less Ciri, lol).
Hm, maybe. Except she hasn't demonstrated any time related abilities whereas Gaunter just stops time by clapping and kills some dude with a spoon. Even the Unseen Elder wouldn't be able to do much.If anyone coudl threaten him, it'd be the Lady of Space and Time.
The Witcher 3 was written with the idea that some beings were simply too powerful for Geralt to defeat. I do not expect such nuance from the sequel - it'll fall back on the same lazy tropes infesting the genre as a whole. Ciri being so powerful is in itself what makes her a boring protagonist next to Geralt. Realistically, she'll never find peace due to the nature of her powers as there will be those seeking to exploit them and endanger those close to her. As...we saw during her segments in the previous game.Hm, maybe. Except she hasn't demonstrated any time related abilities whereas Gaunter just stops time by clapping and kills some dude with a spoon. Even the Unseen Elder wouldn't be able to do much.
A girlboss with daddy issues and expectations placed on her, she was "fated" to save/sacrifice herself for the world. The trailer even directly addresses this, with the village girl being "fated" to sacrifice herself for the good of a male-dominated society. Breaking free from that and being OP for her own sake without the shakles of patriarchal society is a necessary step in ascending to the Mary Sue enlightenment.She was already a girlboss in Witcher 3 with extremely op powers.
Especially here.Nu CDPR is no different then nu obsidian or nu bioware or nu blizzard or any other AAA trash. I am amazed that so many people are still expecting anything half decent from w4.![]()
Good riddance, Polaks can't have shit, it's their natural element.
Funny you bring that up because not enough people played Thronebreaker. Gwent-based gameplay aside I believe that game demonstrates CDPR could write a strong female protagonist without coming across as obnoxious. Then again that team apparently broke off and formed their own studio so fuck it.A strong woman breaks free from conformity and economical, traditional, or gendered roles and is strong because of it. The girlboss archetype necessitates that the girl be opposed to any roles men would want her to have. It will be brought up that she could be queen of the whole continent if she wanted to and she'd be the best queen ever, but saving the village girls is more important for her so that's what she'll do instead.