
You can look at it from both ways.They removed the cards, but added fairly explicit sex scenes in TW2. So it was a point towards mature and against politically correct.True, removing the cards is not mature, just politically correct.
There was something edgy and gamey about collecting sex cards - souvenirs from each conquest. It created a drive to 'collect them all' which meant fucking all these women to see all the card designs, regardless of the plot.
Sex scenes in W2/3 were fairly explicit by gaming standards, but rather vanilla compared to what cinema and tv of the 90s and early 2000s offered. Sex in latter Witchers wasn't as gamified and there was no deliberate motivation to collect all the girls. Romance options were usually tied to the main plot (with the exception of brothels) and it was up to the player whether to engage in another tryst and perhaps suffer the consequences later (remember what happened when you tried to romance both Yen and Triss?).
I think the way they handled sex was more politically correct in the latter Witchers. Women whom you could romance got more dialogue, agency, sometimes even an option to refuse Geralt if he messed up in the past. In Witcher 1 they were mostly just there to be fucked and provide a card.
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