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Wizardry The Wizardry Series Thread


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
I really tried to like Wizardry 6, but no map is a huge disadvantage! All the dungeons look exactly the same, without a map I can't find where I am. At the same time, there are no maps which can indicate where I am on the map so I get lost very easily. Can I get the ring if I start from Wizardry 7 instead?


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
Seriously? With the exception of the Dwarven Mines, I thought Wiz 6 was fairly simply laid out and it was a great game.

I'm not a Wizardry expert, but so far as I know, the ring is only in 6.
To be completely honest with you, that ring is the only reason keeping me from playing Wiz 7. If it weren't for that ring, I'd be playing from wiz 7 to 8, but I heard from Jaesun and octavius that it's supposed to be really important, plus I really want to experience the number of endings that Wiz 8 has.


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
You're supposed to draw your own map

If you aren't bothered that pressing back turns around instead of backpedalling then nothing should bother you in WIZ6
Come on, seriously? I mean I get that part of the fun of Wiz 6 is the maps, but this is just extremely tedious. I'm surprised no one has ever tried implementing an auto-map into Wiz 6. The SNES version is much clearer though, so it's likely to get lost in that version.


Jun 4, 2009
Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Really guy? You never drew your own maps for shit? I even drew a map for Ultima 6 and I think it actually came with one. I just wanted to mark the reagent spots or something.

I still have dozens of pages of maps and info about Magic Candle somewhere I think. This was before intertubes.

Speaking of intertoobs. There are probably maps out there for it.


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
Really guy? You never drew your own maps for shit? I even drew a map for Ultima 6 and I think it actually came with one. I just wanted to mark the reagent spots or something.

I still have dozens of pages of maps and info about Magic Candle somewhere I think. This was before intertubes.

Speaking of intertoobs. There are probably maps out there for it.
I can draw maps, but that's not the point. The point is, why should I, when there are so many better ways that could've been done?
Sep 29, 2012
Project: Eternity
Realistically, if you don't have the patience for VI, VII won't really be up your alley either. There isn't really any particular ease-of-use in the series until 8. I used online maps as a reference in VI. Like you, I've been spoiled by today's automaps. To be honest, though, its really not all that tough to determine where you are once you have a rough layout of the level in your mind (which I did, after referring to those external maps a few times).

Don't cop out, mang. Bela needs you.


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
I am fucking shocked that the idea of using a walkthrough didn't enter your head.
I need a map, not a walkthrough to spoil every bit of the game and make it extremely easy.
The walkthrough gives you maps and tells you where you start. You don't need to read all of it.
The maps are the exact same, none of you are even trying to listen to what I'm saying! What i want is an indicator to show where my character is on the map, the internet already has an abundance of maps, but none of them have indicators.


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Oct 14, 2012
You do know that you can go back and forth between looking at the map and playing the game, right? If that is too much for you, you really should not be playing Wiz6 or any other RPG from that era.


Nov 21, 2010
Codex Year of the Donut
I am fucking shocked that the idea of using a walkthrough didn't enter your head.
I need a map, not a walkthrough to spoil every bit of the game and make it extremely easy.
The walkthrough gives you maps and tells you where you start. You don't need to read all of it.
The maps are the exact same, none of you are even trying to listen to what I'm saying! What i want is an indicator to show where my character is on the map, the internet already has an abundance of maps, but none of them have indicators.
I'm with you! The only thing keeping me from completing Wiz 6 is a quest compass! What a pile of shit!


Jan 4, 2005
Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Codex Year of the Donut I'm very into cock and ball torture
You know, to give a bit of a more helpful answer, I just ran around until I memorized the layout of a place. Fortunately Wizardry 6 dungeons are pretty small (even the infamous mines) so if you just keep slamming your head into a wall you'll eventually know where you are based on land-marks and turns and door positions.

If you don't know where you are right now you'll have to do what you'd do if you were lost with your car somewhere: stare at the map until you find something that is familiar, then figure out your location from there. There's a spell to help with that (arcane eye, maybe?). Or just keep wandering around.

Where are you stuck right now? The mines or the pyramid would be my guess?

You can try using a save-game editor to cheat yourself the ring in 7 but- this won't set certain flags that you may want to set. I'm not 100% sure on this but the Bela encounter in 8 may or may not play out differently depending on if you got the ring in 6 or not. But it probably doesn't matter; as long as you have it. Even without it I can tell you first-hand you aren't missing much. It's more of a cherry on top for people who kept their old savegame. A sentimental "Wow, they remembered and thought of this? And now they're rewarding me for finally returning this thing? Awesome!" moment.

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