this fucking hall of the past is so goddamn anal
aaaaaaaaand back to new city to get a thingamabob from vi
Lol, finishing the game at the same time. Space robots get vaporized with my Light Sabre plus by this point you should be around lvl 27+ and therefore relatively safe from the robots (they're only lvl 24).
...Should we tell him?
Lol, finishing the game at the same time. Space robots get vaporized with my Light Sabre plus by this point you should be around lvl 27+ and therefore relatively safe from the robots (they're only lvl 24).
Finally. I thought I was the only person who thought the conversation systems in 6/7 was pretty half-bakedThe conversation system and NPC interaction in Wiz7 is just horrid. The only thing any NPC says outside of a very few specific quests is if you ask them about a specific faction they will say if they like/dislike them. That's it. Compare that to Wiz8 where everyone yammers on about all sorts of things. Everyone in Arnika has all kinds of tidbits of information for the player to follow up on. This isn't even a new idea, older games like the freaking Ultimas or The Magic Candle had way better dialogue/clue systems.
I think I was only Level 22 or 23 when I finished it.
The conversation system and NPC interaction in Wiz7 is just horrid.
Dude...Wiz7 offered a VAST range of interaction options for 1992 standards. Not only you could talk to almost any NPC, you had a gazillion different things you can do - trade, lore, truce, bribe etc. It was absolutely revolutionary. It was cosmic miles ahead of the rest of the genre (at least I don't know of any games with richer NPC interactions). Sure you have to type shit in but remember, in 1992 a mouse was a brand new gadget.
"...It's brother T'Shober!"
*Horrible music plays*
But that goes to my suspicions oid Wizardries were intentionally obtuse as fuck to render your playthrough without a guide a pointless exercise in frustration so you eventually give up and buy the cluebook or call the paid help line.
Dude...Wiz7 offered a VAST range of interaction options for 1992 standards. Not only you could talk to almost any NPC, you had a gazillion different things you can do - trade, lore, truce, bribe etc. It was absolutely revolutionary. It was cosmic miles ahead of the rest of the genre (at least I don't know of any games with richer NPC interactions). Sure you have to type shit in but remember, in 1992 a mouse was a brand new gadget.
Ultima 6 came out 2 years before Wiz 7, and its NPCs are approximately 100 billion times more interesting, immersive, and relevant to the fucking game than Wiz7's map locator bots.
Plus there's nothing in any other game as annoying as:
" hear a horrible wailing."
"...It's coming closer."
"...It's brother T'Shober!"
*Horrible music plays*
*17 more lines of unskippable text plays*
LOL D.W. Bradley is SO FUNNY guys!
Wiz7's NPC ideas may have been slightly novel in their implementation, but maybe the reason no one designs NPCs like this before or since is because they were bad ideas.
"...It's brother T'Shober!"
*Horrible music plays*
EDIT : I wanted the linked video to start at said horrible music (37 seconds in) but couldn't figure out how to do it. Could someone enlighten me on the right procedure ?
Ultima 6 came out 2 years before Wiz 7, and its NPCs are approximately 100 billion times more interesting, immersive, and relevant to the fucking game than Wiz7's map locator bots.
Plus there's nothing in any other game as annoying as:
" hear a horrible wailing."
"...It's coming closer."
"...It's brother T'Shober!"
*Horrible music plays*
*17 more lines of unskippable text plays*
LOL D.W. Bradley is SO FUNNY guys!
Wiz7's NPC ideas may have been slightly novel in their implementation, but maybe the reason no one designs NPCs like this before or since is because they were bad ideas.
Or lack of fully voiced characters, never forget how important that is to some people
Under the video, click on share and then click on the box that says "start at" and the time.
First of all, nobody sane plays the game with the audio on if they want to keep their sanity. It slows the game down and also, well, they're 1992 sounds. And the battle fanfare repetition would drive you to a school shooting after a while. That said - anyone trying to claim any part of Steve Miller's epic Wiz7 soundtrack is horrible automatically removes himself from the adult conversation. The music itself is legendary tier, notwithstanding the repetition and technical limitations.
And second, I've never really played Ultima 6. Or any Ultimas before and after. And not for lack of trying. You're right, the NPC interactions were done better, now I vaguely remember. But almost everything else about the games always felt terribly banal bland boring to me.
I tried to get into U7, supposedly the best one, unsuccessfully many times and I think I know what's so offputting for me - Ultimas are much more focused on the "story" and game world interactions instead of exploration, character development and combat (which has always been Wizardry focus). The problem is that story, dialogues, characters etc. are shit in Ultima VII. It's also shit in all the other Ultimas and in Wizardry 7 and all the other Wizardries and basically every single RPG except PST (any maybe Mass Effect 1 and the Witchers). Ninety nine percent of RPGs from the dawn of man up until now had idiotic, infantile story and characters that would be a complete embarrassment for the creators if they came out in a novel or a movie.
So if you try to make a game focused more on NPCs and story and less on combat/exploration/chardev, you're bound to fail. I chalk up most of the lasting popularity of Ultimas to nostalgia. People played it back in the day and thought the story was good because it was good for the cRPG standards. But measured by all the other standards it's bad fanfiction tier at best. But if you instead try to make a combat/exploration heavy game, not focusing too much on fleshing out the world lore and characters, you can make a masterpiece. Even though a few people will then trash it on forums for not having good characters.
Goddamn it, started a playthrough with Achebur's mod but ran into the Vi Domina bug. Apparently if you release someone in Arnika before saving her she'll disappear forever. And of course all my saves are either too old or too new. Is there a workaround? Have I just borked my game or she isn't an essential character? Can't remember anymore.