Never was a big fan of tiled games, but after traveling around Wiz7 And doing stuff like navigating around, swimming, climbing down a mountain, avoiding pits in dungeons and sliding, fighting giant fish on river, looking how tiles get added and removed (like T'Rang exploding Umpani base) jumping and falling through levels, and appreciating overall connectivity of the world, it seems like it was a big mistake to abandon this technology. It's entirely possible to combine M&M like houses with animations, maybe even dialogue trees together with parser (like Fallout did it), increase complexity of combat like Wiz7 has with it's stealth like say magic shields (Stranger of Sword City does it right?) and with the help of modern graffix make some big worlds in that style. Nowadays it's mostly indie made dungeon crawlers, not big worlds like this.
Someone somewhere decided that tech should be abandoned in favor of what looks more catchy and modern, but tech is just tech, what matters is how you use it. Instead today we have Grimrock and japanese dungeon crawlers, so basically have the form, but only grindy combat games use this form. That's too bad.
(Yes there's Grimoire but that's a different lvl99 many eyed beast of it's own)
Also it really downs on me what a retard I become by playing modern games and expecting everything to hold my hand. Like when I don't stack up on resurrect potions moment I see some thinking "eh ill reload" or "eh will probably find some later". Yeah. Whatever I found I used them up and yes they cost 3000 gold but I should have bought some. But after playing some games where consumables are plenty *cough* poe *cough* I somehow thought it was okay to go on a long mountain climb and fight some giants and don't buy at least bunch of potions maybe. Because everything is always supposed to be plentiful, right?
I feel like wiz7 sucked this shit out from my wound like a poison it is. Of course you buy potions. Of course you pick the most well rounded spell selection with as many affliction removing and protection spells possible. Even stamina restoration is useful for navigating rivers and such. That just makes sense. Well, in normal rpgs.