Alright, I am FUCKED. Good news is, I have my back against a wall, the bad news is I am boxed in by 7 juggernauts and 4 rank weeds. These niggers have me surrounded, and I have lost combat twice, taking a total of two hours, making me NOT want to play since I can't save between rounds.
My party is listed above.
I have a lightning rod, quite a few items, tons of alchemist spells, and so far, nothing useful except insanity and a couple items on my psi.
My front line is valkyrie, monk, samurai, but they can't even hit.
Between keeping me nauseated, poisoned, unconscious, and generally FUCKED, I cannot seem to beat these guys. Faerie dust? Check. One cherry bomb? Check. Plenty of heals? Check.
My party's around level 10.
If I reload, I cannot get away, so I am forced to face this, but I do not want to waste another two hours with bullshit that won't let me save. I have had a group wipe twice, and no salvation, the first time none of my spells misfired and I had them down to two guys, one of them at 17 life.
My alchemist has nauseating what-the-fuck-ever, whipping rocks, and the fiery shield that surrounds the party. My other character's spells are negligible, though I've messed around a bit, they are all two low to be useful besides terror (monk), and heals (valkyrie), both very low level.
Any chance of success? Again, tips.
PS: What makes me mad is I can't even fight back against these guys! FUCKING UNCONSCIOUS MOST OF THE TIME. I have smelling salts, 3 of them, on my valkyrie, but it takes a round to use. Not that it matters, I can't hit these fuckers without spells, so I have 3 meatshields.